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Important Message From The Emissaries Of The Light

Through Jim Langman, March 18, 2003

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soon to occur in your very near future. Before we give you this news, we would like to state that the events that have been happening upon your world have in actuality helped to bring forth events that you have been waiting for, much more quickly than was originally planned. Our comment to you now stands the same as it always has. There will be no war.

There will be the beginnings of skirmishes, but any full scale war will not be permitted, as so decreed by the Creator. Now, let us move back to our original statement in the beginning of this message. You will now probably be aware that many new mother ships have been positioned within your solar system. Many of their positions are not known by your elites due to the fact that they are cloaked. This has been purposely done so that there will be many great surprises in store for the elites who think they have all their bases covered. Let us inform you they are sadly mistaken. Our mother ships are strategically placed and are in position to take any action that is deemed necessary at any given moment.

Now in regards to the distribution of the financial prosperity programs that have been greatly delayed on many levels, due to what is now taking place, the prosperity programs have now been finalised, and now everything is in place. This has taken a great deal of time to complete, and the work of our earthly allies has been endless. We honour and thank our many earthly allies for their efforts and for the great love that they have for your planet, Mother Earth. Added to this mix, is your new financial system which is rapidly approaching. It is one that has been fought every step of the way by a certain few that do not wish to lose their control over you. We formally declare that their time is at an end.

There is to be, as you know, many public disclosures. This is of great interest to us, as it will bring to the mass population knowledge of our presence and that we are only here to assist you and welcome you into a total new era, one that will transform your world very quickly. The timing of our arrival comes down to how quickly the public knowledge of our existence is given to the world as a whole.

Dear ones, be not in fear, or even be concerned with what is taking place in certain areas our your world. Realise that what is happening is all meant to be. We witness more and more every day, a massive shift of consciousness which is taking place right throughout your world. You are witnessing now humanity working together and coming together as one for the greater good of all.

Prepare yourselves dear ones, for a massive celebration, one that will last for many days. A celebration that we will share with you on your home soil. Blessed ones, you are a most divine group of beings. We are constantly in awe of everything you do and achieve.

We leave you now with our blessings, and we grant you peace.

Comment from Tony: This is great news. It shows how the media is still used to pretend that a great "war" has stated. The latest update by Patrick Bellringer also confirms this, see message at

................WE ARE ALL ONE CREATING A NEW REALITY..................

...This message is with compliments of Phoenix Ascended News Group.....

............... Hosted by Jim Langman and Tony Wicks...................

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