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Quantum Newsletter: Mohammed Speaks- "Looking For The Pearl Of Goodness In The Haystack Of Confusion"

"Looking For The Pearl Of Goodness In The Haystack Of Confusion"

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Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan the day before war was declared.

Greetings beloved’s. I stand forth in the name of Mohammed. I am of Biblical proportion as are you. I dwell in the Hall of Holy. I am a host to what was once was seen as a Sacred truth. I am what two-thirds of your world bends down to six times a day. I come forth to allow you to feel me within your cellular memory when you too dwelt in the Temple of Islam, when you too inherently held within you the belief of Moslem.

I ask you now to awaken to that part of yourself. That deep holiness and look into those cells of remembrance and see the truth buried deep within. The text of the Koran runs hand in hand with Biblical writings and ancient texts of all time. There is no difference in any religion, in any teachings, in any covenant contract of Holy thought. The people in your part of the world hold within them a defining line that separates Christianity from Islam. I would like you in your mind and in your heart to step across that line. Imagine your nation praying publicly together 6 times a day. Imagine them stopping what they are doing, saying, eating, becoming and entering a holy gate of reverence. Imagine how that aligns the vibrational structure of their molecules, their intent, and their manifestations. Imagine the bond between those people -- a common denominator, the glue of what holds the nations of that religion together through trial and tribulations and dictator after dictator. These are common denominators that you lack in the West. You do not have anything that links you but anger and often tragedy—anger at yourself, anger at one another, anger at your government, at your God, your family, and your neighbors. That is your common denominator.

I Mohammed come on this day to walk you into the ancient place of yourselves where each of you has once lived in other existences. A lifetime in which your drinking water was always dirty, you slept upon dirt and straw, you fought to be heard, you fought to stay alive and this was an everyday event.

The only thing that the Islam sector of your world has is its religion, its prayer, and its community of holiness. That sense of totality and Oneness was seen in the West after September 11th when all of you came together as a String of Pearls and tears. Each place that you ventured forth in those days that followed, you knew what was in another’s heart. You knew of their fears. You knew of their thoughts and it became as a beautiful picture, a united world heart.

I ask you not to come on bended knee to anything or anyone, but I ask you to seek the common denominator that you have with the people around and dissolve all separateness. A common denominator of holiness, not hate or fear or war. Whenever one person on earth dies whether from war, or murder, or hunger – it is felt within all of you. Your moods and biological turmoil fluctuate from minute to minute reflecting this. If you were monitored 24 hours a day, you would see this -- how each event touches you and how you touch each event on the one body of earth.

I ask you to step over that line in faith and be prayerful, align with the prayers of all the people of your world... feel the prayer...become the prayer. They do not pray for war. They do not pray for hate. They do not pray to annihilate the West. But they pray for peace, as do you. In your mind and heart join globally and know that those on the other side of the fence of this situation that beckons death – are praying just as hard as you are for peace. It is only the heads of your countries and the fractions that they include that banter as two cocks in a barnyard.

You ask for Divine Intervention, but all Gods that have been known through time step back. You have been given the Keys to the Kingdom inherently within you -- and Divinity from above shall not intervene. But Divinity from within will drive the prayers and healing where it needs to be.

Do not give up on peace because war is declared. War has never been undeclared on earth – do you realize that? There has never been one day or one minute of a day that the entire earth has been at peace. That is the illusion. Peace has not existed - EVER! Earth still seeks peace through her children. This war that your eyes are focused upon, is nothing compared to the war that continues in all countries that you do not hear about, that you do not see, that does not touch your soil or your soul. Look to what is happening. Awaken. Look past the perimeters and the pointer and see the entire board and slate of the playing field. Do not give up what is yours divinely. It is your treasure. Honor it. Do not allow the poisoned arrows of other’s words and intents to damage the outcome of what is deemed possible.

You weep and cry in your own anger as you see your prayers, your thoughts, your wishes, your petitions not taking hold. The ink has not dried on them and you have already given them up. You are not allowed to give up nor can those on the other side of the fence. As a great man once said in a war that has passed. Never, Never Give UP!! Do not give up hope. Do not give up peace. Do not give up believing in the miracles that are only birthed through your intentions.

I am honored to be in your presence as I see that you inherently are good beyond words. Look to that other side of the line that has been drawn in the sand and know that Good lives there as well. Connect with that Goodness of a different creed, culture, religion, and language. Connect with the good that is inherent within all things. You exhaust yourself and poison yourself by only connecting with the bad of what is to come. In all things, there lives a pearl of good. Look for that pearl in that haystack of confusion. Focus on the Good that is going to come, no matter what the action that is taken before it. I am Mohammed. I am not a God. I am as your Christ or your Buddha or your Quan Yin – a mere mortal man that moved through the quagmires of humanness and ascended into knowledge. I lift you as I was once lifted.
