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Spiritlife Newsletter- January 2003

Archangel Ariel Through Isaac

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Another year has gone by, and here we are once again. Another year before that we were here with you in this expression, this experience. And what I, We, the Councils, which are all that which is You, would first like to express in this moment of Time that everything is in Divine Order. Number two, you are loved and you are supported, and you are never alone. And, number three, the outcome is never in doubt.

The year ahead, 2003, can only be understood according to the foundation you are setting in placed right now. First of all, please understand that that which has seemed to be an acceleration of change, is only going to become more so. This is not to be feared, but to be welcomed. It is not something you cannot handle, but something that you will actually enjoy more of. The “humanness” in you is concerned with stability, sureness, and security. You will find, as the year progresses, that the security that you’ll feel is based entirely on the “anchor” within yourself, and the ability you have to look upon that which seems to be total chaos around you, to structure yourself now, to create foundation now, is what this time is about. This foundation you are creating, this foundation that is so important at this time, is to understand the wonderful benefit of release. The wonderful benefit of releasing all that seemed to be important.

One of the things that’s “up” is the willingness to take a risk. Now, this means taking risks with yourself, not with anyone else. The foundation for that now is to clear away all that has been restriction, not allowed, not appropriate, or “not in my reality can that ever happen!” We are asking you, can you dream bigger? Can you envision on a greater scale than you have been? Do you see around you, and feel within you some of the despair that is out in the collective? That despair is a prod, a way for people to create within themselves the catalyst to move forward. And so, despair, even though it has been called a weapon of fear and a weapon of shadow, is actually a friend. When you can befriend and see the unreality of it, then you have a very powerful ally, and you can move forward into your next expression, which is that of joy. Joy and despair are not enemies. Despair is the polarized consequence of living a polarized form of joy.

A non-polarized form of joy is one that can take the moment that is presented to you, and calmly, securely, and with a sense of adventure and curiosity look at whatever the challenge is and say, “Oh, oh…wow! Isn’t that interesting? Perhaps I can gain something from this.” There IS something to gain from it. There is a gift within the problem or the situation.

It is helpful to understand that the nature of the past three and a half months has been about restructuring your relationships with everything…the relationship, primarily, with yourself, and with all that you have believed to be necessary for your welfare, even your relationship to “things”, inanimate objects, and most importantly with your relationships with one another, and whatever turn they might take. This has been a time of settling accounts from the past. We prefer not to use the word “karma” in this instant, because it is not even appropriate or necessary, because all you’re doing is settling accounts with yourself. You have been settling all that has been disquieting, whether it is confronting the loss of someone, real or imagined, or whether it is confronting the influx of new relationships and dealing with how to work with these new energies and these new people in your life.

This time is also about looking at the situation at the collective level with new eyes, with a new attitude; a sense of quiet, a sense of sureness. What has been going on is the setting of the stage for a very fast-moving set of scenes. What has felt like constriction automatically gives way to expansion. So, if there is a “theme” for 2003, it is the Year of Expansion, instead of the year of contraction, which is what you have all been feeling.

The contraction is necessary in order to squeeze out, like an orange, all those things that you thought you rid out from the deep pulp of yourself, and then you will be able to enjoy the flavor of the nectar gleaned from the squeezing. Because it is sweet, it is a sweet reward for all the so-called work you have been experiencing within self, and in your outer world as well. All things will change; dramatically? Yes! Significantly? You bet! And what you have come here to participate with tonight is a deliberate risk-taking.

We would like to review for a moment, and the review has to do with all the energies that have been floating, and moving and building at this time. It has been the energies of the blueprint of Life, whether you call astrological, or solar flares, or you can all it cosmic cosmogenesis. Whatever you decide to call it, it puts a limitation on it. So we would say at this time it has been about sorting out what is it you truly desire to express and experience. There is no other reason, no other motive or agenda, except becoming more true to yourself, and more emphatically honoring of yourself so that you can truly celebrate that in each other. This IS a time for celebration, for between now (12/12/02) and the first of the year there will be a reconciliation with you, reconciliation with your past and with your stories, which are no longer necessary. There will even be reconciliation with all that has been foretold and prognosticated all of these many years.

One of the things this coming Year of Expansion (2003) speaks to is that it is more important to get in touch with your soul than it is to get in touch with anything up in your noggin. It does not matter, nor satisfy you any longer to go half measures. It is wonderful to have the Light, but it is more healing and nurturing to feel the Love. And so, you are the Love. Feel your Self, full-fill your Self with that nectar of wonder, that magical elixir of your existence; beingness. We are going to share something with you that we feel is going to be the summation of your new identities going into the next year.

You will not be able to analyze or even care about analyzing too much of anything as the next few years unfold. In the Year of Expansion it will be very important to learn how to dance…very flexibly, and move with things rather than resisting.

That is why you have been in foundation time, right here, right now, surrendering your resistance to the flow of feeling, the flow of energy, the flow of Self. All around you see the old belief systems of the altered ego attempting to hold back the potential change that IS coming, and even resisting the potential of a war coming. What is it that people say? “We will resist war!” However, in order to undo what is being attempted (war), you cannot “resist” it. Instead, you have to insert something different into it, and present some alternative to the current belief. We have covered this ground before at a personal level, but it is now the time to take action for yourself in a concrete and collective way.

Now that we have the foundation of the process of what has been going on, let us look forward into 2003:

In numerology, 2003 is a “five” energy. “Five” energy is unstable. Do not be scared or concerned about that, as it does not mean absolute collapse. What it means is a “two” foundation, moving to a three energy. A three is a triune. The triune and the structure, the energy of two, will be about change, and the structure is going to be affected…the change will force the structure to move. There cannot be a stagnation of what has been so far, this contraction or stagnation of ideas and energy. So, here in this “five” year, you get to take risks, you get to move forward. You get to say, “Why wait any longer? I am going to choose this and see what happens.” There is a saying in your society, “nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Unless you poke something, how will you know if it is going to work? Unless you test it, how will you know how it will respond? There is no way you are going to know. This is the spiritual test of these times; unless you push yourself a little bit, how do know what you are capable of becoming, in fact, capable of what you already are? So, you are going to ask more of yourself and you are going to ask more of other people. You can ask for this or that, not out of need, but out of a sincere desire to create cooperation, and to also create community and communication. It is up to you to talk, communicate, and ask for what you require. If somebody is unable to provide that you seek, fine, there will be somebody else you will attract that will provide that.

Now the question on everyone’s minds in 2003 is; “what is the prospect of a war?” Well, the prospects of a war is like sitting down with a council, or the chairman of the board and all the stockholders and investors and asking what are the chances we are going to have a profitable year? Who wishes to venture a guess? One can look at the budgets and the statistics and say how you “think” it’s going to look. Rather than looking at the potential of what might be, and resisting that, look at the potential of what you could do to affect a change in it.

YOU are completely allowed to influence and inspire other souls. You cannot alter their free will, however you do have the right to send a mitigating influence, a new idea that would support them to become aware of a new perception to be doing something different. You are aware of all the worldwide meditations for peace, and in addition to choosing peace, take the next step. Beginning with creating peace within, that is the first work always, and using the power of the voice, either singly or with others, which is always more powerful, you can create a powerful wave of energy that is very beneficial.

Whether you chant or tone, sing or shout, when you couple your intent, energy and voice, you can literally bring walls down! The practice of toning has fallen out of use recently. We recommend that you investigate this art, as it is an incredibly effective tool for breaking down standing waves of negativity, and for reconstruction of grids, restoring bio-organisms to original soul blueprints, and for cultivating ecstasy within and without.

Use toning to dissolve war thoughtforms and the agendas surrounding them. The combined energy of a dedicated group using toning can even deactivate nuclear weapons. You can even scramble any electronic device on the planet, if your knowing, your faith, is strong enough. As the Christ promised, “ye shall do greater things than these.” So, ACT as if! In the end, are you willing to take the risk that you are more powerful than your technology? Are you willing that you are more Love than you have imagined yourself to be? This is Love in action.

Now, let’s talk about month-to-month, just trends, not energies that have crystallized, but trends.

January is a time for reflection, a time for preparation. A time for deciding, and no longer sitting on the fence about anything, and choosing options on how you choose to experience this year and gathering your resources. Opening your self to the inspirations and ideas that you have around what you’d like to create.

February is about beginning to put those ideas into motion, and regardless of what you think the astrological ramifications might be next year, it is going to be most supportive to those who are willing to move out in their joy, and it will feel challenging for those who are unwilling to be in the awareness of the changing energies. Therefore February is a time of initiation, initiating the “plan.”

March, Uranus moves into the sign of Pisces. That is the big deal for 2003. The last shadow of the Saturn-Pluto opposition will occur again this coming May. This is just an echo, or afterimage, which brings to conclusion the angst around belief systems and authority structures, and it will also continue to bring truths about those things that have been hidden for so long. This began in the economic sector, then the religious, and next will be the politics. The very political structures will come under fire. March will be the time in which you began seeing the cracks in the facade.

April will be extremely chaotic and there will be the greater potential at that time for an “event.” This event may occur around the middle of April, and this event may strike many as being a “terrorist act.” Since it might take place in a time and place that few expect, it will be a manifestation of the Uranus-Pisces energy, which is to say, unpredictable. This potential “event” is manufactured to create an excuse for further oppression, but the effects will fade quickly, and the energy of constriction will evaporate rapidly as well. There will also be enough smaller “events” that will also take place so as to strain the abilities of all to “plug” all the holes in the wall. All of this will point out the futility of artificial security structures. The image is that of an octopus that has run out of enough tentacles to control everything all of the time, and time is running out, and it is out of “control.”

May is the anchoring and grounding of all that was initiated in February, on personal and collective levels. This pertains to all aspects of earthly life, and those of you who have thought about moving, you will probably do this between March and the end of May. During the February cycle, some of you will be inspired to move to a certain place, and by May you will complete this. May is also a time of a beginning of a minor adjustment in the magnetic poles of the Planet. Not physical poles…magnetic. Expect magnetic anomalies during May, and June/July. This could be interruptions in cell phone and other wireless communications. Batteries and/or memory batteries may suddenly lose their charge a bit faster than normal.

We see in June, July, and August as sort of a long, hot summer, especially in the U.S. This discontent in the mass consciousness will be bubbling up. There is the potential for labor disturbances and racial unrest, which is rooted in the economics of the time. The true cause though is some of the people deciding that they must act and do something about the situation. The incessant button-pushing about terrorism, etc., is also a stress that will trigger the collective psyche to react, as many will have had enough of the diet of fear. It will also be a coalition that includes people from all classes and walks of life, not just the economically disadvantaged.

A note here: The outlook for the weather patterns for the first half of the year will be to expect the unexpected. Also, earth changes, modified earth changes, are certainly in the foreground. They are modified if you desire to modify them. We see no vast upheavals, and you can throw out of the window all the rumors of a planetary collision in the spring. Just does not apply.

Going into the fall, basically the love affair between the so-called “majority” the American people and your present leadership is over. Your president is allowed only so much rope, and then the obvious becomes, well, more obvious. There will be questions, about the leadership aspect. So, September and October will be leading into a very sensitive time, strong questioning of values and belief systems. This will herald the end of the free reign your President has had, and that seems to be out of control at this time.

November and December: You will feel, and begin to actually see a spiritual rebirth happening as a result of Uranus moving into Pisces. At first it may seem chaotic, as if people just want to let off steam, and by doing so, cast off all of the old forms of religion orthodoxy. Gradually, and this will take years to finally manifest, there will be a new impetus generated that is neither orthodoxy nor New Age. The new energy will engender a radically open form of spiritual perception, one in which all are seen as embodying their divine essence and expressing it. This could be expressed as each individual becoming the church or cathedral, rather than going to the edifice made by hands to worship in. It is religious feelings generated from the inside-out, and not dependent on outer structures and forms. This energy will be immediate in a telepathic sense, and will be disseminated through electronic media as well. The New Covenant between Spirit, the Planet, and Humanity will be initiated.

In summation, 2003 will be a harbinger of the greater springtime to come, and even though the vestiges of a long, dark winter might linger in your memories, the Light is arising out of the mists to encourage your hearts toward the Ascension, the completion of the Ages. We encourage all who read these words to take heart, and heed the present moment as being the place to find your peace, even as you craft your vision of living Heaven in the now, and in the time to come.

I am Ariel. Namaste.

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