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Avenda: Morning Wakeup Call Message, May 20, 2003

Nancy Tate

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your lives where there will be a reconnoitering with the very sameness that unites all of you.

I greet you on this day with the love and compassion that stirs my heart and that of others in the daily meanderings of my soul. I am Avenda, and I come from a place of compassion for all of you who have experienced a lifetime of woe and degradation in the pursuit of the life that in your innermost being you have failed to encompass. This is a fallacy that your lost child has brought to your thoughts and reality. The thought that you have created a failure in life, and that you are caught in a ring of fallacy that is impossible to get out of. This is the farthest thing from the truth. You are caught in the web of your own conceptions of life. This is an intricately spun web of closure that you have created in order to find the farthest point from which you have been created.

This, my friends is the point of this message. I too have hosted experience through which this one and the aspects of this one have come together with all of my expressions and created a web so tightly bound that there is feeling that there can be no release. I am telling you now that there is but one thing that is necessary to spark the web and melt it into oblivion. That is the spark of compassion that comes from the fuel of love. This is the most precious commodity on the planet and in all of existence. This is the energy by which miracles are experienced and songs are created that release the bondage in which you have all found yourselves.

When you come to my awareness, and you ask, so what do you think of what we've just experienced, I say, "It is a wonder that we have never seen before. We are all going into a new paradigm, and there is wonder with every moment of the new creations we find before us." This is the greatness of you all. This is the precious discovery we find that is being created through all of our ministrations. We bring the experience to the front, and then we discover that it is brand new in the potential it creates, as well as the potential from which it was created.

When we gather round our tables and in our living rooms, we do so with the love and companionship of fellow travelers. We bring to those tables the tales of our journeys and our remembrances. We put them together and we find the pieces that are the keys to unravel all the strands that have bound themselves into the web that we find we are bound with. As the strands fall away we are finding more and more of what we have hidden, and it blows the perceptions we have been living within right out of the water.

This is the release, my friends of the old paradigm, and the allowance of the new. It is an adventure to which I invite you all. I suggest that you gather with those who are like-minded and explore the mysteries of the mind and the soul. What lives in your heart and begs for expression? Where would you like to see yourself if money and time where not an issue? With whom would you make these explorations? And where would they take you if there were no bounds on your memories? This is the excitement of the times, my friends. This is the energy of change and reawakening memories. This is what can propel your world into this new paradigm and on into the realm of ecstasy and compassion. This is the time of new beginnings. Allow yourselves the freedom to explore these new ideas that come springing forth from your potential. It is an adventure that your souls have been crying for. It is time perhaps, to follow that guidance that says to go to the ends of the earth and discover the first time you were here. What was it like? What did you do? How does it feel to re- discover the ancient memories without leaving your chair? It is a game that causes you to open your senses and find more of who you are. And in that discovery you will find a new power that you had forgotten you had. It is incredible in its strength, and it is gentle in its touch.

I love all of you with the love I hold for this one and for my self. It is a journey that is being taken that can propel you all into a new world that awaits your creation. I am honored to be with you all; and I salute all of you.

Thank you dear Avenda,

Nancy Tate
