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A Message From The Intergalactic Council

Through Valerie Donner

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ss. It is enough for us to state this but we also marvel at how far you have come along in these last few months.

Do not be deceived by the comings and goings of the fear-based tactics that are being played out at will. They are simply an overshadowing of great change that is occurring at breakneck speed. The old is collapsing in on itself to make way for stupendous Light that is coming up to the surface.

Your corrupt leaders and governments are about to go head to head. There may be some bouncing going on as self interest degenerates into the most senseless of actions. Our work is not to react or to attempt to convince anyone to make sense of this Earthly mess. It is simply to say that the nightmare may get worse but it will be over before you know it.

Your job is to understand that we are here, that the divine plan is in place and to let the situation play itself out. And it will.

Much is up for grabs. Your planet is a stellar example of a masterful and loving presence that has been taken over by disruptive beings. We know who they are and what they are doing. They think Earth is their sand box but they are about to lose their marbles. We track these beings wherever they go and assist in assuring that once their game plan is up they go to the most appropriate off planet locale. They also get to answer to Prime Source for none get away with their actions.

In our long council meetings we review everything with fine detail. We comb the consciousness of every party involved. We evaluate and counteract the plans’ pitfalls to see where the Light can filter in best. We encourage and train those whose pathways it is to strike against the reign of terror to move forward with their work. We invoke the resources at our disposal, which would surprise most of you. We leave nothing to chance for there is too much at stake.

Endurance is one thing and a planet’s survival is another. Too much has happened to the Earth and her fragility makes it necessary for quick and stupendous action. She is holding on by a thread. There is an all out effort to move her through this corridor of darkness back into the Light.

Bombs and bombers, missiles and misled, nuclear and unclear, the bent and the straight, the forward and not so forward, the peaceful and warrior will all be dealt with steadfast and well-trained hands. The hand of God works in a flash to create a straight and narrow path.

In our heart of hearts the pathway is clear. We do not see much deviation from the path. We see some individuals who still hold power trying to maintain their stronghold, but to little avail. The earthly temptations have been too much for many of these individuals to bear. They have sunk about as lowly as one could get. Interruptions in their patterns are assured.

Our business is about the business of life enhancing works. When you roll up your sleeves and work for God you go where you are sent and do what is necessary to fulfill your obligations. Our work never stops. We work in a variety of places all at once. This might be hard for some to understand in your earthy plane but this is how we go about our multi-dimensional business. You might call us “heavy hitters” by your standards. We work with the power of the Light and are trained and tested. We bring about the best measures from galaxies here and beyond.

In our meetings many masters and a support team of Angels, scientists, technicians, and experts on every level, surround us. Information is synthesized into a central computer that is powerful beyond your present imagination. The system is so complex that it takes the most gifted experts to work with it. This is such an important function that we provide every resource necessary.

We have been watching the Earth specifically for a long time. We have been waiting for this time to interact with you. The preparations are profound. We are empowered in our own way to create all necessary adaptations and adjustments to earthly matters. Let your own impatience with change for the good be soothed with our words today. We are a strong and united team. This is a team effort all the way. We are successful.

Be in deep preparation for what is coming. All will be put to the test. A big transformation of a planet like the Earth cannot take place without a huge shift in consciousness and energies. These shifts are far reaching. They are major events that affect every aspect of life. You will find yourselves in profound and lasting change. It is necessary for the future evolution of every living thing. If you have expectations that life will continue as it has in the past you will be surprised. Evolution is full of surprises but the rewards are well worth it.

Stay attuned to the peace that passes all understanding. Learn from the Masters and way showers of the past. Be ready to use every bit of spiritual strength you can muster. You will need it.

We are The Intergalactic Council sending our love and regards in service to The Light
