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ASCEND Love Letter

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all on Earth. It is so divinely inspiring to witness all that you offer as you gather in sacred groups to promote world peace in the hearts of all. We are thanking you for this and the opportunity that you gift others in their lives as they witness you in the promotion of peace. We are asking each one of you now to recognise compassionately the virtues that you hold within yourself in relationship to this. Presently, the Earth is shifting in consciousness and her plates are aligning to a new frequency. This is creating great fractures of remembrance to manifest through humanity’s collective consciousness. Within the world of humanity, there are presently two worlds that exist. Many of humanity live in the world of light and creation and are on their path of manifesting their divine gifts and sacred love to embody through the Earth plane. Others in the world do not live in this world of light as yet, but live in the world of fear and each of these ones karmically are bound presently to life learnings in relationship to their own manifestations and previous decisions that each has made as a soul.

Know that both these worlds are one and, in truth, mirror each other and hold together as one many karmic memories that are collective in nature. These karmic memories create the remembrance of a great power that each soul held originally and a great freedom in the heart of the soul. This remembrance brings forth the memories of all that has occurred to disconnect one’s being from this power and from this freedom. Those that seek within the world of light and do not attune to fear presently are remembering the freedom that they have held as a soul and those that sit within the world of fear, are presently remembering the power that they once held or that they wish to hold or that others have held over them. Both these worlds exist in the oneness of the One Heart in similar space, time and dimension. I am offering this understanding to you, for each of you may find at times yourself drawn from one world to another over this period. Know that concretely those of you that feel you are resonating in the world that remembers the freedom, will be experiencing the sensations of grief and loss at times that is held as a collective memory within the hearts of all of humanity.

These memories are of the times of previous civilisations on the Earth and of the stars when all beings were free to love and to respect each other equally, and the memories that are grieving the loss of this are also present with this. Know that all those that are presently living in the world of fear of their own power or the power of others, the power of the world holds over them, will be experiencing anger and frustration, possibly denial and possibly blame and projection towards others. Know that both the anger and the denial comes from lifetimes upon the Earth of memories when others overpowered you or you overpowered them, memories of when the power was not able to be shared equally in full respect of each other as love. Know that each one of you may transit from one world to another over this period and know that this is a natural process for each of you in the cleansing of the karma of the Earth plane. We are asking each of you to hold non-judgement of your role and all others’ roles in this and to see others as playing out a part of a sacred play that must be revealed to all for the collective learning. Know that as this occurs, the library of light on Earth is opening and expanding as the records are karmically being cleaned. All that work within the world of light intentionally liberate this karma for the creation of the awakening of Mother Earth’s library of light on Earth. All within the world of fear intentionally play out and enact the old stories for the purpose of all learning to be manifested. Know our Beloveds that it is all divine, it is all meant to be as it is, and as each of you are impulsed by your spirit to journey and to make a difference in this world, to remember who you truly are as love, that all will be revealed to you and Earth will transform into the light plane of love permanently.

This is a great mystery to many of you, but deep within your souls, the knowing and remembrance of this path is held within you. Know that all your memories will speak to you of limitation at times, but if you journey deep within your heart you will find the presence of God/dess, and at this time, you will know the truth. Know that even if this is only a small moment of your time in experience, it will change your life and direct you for many years ahead. Bless yourself each day in the acknowledgement of your divinity and the divinity of all beings, no matter what is occurring on the Earth our Beloveds. Know that all that occurs is part of the mystery unfolding and has its own divine place and divine timing.

Blessed be,

Lord Maitreya

Simple Energy Tips

1.. Creating your Source connection – merely visualise yourself in a tube of light that runs through all your chakras and anchors deep into the Earth core, and also generates into the heavens above through the Sun and Moon to a larger sun and moon known as the Central Sun and Central Moon which links to Source. Call for the Inner Plane Masters to assist you to reconnect all fibres of your energy body to Source whilst you simply visualise this. Through this simple process, you will each be able to release all energy and transform it through your divine intention. Without this connection, it is not possible to release large amounts of energy from your energy body in the process of transmutation. This column also provides entry for your higher lightbodies to descend into the Earth plane, creating the expansion of your consciousness.

2. Your energy sphere – this sacred sphere holds your consciousness within the Earth plane, and within it, is your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and etheric bodies. Call for your God Presence to merge through your sphere of light each day and the consciousness within the Earth plane will transmute and manifest as God Consciousness. You may wish to sound in long, resonant tones the mantra that creates this to manifest powerfully. OM MAYA MA KITA RAKU ANA PEYA NAMU x 13.

3. Opening the heart and keeping it open – the heart closes upon any negative thought or feeling, unless it is reminded that it is a divine being and then it will stay open. If it stays open during challenging moments when unresolved energies are trying to transmute, it will transmute them immediately. The key is to remember that you are divine no matter what you are feeling or thinking, and to make this the priority in your knowing. As you recognise this, you must also recognise it in every other being for it to be truly recognised.

4. Caring for your chakras – every day cellular memory is released from your DNA and from your soul and genetic memory held within it. This cellular memory holds unresolved energies that do not vibrate to the signature of your soul. These energies create blockages in your chakras and meridians unless you care for them. To care for them, call to the Inner Plane Ascended Masters and ask to be placed on a program of chakra release, alignment and activation. Once you have been placed on this program, each day that you willfully choose to breathe light and love through your chakras, you will receive a cleansing and transmutation of all energies within your chakras. This is a conscious process that is highly potential if you wake up each morning and become aware of breathing light and love as you walk. The program will automatically manifest just through this.

5. Divine assistance – there is more divine assistance than anyone can write about or teach about and this can be discovered merely through you asking for it and opening yourself to receiving it. The keys to asking for it are to name what it is and to call to God/dess for this to occur. The key to receiving it is to call to all aspects within your being that do not feel or believe that this can occur, to step forth into a council with you. You are then to ask them to forgive all that has occurred through all time, space and dimension that creates them to block or not trust, or not wish to receive Love. You are then to call to Lord Maitreya to ask for the Tzolk’in Wheel to be spun through their hearts and for the Arcturians to clear their energies of anything that may resist this. Your role is to send love from your heart out to all these multidimensional aspects of your being that are in a circle around you at this time. This process will allow your receptivity to open.

6. Physical healing for all who experience deep physical discomfort – it is important for you to realize that your physical body is trying to integrate trauma from other lifetimes. This trauma is so painful emotionally and mentally that it could not be integrated through your other bodies, so your physical body has offered itself as a a vehicle for the transmutation for these energies. This has created possible blockage in your physical body, which you may heal through the following steps. One is to recognise the karmic energies connected to this and any agreements you may have made in other lives to create this. By breaking these agreements you will begin the healing process. Two, is to call for assistance for healing every day for this, and to realise that this will take time as this is a physical process of healing. Three, is not to judge the disease or the part of the body that does not function completely and to offer love and support to the parts of you that inside and internally are in pain and in great separation through these sacred areas.

All my love, Qala ( 1 of 12)

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The ASCEND website, for access to the HALO Mission, free healing programmes and messages from The Masters, can be accessed at
