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DJWHAL KHUL - Recipe For World Peace

Channeled By Rev. Terri Newlon

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delek" and see only your perfection, your happiness and your Oneness with those words.

I wanted to record a message this evening about world peace. The recipe for world peace on a mass scale is self love plus inner peace and that equals world peace. There's not very much of a difference here between how many core members of humanity need to make that internal shift to make the external shift. That is the nature of quantum reality. So, as we're coming here to a series of very important dates starting, in my opinion, starting tonight in about one hour, going through March 3rd especially (but perhaps the effects trailing quite a bit longer, maybe even throughout the calendar year of 2003) it is important to realize the energies that you possess and to make sure that whatever is in your field is what you are consciously wanting to give to the world. In other words, if you know that you are fearful about certain things or angry about certain things, or whatever, you probably are aware that that's not consciously what you want to give to other members of humanity, yet by holding that frequency in your consciousness, that is exactly what is happening. Most of communication is nonverbal; almost all of it is really energetic. So as you listen to the sound of my voice and attune to my frequency, what I'm giving to you is what I have. In other words, we can all give whatever it is that we have.

What my gift is is ascended mastery consciousness. It is also the Love/Wisdom Ray, which is a blue color. It is also that Christed potential and that Buddhic potential and that Allah potential and all of the major teachings upon this planet when they speak of leadership, spiritual direction and so on. It is that same frequency, that same vibration. It does transcend all religions. Spirit transcends all religions. So I am inviting you to keep whatever belief systems that you want. I am not inviting you transcend a religion particularly unless it's your personal path. What I am inviting you to do is to transcend the belief systems that bind humanity to a state of war, whether it's a family feud, or disagreements between countries, disagreements between business partners, disagree-ments between bosses and employees, whatever form of war and all the belief systems that are attached to that. It's a lot like a matrix, or an energy pattern, or a frequency, or a wave length that is always present and what happens with the energy body is that it duplicates its environment. If you go into a hostile environment, you will probably either respond with fight or flight. You'll want to get out of there very quickly out of fear, or you'll want to fight, which is also a fear mechanism which manifests more in the form of anger.

Anger is a mask for fear, always. Move into your divinity. I call that sometimes the still point, which is located just above your belly button on most people. It's not the tan tien gravity center; it's the still point, a little bit different location. It's where there is nothing. When you move into it, even for a moment, all of your body sounds stop, your heart beat, the blood flushing through the body, your breath --- nothing. It's very, very, still. Most reach it spontaneously, just as they are falling asleep, or receiving some healing work or doing a meditation, but it is good to practice this centering oneself in still point, where you are in your total divine energy. You are not then subject to automatically mimicking the frequencies around you. Also, you can give what you do have. So when you can get into the still point, you can teach others to get into it, or you can keep going to it spontaneously, or going there at will and noticing how many people around you shift or change because their energy field is now going to mimic yours instead of this over-all energy current. This is also sometimes called "stepping into the truth". Sometimes it's called "stepping out of time and space". It's also the Power of Now as taught by Eckhart Tolle. It is a means of healing yourself, your patterns and the world patterns.

So know that frequencies do affect you. You are a sequence of frequencies: the cells mimic, your DNA mimics, your photon level, even sub-molecularly it all tends to duplicate its environment. This is why you might see something like a starving child and immediately move into sympathy or empathy with that, maybe even your stomach hurts, or it brings tears to your eyes, or whatever. It does it because energy fields brought into your awareness are automatically mimicked. So I am asking all of those who want world peace to really be the peace, not just to pray for it while complaining about governments and reinforcing distrust. Really live the peaceful presence. Peace is the way, absolutely. Again, attune to my voice, or perhaps to my picture which is at the website ( You can go there and copy the photograph and attune to that. Most of you, when you see my face, say. "Oh, I know him!" (Many times over, perhaps.) Or any picture of the masters. You can look at Jesus, you can look at El Moria, Kuthumi, Buddha, Krishna, Moses --- any vibration of mastery that you personally happen to resonate with. Then, as you're looking at the picture, your field will begin --- because you're looking at photons, even if it's a painting, it still captures the light of the being --- so you're looking at captured photons and mimicking that field and it will help tremendously. Also, maybe a piece of rose quartz for the vibration, or an instrument from a sacred place, or whatever, carries the vibration and therefore your field will mimic the vibration. So think in terms of that --- anything from a Tesla watch to a purple plate pendant to whatever happens to alter your field in a positive way and bring you more into balance.

Now, let's work with the Earth. What we want to do is awaken the vibration of peace that is inherent in Mother Earth. The whole planet vibrationally can start resonating on the vibration of peace rather than on the external network where you have this matrix or this meshed belief system of war. So let's bring in, through your own body, the peaceful centering of the planetary consciousness. Really breathe in Mother Earth at her most glorious, nurturing, deep core energy, She's a very generous being with many species, quite a lot of water, quite a lot of pure ocean left in many places. You can tap into just the photon level of a pure ocean water molecule, too --- that's another way to do it. You can go through the Arctic Circle or Antarctica or some other places deep in the ocean, whatever field you want to mimic that represents peace to you. Bring that into your field, particularly bring it to the Heart Center and let your posture be good, not slumped over but good, with the chest nice and open as much as you possibly can even if you're lying down. Just consciously stretch your chest open a little bit more and give that energy outward. Visually, if you can see that matrix that is warlike and distrustful and manipulative, what you want to do is, in a positive way, infect it with this peace. As you exude peace from your own Heart Chakra, coming directly from Mother Earth, the great mother that gives you everything you need to exist. And you can, if you wish, pull it from her Oversoul, Sanat Kumara, using Venusian energies, the love energy of Venus if that feels good to you, makes your Heart Chakra sort of sing in a nice way. Keep exuding and radiating this peaceful energy so you are deliberately letting this other matrix copycat the energy. It will copy the highest vibration. If you add sound to it, it is even more powerful. Make the "Ah" sound --- and be sure your chest is vibrating, so you lower the pitch and vibrate from the chest making "Aaaaaaaaaah". You can also work with "Ooo" because it balances all the fields, the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, not just the Heart Chakra. Ooo" will be probably a little bit higher pitch, coming more out of the Third Eye and the physical eyes. And, again, whatever pitch feels good to you --- you don't have to match mine. Just find a vibration that works for you. Keep repeating the exercise, please, pulling this divine love and peaceful energy and while you hold it your energy body shifts into that vibration completely and then radiate it outward in whatever way you can. Some of you will be putting your hands out, sending the energy; some of you will dance with it; some of you will breathe it out into the fields. There are many, many, methods, but just do your own version of this work, please. And remember, whenever you feel conflict, or the fear pattern is very high around you, you do not have to adopt that energy field. You can choose peace. Use the words, "I choose peace", then take it to the next level, "I feel peace". When you say the words, "I feel peace", really let it zing through your body. And then you can add "I am peace" and know that it's true when you say it.

All right. Thank you very much and my love to you, Djwhal Khul

Rev. Terri Newlon

Terri Newlon Holistic Consulting Co.

110 E. Cortez Dr. # 203

Sedona, AZ 86351 USA

928-284-5505 home office and fax

602-391-6239 mobile
