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March 24, 2003

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March 24, 2003

By Patrick H. Bellringer

Today our world appears to be in its greatest mess ever. Fear, anger and despair are everywhere over a United States led war which began against Iraq, March 19, 2003. The worldwide movement for peace is expanding exponentially, and the voices demanding an end to war are becoming sharper and louder. War advocates are making more frequent appearances as the media war-hype drums on day after day.

Debates rage over what is patriotic and what is not. A patriot supports his president and his declared war on a supposed enemy. No, a patriot demands peace and the protection of our troops and the world by bringing the military home. No, a patriot may not agree with war but, once declared, must support his country. Meanwhile, bombs are falling, bullets and missiles are flying, buildings are being blown to bits, and people are dying as their very life's blood seeps into the desert sands.

Is this really happening? Why have we come to this? Truthseekers are searching for evasive answers. Lightworkers divide into opposing camps as Truthbringers are verbally attacked for telling lies and posing as soothsayers. There was to be no war in Iraq! Now there is a war in Iraq! You said that God said there would be no more war---ever! You said that NESARA would bring peace. Where is NESARA? NESARA is a fake! Whose right? Whose wrong? Where is the Truth? Why is our world going through this tragic "Valley of the Shadow?" What really is my place in all this darkness and chaos?

It is with a heavy heart that I write today. I weep for those who are suffering and for those who are dying in this needless war. I weep for those who are yet so determined to control the world that they would destroy and kill to accomplish their goal. And I weep for our Mother Earth who has to endure yet another barrage of evil negativity. Is it not time to end such evil? What is the meaning of this unprovoked, unnecessary, and unlawful war? Are there any answers?

Let us try to find some answers. Many are asking for a greater understanding of our present times, so I shall present a broader view. I begin by quoting a message from the Emissaries of Light received by Jim Langman on March 18, 2003.


"Greetings and blessings. We are the Emissaries of the Light.

We come among you once again, filled with much joy and excitement of the events that are soon to occur in your very near future. Before we give you this news, we would like to state that the events that have been happening upon your world have in actuality helped to bring forth events that you have been waiting for, much more quickly than was originally planned. Our comment to you now stands the same as it always has. There will be no war.

There will be the beginnings of skirmishes, but any full scale war will not be permitted, as so decreed by the Creator. Now, let us move back to our original statement in the beginning of this message. You will now probably be aware that many new mother ships have been positioned within your solar system. Many of their positions are not known by your elites due to the fact that they are cloaked. This has been purposely done so that there will be many great surprises in store for the elites who think they have all their bases covered. Let us inform you they are sadly mistaken. Our mother ships are strategically placed and are in position to take any action that is deemed necessary at any given moment.

Now in regards to the distribution of the financial prosperity programs that have been greatly delayed on many levels, due to what is now taking place, the prosperity programs have now been finalised, and now everything is in place. This has taken a great deal of time to complete, and the work of our earthly allies has been endless. We honour and thank our many earthly allies for their efforts and for the great love that they have for your planet, Mother Earth. Added to this mix, is your new financial system which is rapidly approaching. It is one that has been fought every step of the way by a certain few that do not wish to lose their control over you. We formally declare that their time is at an end.

There is to be, as you know, many public disclosures. This is of great interest to us, as it will bring to the mass population knowledge of our presence and that we are only here to assist you and welcome you into a total new era, one that will transform your world very quickly. The timing of our arrival comes down to how quickly the public knowledge of our existence is given to the world as a whole.

Dear ones, be not in fear, or even be concerned with what is taking place in certain areas our your world. Realize that what is happening is all meant to be. We witness more and more every day, a massive shift of consciousness which is taking place right throughout your world. You are witnessing now humanity working together and coming together as one for the greater good of all.

Prepare yourselves dear ones, for a massive celebration, one that will last for many days. A celebration that we will share with you on your home soil. Blessed ones, you are a most divine group of beings. We are constantly in awe of everything you do and achieve.

We leave you now with our blessings, and we grant you peace.

[End Quoting]

Before making any comments on this message, I present to you another message from the Realms of Light. This one is from Admiral Sananda (Esu Immanuel, Jeshua) who has returned and is presently in charge of our planet Earth Shan's transition into fifth dimension. This message was received by Nancy Tate on March 21, 2003.


"It is a morning for celebration, even though to some it may seem not. Believe the wonderful energy that you feel as the troops are withdrawn from the fields, and the casualties do not mount up. There is to be an uncovering of certain facts that will bring the situation to a brighter light than has been previously seen.

I am Sananda, and I tell you that there is no need for fear; for fear is not the emotion of choice for those who walk in the Light of God. Hear me now, and hear me well; there is no need for fear, for what you are seeing played out on the other side of the globe is but mere propaganda and not be taken seriously.

I come to you with news this day that tells of a different story than what is broadcast in your media. This is the story of the arc that sits in the Holy place in the hearts of all of you. This is the story of the everlasting promise that is taking place within the energies of time and space. There is no time in which the energies of war have not been at the forefront of the history of man on this planet. What is going on now in the time that you live in is the playing out of the last wages of war that will be of consequence to you all. This is not Armageddon we see. This is the reversal of the energy of that trial. This is the other end of the spectrum, so what you see is a rumor of war, and not war itself.

Allow me to explain: this is the time in which all the energies of karma are being absolved. This is one of the conditions in which the new energy is being played out. Without this war acting there would remain the dregs of the old energy. This is a fine scenario we see played out at this time. Those who station themselves on the battlefield do so with the supreme honor of being instruments of Gods Holy plan. They do not die; they are immortal. There is no life lost here, only a shred of the illusion. Come to the place in your hearts where you know the truth lies; feel the resonance that stirs in your innermost being as you read these words. Allow the tears to wash away the cobwebs of the remembrances, and go to the deepest part of your knowing and find the place in which the celebration can begin.

I am in awe these days. Do you not wonder from where the term was inspired? Yes, there is Divine guidance in effect here. Even Judas was in Divine guidance; he is my dear friend still, and always will be. I love all of the people who have ever set foot on the soils of earth. They have been everything to me, and are standing beside me now as I bring this message to your comfort. You are the stunning carriers of the light, and you find that the way is rough at times. That is because you do your purpose so well, my dears. You fall into the energy of the Upliftment of the darkest hour of beautiful Mother Earth, who has supported you for all this time. She is playing the violin and singing the sweet refrain that will echo through the forests and the waters, and sound as a sweet drifting breeze across the plains and the deserts of her beingness.

As the blood spills upon the soils of the deserts, the lifeblood is supplanted by the light of the tenderest emotion that can ever be felt by any being. The love and compassion flows strong and sure through the mists of creation as it wends its way through the avenues of make believe.

This is the story, my friends, of the coming of the end of the suffering. There will be no more battles started and called in the name of nothing. This is the end of the old way of being. Call it the truth of the ages, for it rings with the whispers of the dove as it wings its way into the hearts of the angels of mercy. There is no sweeter time than this right now, my dears, for this is the culmination of all that has come before, and it is the promise of the peace and joy that are just over the horizon.

I leave you now with the song of forevermore. There is no shame, and there is no guidance that is misleading and hidden. There is only light and the joy of seeing it played out in the wonderful energy of love."

[End quoting]

Probably the greatest challenge that we, who live on planet Earth Shan face today is understanding that things are not as they seem. Living in third dimension is like living aboard a Star Trek Starship. There is life aboard ship, and there is life on the holodeck. There are two separate and distinct realities happening to the people of Shan today, one is the actual life aboard starship earth and the other is the holodeck program. Life aboard our starship planet earth is the way of war, pain and death. It is the third dimensional thinking of ego, power, greed and control. We chose to return to this 3D lifestream at this time to continue our lessons in soul growth. As we struggle with evil and war and learn our lessons, we discover that there is another reality in which we can choose to live. That reality is the way of peace. It is one of health and life, of sharing and cooperation, of humility and self-power, of freedom, love, abundance, and joy. We can choose the holodeck program and move into a new reality. We have the power within to create a whole new destiny for ourselves and our world.

At this present moment in time we are faced with the realities of war and of peace. If you say there is a war going on against Iraq, you are right. If another says there is no war, he is also right. As you watch the media propaganda, you see "bombs bursting in air", death and destruction. Is this real? Some is, but most is not actually happening. Some people are reporting seeing themselves in these lying media pictures which were taken twelve years ago. Some have exact copies of earlier T.V. presentations. Some have observed the 1991 date on current T.V. war pictures. Some have proof that the topography has changed, buildings are different, trees are different, vehicles are too old, etc. This is media-hype using old file tapes of the 1991 Gulf War.

Yet, some is real. There are U.S. and British troops in Kuwait and Iraq, ships shooting missiles, planes dropping bombs, and people dying from war. Even this is not as it seems. There are those who have chosen to enter this present lifestream to experience war as part of their lessons in soul growth. For them this war is very real, and they are experiencing all the aspects of war. There are those who did not choose to experience war in this lifestream. For them this war is not real and they are not experiencing it. Then there are those who did not choose war, but due to the extreme evil pressure for war on our planet, were coerced into choosing war at this time. For them war is also real, but their outcome may be far different than expected. In these latter two cases I have described is where many miracles may happen. The bullets may not kill, the bombs may not destroy and people may not be injured or killed.

The second reality is that there is no war. There are people in Baghdad and other Iraqi cities who are reporting seeing fantastic lights flashing in the night sky and hearing horribly loud booms from bombs and artillery explosions. Yet, in the daylight they see no damage, no injured and no dead people. A nurse with Human Shield endured a night of light flashes and bombing noise in Baghdad. In the morning she went to the emergency hospital to assist with the war casualties. As she entered the hospital, the hallways were lined with empty cots and all was an eerie silence. There were no war victims. Another nurse and friend came from a city hospital and reported a busy night of elderly people coming to the hospital with heart problems and shock from the war noise. There were no war casualties.

A CNN news crew in Baghdad took a ninety minute tour to see the war damage and saw none. Dan Rather of CBS news recently expressed his frustration at having no evidence of any war damage in Baghdad.

What is really going on? Creator God has decreed that there shall be no more war. As the "Dove" has said, "War is cancelled." Let me explain. Creator God has issued a prime directive that never again will humans on planet Earth Shan be allowed to make war and kill life and destroy our good Mother Earth. Limits have been set. No full scale war will be permitted. As Sananda has said, the "beginnings of skirmishes" are happening in this Iraqi war illusion, as the remaining people are playing out their last karmic war roles on Shan. We are seeing the last lingering 3D aspects of war as the "energies of karma are being absolved." These "skirmishes" remove the "dregs of the old energy." Now we shall have peace!

You bring about what you think about. Your thoughts are the most powerful force on earth. What you focus on becomes your reality. By your thoughts you create that reality which you desire. Do you desire war or peace? At this moment in time we of Earth Shan are making a transition from war into peace. The people have spoken and have created the positive energies of peace. Creator God has heard the cries of Earth Shan and her people for peace, and has decreed that war is cancelled---forever! Those who still want war shall leave Earth Shan and go elsewhere for their lessons.

The Bush "shock and awe bombardment" first day of the Iraq war did not happen as advertised. Why? The Forces of Light prevented massive death and destruction by using a magnetic force field, known as a Tesla dome, around Iraq. Many planes were vaporized and the crews beamed aboard higher dimension starships as the U.S. and British forces tried to penetrate this force field. The activation of the Baghdad Stargate at 100th level frequencies by the Forces of Light has created an impenetrable force field in Baghdad. Even laser and scalar technology has no effect upon it. Great handicaps have been placed upon these remaining warmongers of Shan. Their days are numbered.

The darkside rules through fear. This week G.W. Bush has again ordered massive terrorist attacks to occur in the U.S. and especially in New York City. Since his first successful terrorist attack on 9-11-01, we have endured hundreds of threats of terrorism manufactured by G.W. Bush and his evil stooges. None of them happened. Why? They were all stopped by the Forces of Light. I say again that years ago a prime directive was issued by the Galactic Federation of Worlds that never again would any nuclear energy be allowed to be used on Earth Shan for evil intent. The Forces of Light are also preventing the use of any chemical or biological warfare on Earth Shan. Please know that any threats of terrorism are just that---threats, designed to cause fear. Send Love and Light to these evildoers and live in hope and joy.

When will we have peace, you ask? My answer, when we decide to implement Creator God's plan for peace. We could have done that on Wednesday, March 20, 2003, before our unlawful U.S. president G.W. Bush began his insane military actions against the innocent people of Iraq. Our White Knights could have announced NESARA, but they chose not to do so. They can choose to announce NESARA at any time now, for all is ready. Only their desire to keep our evil president in office and the war going prevents this, for NESARA removes both. Should they reach the deadline set by the World Court without announcing NESARA, the problem White Knights will be instantly removed from Earth Shan by St. Germain and the Forces of Light. At that time St. Germain will then announce NESARA.

Can NESARA be announced by St. Germain prior to the deadline? Yes. The "tug-o-war" is between the freewill of the White Knights and the freewill of the people of Earth Shan. The outcome is up to we the people. Move from the reality of war into the reality of peace in your heart, in your home and community and project the positive energy of peace to our world. The demand for peace worldwide is growing exponentially. There is no stopping it. Stay centered and hold the Light of Truth. Do not let "war, and rumor of war" rock your peaceful boat.

Now, there shall be no war!

Now, NESARA shall be announced!

Now we shall have peace!

Believe it! Know it in your heart---

And it is so!

-- The Bellringer Writings and NESARA information is at --

-- The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at --