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Spiritual World Governance Will Become the Norm

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine)

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We're in a 3D and 4D world.

The third dimension and forth dimensions can be thought of as frequencies.  Third dimension is equal measures of Light and dark.  The forth dimension is a shift towards Light.   The fifth dimension is a dimension of only Light, as are very likely the ones thereafter.

Mother earth is transitioning to the fifth dimension.

All inhabitants of mother earth will transit to the fifth dimension or be taken to their next suitable placement on another planet. Perhaps they are ignoring the signs of a cleansing mother earth....continents are slowly shifting, and yet people are still buying real estate along coastlines and creating cities on islands. 


Spiritual world governanace will become the norm.

Satanic governments of the world like canada consist of dark wizards and witches at the top of the pyramid.  They push uranium bombs and power on the world, they allow the military to spray the air with chemtrails. They encourage the masses to poison themselves, spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally and pretend to have healthy balanced intentions. Reptilian worshipping humans do not acknowledge everyone as being children of God, therefore they are no longer useful to humanity as running this planet and our societies.  It's true, the governments put fluoride in the water, so that everyone's third eye would become clouded and unhealthy, and when that happens, one's intuition is greatly reduced, thus putting more reliance on government lies. Put your energy around true spiritual energies by knowing Universal Law and the Laws of Creation, which can be found at  If you haven't read the Phoenix Journals before, check them out. 


Society is cleansing itself of manmade illusions

Notice how suddenly it's as if the world is collapsing upon itself?  This is no accident, this is a plan to enslave humanity.  Each human soul can do the rest of humanity as BIG favour, and learn how to not live in fear.  Fear is normalized within societies, and fear emits energy that perpetrates war, greed and inequality of the world.  Example of the creation of needless fear moments are numerous for example, "Buying a house insurance policy" (Fear of God), "Food shortages" (Can we all not put seed to water and feed ourselves?"), "Flu pandemics" (Manmade viruses are not currently spreading on our planet), "Global Warming", (How convenient for your mass medias to leave the biggest major factor THE SUN out of their equations), "Always rushing around" (Relaxation is a state of being).  "Coffee in the morning", (When you feel sluggish it's because you are craving LIGHT, not is the downward spiral if it's not a respectful situation of mode ration), "Canadian bill c-51" (Any government that tries to make St John's Wort illegal, should be discarded and replaced with spiritually aware Lightworkers and this can happen FAST!).

Your role at this time

Your role at this time is to purify yourself so that the Light can flow through you easily on all dimensions. Reclaim selfhood through all societal, family and planetary customs, normals, behaviours, so that you can truly reveal your magnificance to Self and the Universe.  Repair your third eye by detoxifying body, balancing pH, bathing yourself in live foods, outdoor air, and the ions of rainfall, waterfalls, windy days along salt water, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda.  Your health is really important at this time!


Some are going to the fifth dimension and some are comfortable in the third dimension

Some of us are heading upwards to the Light, and some are choosing to hang around longer in the Light and dark of the third dimension.  Each situation is blessed as all have all eternity to make their journey.  However as we've all stumbled while walking, isn't it lovely to have each other to help get back firmly planted on solid ground for the path of our individual and collective choosing?

How to get back firmly planted on solid ground?

Your path is firmly grounded in the Light, therefore to access your path, you must seek out the Light in all aspects of life....from diet, education, governance, clothing, shelter, water, choices in technology.  Bless each situation so that the darkness within it, can be transmuted.  Cleanse your existance at all levels, spend much time in the sun, drinking blessed magnetized water, bathe in the beauty of the sky visitations of the sky spirits and cloudships, which can be seen on many blue sky days, transmuting the chemtrails on behalf of humanity, and making their presence known. You can see many videos and images of miracle visitations in the canadian sky by first visiting 

We are in a brief time of inconvenience

Messages from off-planet say that as our mother earth cleanses herself, that it can mean for changes in weather patterns (which are also greatly influenced by government these days).  You may wish to prepare yourself for basic societal inconveniences in the energy of Love. Patience and preseverance are some of your gifts of self-mastery....keep on mastering Self with the blessings and support of the entire Universe.

In the great spirit of Love,


Indian in the machine


Great Spirit Manitou