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Archangel Ariel & The Transcension Team: "Sovereignty"

Through Isaac George

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hat ‘I Am’ is coming through in balance with whatever Ariel adds, if you get my drift.

For almost nine years I have participated in a growth-in-consciousness process that initially had me on the ropes, and resisting being a “channel”, then to allowing part of my body and energy fields to be available to cocreate with an Archangelic presence, to growing out of the potential co-dependence that being a channel can entail, to where I find myself at this now moment, which is to say, on very new ground.

When I began to actively channel in July and August of 1998, the process felt like it was on automatic just sort of ‘happened’ to me. It was all I could do to keep my little self clear and keep my body pure enough to handle the frequencies of the merge. There were times I felt that I was in the throes of something much bigger than myself, I came to understand the values of prayer, meditation, trusting and asking good questions. My personality self also questioned, researched, analyzed and pondered what it all meant, and if it was safe and useful. At no time was there ever coercion or a ‘you have to do this’ feeling. Ariel, and all the other beings I shared my consciousness with, all respected my Being self and my soul essence. Therefore, the topic of this month’s message is all about that respect. It is about sovereignty.

First of all, the most common thread in all truth teachings I have encountered is a steadfast devotion to the fact that each entity, or soul, is endowed with a divine right of sovereignty, or self-determination. The gift of choice, or free will, is grounded in that fact, and each soul experiences whatever its own Divine Spark deems is necessary or desirable for its own growth. Free will being what it is, a soul can even set aside its’ sovereignty and experience a co-dependent relationship with another soul or souls in order to have a powerful experience of having no choice. However, this is in and of itself a choice. So at no time do you or anyone else have the experience of no choice, or victim consciousness, without your tacit permission being involved.

Ariel: “Sovereignty is the cornerstone of knowing that there is no power outside of your Self that has dominion over you. Therefore, each and every experience is an event based on the fact of power within, or a belief in the power without. If you think it is without, then you will be without. (Read that again) When an entity’s personality has accepted the worldly programming about power sourcing (and this can only be allowed by agreement), which is based on external authorities, then you have a potent demonstration of disempowerment and helplessness. That experience is fast becoming obsolete at this juncture, and since so many entities have infiltrated the Planet from source systems that are based in freedom and sovereignty, the current game on Earth is in terminal mode. That is why there ‘seems’ to be a magnification of the shadow side at this time, because the jig is up, and ‘they’ know it, although at a mostly unconscious level.”

One aspect of the multi-dimensionality of our beings and this quantum, holographic Universe is that we also affect that which we observe. We also invoke the support or resistance of like-minded souls or consciousness’ on whatever we are focusing on. If we are currently experiencing financial lack, then instead of focusing on getting rid of lack, shift the focus or attention on balance in money. Notice I said “balance.” If you go mentally chasing for millions, the energy of lack of millions may also be known and experienced.

Manifestation is a product of loving focus and right desiring, with an emphasis on balance. If we observe the out-of-balance condition within another’s behavior or beliefs, and judgment enters in, then we have in essence reinforced that individual’s patterns of belief and the resultant behaviors. (Quantum physics and its laws do not cease operating outside of

the laboratory, even though we all would like to continue to behave as if they do). From another perspective, you have infringed on the sovereignty of another person through your projection, which reinforces the pattern, and you have called forth that for yourself in order to create balance. I know it sounds like karma, but I would like to describe it as the Law of Resonance, or, ‘if I choose a vibration then I get to experience or become that vibration.’ This resonance thing is important right now, for as the veils between the 4D harmonics get thinner, then the results of our thoughts and feelings become circular in their manifestation. Have you noticed the immediate rebound of thoughts, rather than the old time-lapse cause-and-effect scenario?

Now, imagine if there are millions of entities all holding a similar pattern or belief, and imagine if there is a vested interest in maintaining that pattern or belief (fear). Well, you could project your expectation on one or on a billion that they are “wrong” in their belief, but you would only reinforce it, not dissolve it. Besides, they have ‘chosen’ that position. That is one of the reasons that the war went ahead in spite of protests “against” war. What we can all accomplish, however, is to choose a different thought/feeling pattern that will balance out the polarized pattern and neutralize it. For example, choosing joy as a desired state of being will neutralize a certain chunk of polarized energy. Manipulation of consciousness, or being manipulated is only possible if you cooperate with it, either through denial of its existence, or surrendering into your sense of powerlessness. Awareness coupled compassion works better. Ariel: “When each of you chooses your Sovereignty, every other individual consciousness residing inside the Planetary Consciousness receives a powerful impulse to shift their perceptual awareness. When you end your codependent relationships on all layers and levels, you cease to contribute to the experience of tyrant and victim, powerful and powerless, lord and slave, and then a great transformation will truly be at hand. The time is now to demonstrate a more profound declaration of you being the only authority in your life, and encourage every soul to embrace that. When you consciously claim ‘you’ as being the author of your life, no one else may infringe; then you emit a frequency that triggers others to emulate your choice. Indeed, you will be instrumental in freeing a great many others who have been trapped in 3D and 4D prisons that their own consciousness has created. Your dedication to your Spiritual and Human Authenticity is the key that frees many inmates, and liberates the souls of your brothers and sisters. Our work is to perform as a conduit of Divine energy that activates your remembrance as a Spirit. Then, all that remains is to follow your Spirit…without hesitation.”

Choosing our divine identity does not diminish others. You’ve heard the statement by Jeshua (Jesus); ‘he who would be greatest among you, must be servant to all.’ I feel that this refers to the natural inclination of our awakened consciousness to see the inherent logic of serving others as serving the welfare and balance of the Self, for all IS one. It also describes the activity of service in which we lose our self and find our Self. This is the natural inclination of beings when they own and love who they are. So, by choosing ourselves first, in balance, instead of self-effacement and false martyrdom, we can be effective in our loving service to others. Love truly begins at home.

When I was preparing for my latest trip I suddenly found my thoughts engaged in some fear chatter that was incessant and unrelenting, and which was rooted in self-blame over some incident. For a while I listened to it, until I began to notice how my body was reacting to it. Oddly, instead of praying, or chanting, or calling on angels and intercessors, I simply said “NO!” so loud inside my own Self that I heard what sounded like a cord snapping, followed by an instant rush of energy and well-being that was astounding. Later, when I checked in, I saw that my own doubt and fear attracted plenty of other resonant thoughtforms of a similar vibration that were only too supportive of my quantum experiment in limitation. I discovered that I was beating up on myself for a perceived shortcoming! The only mantra for that is ‘yuk’, followed by a moment of gratitude. Another ‘ah-ha’, was that my inner compass was guiding me to be the sovereign master of my energy and my experience at an even deeper level. VERY cool! If we focus on darkness, we’ll find more darkness. If we deliberately choose love and light, then we will experience that. We cannot serve both love and fear. Be the balance!

In the balance of Yin and Yang, the One Power in creation does not judge what It’s ‘children’ masquerade as. Therefore, it is up to each one of us to spend as much time and energy loving ourselves as we do others, or we can easily begin to believe that someone else has more, loves more, or lives more than we do. Then it becomes impossible to be available for the type of interaction that I described above. Instead, invoke the Yum mantra! (By the way, a good example of sovereign behavior is the character Prot, played by Kevin Spacey, in the movie K-PAX.) Ariel: “Transcension is transcending and balancing the paradox, and using the energy that is freed up from analysis for integrating your Self into Wholeness, which is Ascension. Resolving the paradox is impossible. Dedication to your wholeness is essential. Wholeness is the ability to hold two perspectives within yourself, without conflict. Such is the nature of the Eternal. The greatest paradox is you are the Power, and that you are not the Power. Both are true, and neither is true.” Claim your Self instead, as it is a lot easier. The Power is Light and Love, and these operate in you and through you, and are at your command at all times.”

The illusion of authoritarian power has clouded the consciousness of the world for quite some time, but that illusion is becoming evident. As more and more of us begin to model peace, sanity, and love, these false powers will wither and evaporate. The new energy that was, and is, evident now is that people of all walks of life are awakening to their power. And the only true power is that we all share it.

We all see what our opportunity is; the opportunity to become authentic, to own our power, and to demonstrate it now, right wherever we are. I am recommending saying ‘NO’ to the false power of limited thought more often. In the case of your personal divine sovereignty, sometimes saying ‘no’ is like a huge YES to who you are. Besides, it feels good. And if it feels good, you can darn well bet that it is the right thing for you.

Ariel: “You are on the brink of discovering your Selves, your numinous and ineffable Consciousness. Choose your consciousness in each moment you breathe. The path has been opened to you, the alarms have rung and you have awakened. Now, it is time to stand on your own feet, declaring your sovereignty, your divinity, and your humanity, and owning ALL of it. What is past is past. We now invite you to walk on in Faith, and allow Spirit to live and move and have Its Being in you so completely that you will be as angels upon the Earth, and bring Heaven to it. Then, the promise of old shall be full-filled. “Behold, these things and greater shall ye do!”

In closing, I would like to share how grateful I Am to my own Consciousness, to Ariel, to St.Germain, to Jeshua, Archangel Michael, and many, many others for assisting me, you, and us in this most momentous of times. When I now claim my Self, I know that I will always have the company of Light around me, and I will know them as the true friends and companions that they have always been, and so will you.

I Am now my own channel…and so are you. So Be it!

Be You in peace.


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