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Message From Ra Mikael Elohim Heartstar

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in a dimension of such density

that even I forgot my purpose, my divine mission...

Yet, something inside me kept whispering,

Home, Home...

Long have I traveled on a path of darkness,


yet thy Father's hand has always been guiding me,

even when I knew it not.

A flicker of light called faith

has been my beacon to follow,

through eons of the illusion we call time.

Yet always, there has been a deep yearning

to return to the stars, to the Light,to the One.

Now, my earthly harness of forgetfullness

is dissolving as I awaken from my

long, long slumber.

I AM awakening to see ,that, I AM the Light,

I've been following home to thy Father's heart.

I finally see the reason I'm here,

and the reason is

I see I AM a beacon for others to follow, so...

Awaken, my starry brethren,

for the Doorway of the 11:11 is at long last open.

It's time to come home to the Light...

We are the Way-Showers!

Cast off your old tattered garments

of self-doubt and fear,

for they no longer serve you.

Long have you forgotten you are a child

of the stars...

Embrace, with joy, my children,

your new robes of Light.

Do you still doubt your worthiness to

wear such a robe?

Remember, your precious heart is forever embraced

in the arms of Grace,

and if you still have forgotten who you truly are,

simply ask yourself;

Does one flower deserve the sun

more than another?

Awaken to the magnificence of who you are

and why you came here now to serve...

Look deep within your heart

for the answers you seek...

for within is the Light of God's love, and that love is why we are here.

WE truly are the Way-showers,

now it's time to come home,

to the Light of the One...

HeartStar 11:1
