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Awards & Grants - Saint Germain Document

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St Germain Here, and Awaiting Your Submission of Funding andGifting Proposals !

Commander LeBreton has graciously offered to keep a list of Names, Amounts Desired, and for which Purposesfor all of his Friends & Commanders: He has already a long list and it grows each day ! Your Funding SHALL Manifest ! Of thisyou may be Certain ! Have you not felt the changes in Energies; in Consciousness ?! Your Patience Shall Be Rewarded Soon !

~ Saint Germain ~

Submit Proposals to: Paul LeBreton, St Germain World Trust,

2901 State Hwy 6, HC 77 Box 42, Laguna, New Mexico 87026

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

FAQ - Saint Germain Funding Requests....

From Paul LeBreton |

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Beloved Children of All-That-Is...

....I have been deeply touched by the dozens & dozens

of requests to Saint Germain for Grant & Award Funds:

Some Guidelines...

Type your proposals if possible, or print or write them inclear language, checking spelling & context...

Submit one or two paragraphs outlining your proposal toSaint Germain - If more than one project, a couple of the

paragraphs per project. End the proposal with a clearstatement of the estimated funds you will require the

U.S. Dollars used in today's world...

Mention any amounts you will be gifting to others...Names& Amounts Only...

This Particular Awards & Grants Letter from Saint Germain is NOT for individuals already in one of the many Prosperity

Programs which will be manifesting ...It is targeted for thoseLightworkers with Humanitarian Projects or Needs who can-

not obtain funding from their other usual sources !

Print Out your Letter to Saint Germain and Postal Mail it toCommander Paul LeBreton ...Do NOT send e-mails or the I am being swamped and cannot processelectronic mail at this time !

Blessings, Peace, & Prosperity...

Robert "Paul" LeBreton, PhD

Star*School Technological University

2901 State Hwy 6, HC 77 Box 42

Laguna, New Mexico 87026 USA

Phone: (505)-836-7534

