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The Shift From Source

Through Communion With Yael & Doug Powell

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estions about the material. Our newest book, Say "YES" to Love, God's Guidance to LightWorkers is now available. Please see the details at our website, where there are also some new features. Look for MAKE A COMMITMENT TO GOD, Prayer Requests and the very powerful CLEARING IMPEDIMENTS FROM THE HEART. We have been told specifically that if you do this Meditation, you will be assisted to gently and permanently clear all blockages to a loving heart. The responses we are receiving from this meditation are amazing. We send Love and blessings to all our brothers and sisters.

Yaël, Doug and Shanna at CIRCLE OF LIGHT


Seeing the Physical Self from the View of Our Spirit. The Shift in Consciousness

A vast magnificent light is who you are. A grand being whose golden aura pours out over the countryside-this is who you are. A heart with divine Love pouring through it -- this is who you are. When, at last, you understand, you will see the vastness of your being and you will see that "way down there" like a little speck at the bottom of the movie screen, is your body.

This, dear ones, is what I want you to understand. This is the shift in which you grasp the truth of consciousness. This is the shift in which you understand the difference between the background and the foreground of your lives. It is to all My beautiful LightWorkers that I give this message. You must make the shift into living in your real consciousness -- not from the body "looking up" to Me! No! Rather, it is time for you to live in your expanded consciousness, "looking down" on your body.

Dear ones, it is when you are awake to the great expanse that you are in communion with all life. It is when you are aware of your expanded consciousness that you can reach out and find the true perspective in every situation. You can reach out your hand, and it will be taken by angels. You can reach out your Love and truly heal the world. It is when you are this vast and light-filled being that you can use this body's sacrifice in honor and in perfect, clear intent, and only from this perspective.

I ask you, please, to no longer pray to Me from within your human lives, all of you. Rather, reach forth to take My hand and to lift your consciousness to who you really are. That is the shift of the true awakening. If you decide this, you will be assisted in every possible way, for in this you find the Holy Grail. Here lies the key in the lock to your ascension. Not in the traditional sense. Rather the ascension in consciousness is done with so much Love that you lift the world with you, perfectly.

You are a vast and glorious being! You are like the rising sun pouring your warming and life-giving rays upon our beloved humanity. You are not this body. It is your anchor in the world. It is the "peephole" through which such a cosmic being as you may look to see the "goings on" of humanity. Thus it is your gift, but not your master.

These are not your eyes! (These physical eyes.) Not your eyes with which to see the truth anyway. Do not use them to give you information about reality. This small organ beating in your chest? It is one cell in your true heart! Thus, you must not judge the size of any part of you. Nor can you use any of these senses, any of these "hungers" of the systems for obtaining information that is associated with this terribly limited point of view. If you do, you will be deceived. You will believe "the lie" that has been painted upon the canvas of the world by the limited vision of humanity.

These parameters are far too small for any of you. Please say "no" to being thus so limited. You are here, allowing the body consciousness to fill the whole screen of your view, all of you, and it is not. It is not the whole screen. In fact, it is a tiny speck. It is this that is the important thing you are to learn about consciousness. You control it.

Everything is now conspiring to "throw you out of orbit," to loosen you from your trajectory of belief, to pull you out of the gravity of your "humanness" and to help you fly free.

This is a huge shift. When you have made it, dear ones, then we are ready to bring people close to be warmed and washed in your light, for then you will be able to see the truth. Then you will know when someone is fooling you, and when there is a "leak" in someone's energy. You will see their consciousness rather than their human reality. If that is not the most exciting sentence you have ever read, trust Me that one day it will be.

You have a glimpse, all of you who seek the light, for you have been lifted -- lifted in My Love, lifted in My presence. You have had moments, each of you, where you made the shift, where you "slipped the bonds of Time and Space, reached out your hand and touched the face of God."

It is time. It is time for Christ to come again. It is time for the light to become your reality. It is time to shift your reality completely. Every force of nature, every angel, every ascended Master, every being who serves the light is conspiring to force you through the gate. Each of you has had enough transcendent experiences to have a frame of reference. After you have accomplished this shift, you will be able to provide the frame of reference for others. I don't have to tell you how important this is. If everything is consciousness, people have to know how to recognize the experience.

A vast being, filled with the golden light, spreading out through the heavens, in communion with the angels, in awareness of the perfect unfoldment necessary for humanity, you breathe in the glorious expansiveness of your being. You acknowledge My presence. You joyfully rejoice in the Love pouring through your heart. This pouring Love is the key because as it flows through you, it will draw to itself the truth of Love on every level of your life. Thus, as you feel the Love pouring through your heart, you will glance down upon your physical vehicle, your body. You will feel such gratitude for the honor of its service. Your spirit will leap in joy and you will then observe the body in reverence.

You will see the light rising up in waves around your body. You will then see all the "cords" or openings connecting your body to the world. You will be aware, all of you, of the power of these connections and you will see the beings of light lovingly using these cords, each of a certain vibration, to connect you to someone or something needing Love. When the connection is made, you will immediately see Love and light being pulled through your body. Light will be poured in, and whirling with the vortex of energy, it will shoot out of the openings provided by your life to touch and heal and love and uplift. The most important thing, dear ones, is the shift in your consciousness.

All who are close to Christ, all who are living in the presence of My Love are being used in every possible way right now. Do not worry about your bodies, any of you. Do not worry, but make the shift now. This moment. And this moment. And the next.

Dear ones, there is a battle raging -- a battle far bigger than the battlefields of the current war. You know that I do not want you focused there. But you also must know that I will always deliver to you the truth on every level, for it is only with such knowledge that you will know how to act. Only with such knowledge will you realize the scope of resolve necessary to bring this Earth and My children back fully to the light.

The best way that you can serve is to honor the crucible of God, which is all of you. It is crucial now to make the shift in consciousness for it is your Love, dear ones, that "does the burning," that transforms the "trash" into heat and light, that transforms hatred into Love and bigotry and separateness into the consciousness of unity that is the salvation of the world.

The perceptions that you have of a normal body having any kind of physical illness has nothing to do with your reality, any of you. As a LightWorker, everything that you go through is carefully orchestrated. It is always connected to the healing of the world, the upliftment of all life upon the Earth, the opening of human consciousness and the intensity of Love that it takes to make this shift.

What you are experiencing in your bodies is about the battle for the world that is raging. All who serve the light are trusting you to hold the line against the darkness. They are giving you the most critical tasks. You know this in your heart. And yet you can give these things no acknowledgement. None. Please! Essentially you are making this choice for humanity and by making it you are transmuting "the lie." Every time you do it. You must see only the light. You are re-living the question first asked. You are re-living the Garden of Eden. Will you eat of the fruit of the tree of Good and Evil? Say "no," dear ones, for that was the moment humanity chose the lie, when one person, one SoulMate couple, chose to see other than Love, other than Me.

So every time you are experiencing something through your body or through your life, remember who you are. Remember, oh, please remember the huge (what a lacking word!) importance of your choice. There must be no good and evil, dear ones, in order to heal the split in the world. There can be only good, for in truth that is all there is. You are each the crucible, thus in you the choices made by humanity are brought to you for review, for transformation. To transform is to see only good.

Please listen. If you are living in your body consciousness, it is too hard to do. It can be so immediate, so real, so painful, so frightening, that it is too risky, so risky that you will not be able to discern the lie. My beloved ones, you cannot have a normal human consciousness in any way, including viewing life from inside your body looking out. It is time for the shift into your large consciousness.

At first it will still come in "experiences"-you'll have it and then you won't. But if you recognize the importance of those experiences and claim them as your full time reality, you will change swiftly. Dear ones, very soon, oh very soon, you must be in such beautiful communion with Me that when you do anything, I will be doing it through you. In this way can I "direct" my "army" of the light and inspire and uplift them, and directly shower them with blessings. In this way can you in your expanded consciousness work together with other LightWorkers to transform what needs to be transformed throughout the world.

Very importantly (could even be most importantly), when you have made this shift there will be no ego. If you -- as your spirit -- fill the entire screen of your consciousness, the ego will no longer exist. And it will be easy. You will know when you are there, ego free, because every one of you knows how it feels when I am moving through you. You know how it feels to be lifted and to be filled with Light. That is how you will live your lives.

This moment in history is PREGNANT with meaning, for the New World is about to be delivered. You have long known you are to be its midwives. The wait is over.

I have used many analogies and I have done so for a reason. Within these words are the "codes" that you will recognize telling you that your time has come. These are codes that were "implanted" within you to be activated when it was time to begin your work. It is time. So I ask you to trust that everything is right, as it should be, even if you are experiencing illness and distress of the body. Dear ones, this is transmutation. It is not only of yourselves, as you know, but I do promise you that you are a part of what is happening. It is not only that you are doing this for others. You are also burning out from within you the last residues of fear that block the embodiment, the incarnation of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.

Remember the fires that are spoken of in Revelation? Ah, yes, you do remember. These fires are within you. These are the fires of purification held within the beings of My starseed children, those who have ever loved Me. Remember how you offered to do anything necessary to bring the others back to Me? Because you knew the beauty of being close to Me.

It is the fires of transformation that are covering the Earth just as recorded in the Bible, only they are not visible to the physical eye but to the eye of the spirit. They do not burn the materials of wood and paper and the physical creations. They burn the "dross" of consciousness. This, dear ones, is why you must raise your vision to that level-the level "where the real action is." This is not the level of the battle of dark and light (contrary to much popular belief) but the level of pure Love. From this level will you be able to see truly. From this level you will be able to gaze down upon My children and to bring through Love, in every manner, through every little crack of an opening.

From this place of perfect Love you will be the steady choice for Love and by the nature of your being you will transform all energies less than Love through everything you do, in absolutely every way. The choices you make now are so critical. Every thought makes the choice of what to do with humanity's energy running through you at that moment. This realization will definitely solidify your commitment, and clarify the moment to moment choice.

Remember, I will tell you the truth of the many layers of consciousness and thus of realities untold (many many realities). But your reality must always be Me. Attention on the light. You can acknowledge what is happening and then immediately take it to its highest reality, highest "translation" of which you are capable. As you do this regularly, this will also greatly assist in making and maintaining the shift in consciousness I am asking of you.

This, dear ones, is to be the template of how you work with everyone. You must have the greatest respect for each person's accomplishment, even if it is simply continuing to live in the middle of the illusion of fear and separation. Then, and only then, coming forth in PURE LOVE, DIVINE LOVE, will you ever offer your assistance in giving them another possibility.
