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World Government Failing To Deliver Unity and Peace

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine)

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World governments failing to deliver unity and peace - by Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)

World governments failing to deliver unity and peace.

Perhaps world governments fail to deliver unity and peace because they leave spirit out of the equation.

Perhaps world governments fail to deliver unity and peace because they leave God out of the equation.

Perhaps world governments fail to deliver unity and peace because they encourage separation of the people.

Our star family is telling us that we must live through a bit more chaos so that the Light can ground itself.

We are encouraged by our star family to prepare ourselves to Light the way to each other´s hearts through our examples.

As we Light the way, it´s natural and expected to shed all fears.

As we Light the way, it´s natural to treat each other as equals and as  family.

Is it possible that the world satanic bankers would shut down the electronic banking system very very soon? Ask your heart.

Is it possible that you are being called to prepare for this coming times by Sananda which billions know as Jesus? Ask your heart.

Even the bible says that Jesus will return in 2000 years bearing a new´s now been 2000 years since Jesus was here has it not?

Is it possible that Sananda Esu Jesus has evolved much in 2000 years and is watching humanity from a spaceship with millions of our star family? Ask your heart.

Is it possible that our star family could take their planetary appearances to a whole new level beyond the brief glimpses of ufos, as has happened in the past? Ask your heart.

Is it possible that regular messages from Higher Beings are being received by other humans and shared directly with you through the internet? Ask your heart.

Is it possible that we can EASILY AND IN JOY, shed our own internal resistance by balancing our bodies through detoxification and the introduction of clean healthy living food? Ask your heart.

Is it possible that we are each being called to release our attachments to this manmade world, so that we can embrace a whole new way of living that involves peace and abundance in collaboration with Higher Beings and our star family?......either you believe with your mind, or you don´t......but instead....ask your heart what it already knows.



Indian in the machine