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by Patrick H. Bellringer

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f Truth together, it will help to read the Phoenix Journals and the back issues of Contact Newspaper posted on the archive website at, and the Spectrum Newspaper at I herein present further Truth for your "use" and appropriate action.

1. Mars Landing

If you understand some basic cosmic laws and recent happenings, you will be better able to sift through the lies presented concerning our U.S. space program. First, as Pleiadian Fleet Commander, Hatonn has stated, cosmic law forbids any space travel from Earth Shan beyond 150 miles from our Earth Shan’s surface, if there is any evil intent or evil-minded people involved. Evil is not allowed into the higher cosmic dimensions. The evil on our planet is confined to our third dimensional planet, therefore, there could never be at this time any Mars landing/space probe by NASA and the KZB (Khazarian Zionist Bolshevik) controlled U.S. space program. All is concocted and put forth by NASA’s Hollywood Studio and presented by the KZB controlled lying media to the brain-dead masses. The Truth is that we have no space program. It is all fake! Read Phoenix Journal #3, Spacegate and know Truth for yourself.

Secondly, if you have done your homework, you know that a cosmic convergence occurred on August 17, 1987, when the Milky Way Galaxy completed its 22nd orbit of 206 million years around the Greatest Central Sun, and our sun (Apsu) and solar system completed its orbit of 26,000 years around Alcione, the Great Central Sun of Pleiades. At that point in time Earth Shan began a new cycle and began moving into fourth dimension.

Biblical scholars speak of the second coming of the Son of God (Jesus Christ) in 2000 years. Esu Immanuel (Jesus) did return to Earth Shan in 1954, but he was never any son of any god. The phrase, "the second coming of the Son" was deliberately twisted. Originally it meant "the coming of the second Sun." We were to have a new sun and a new moon. That has happened! Since August 17, 1987, Earth Shan has moved out of the Apsu Solar System and into the Coeleno Solar system of Pleiades. Coeleno is one of the "Seven Sister" star/suns of Pleiades. Earth Shan is now the 4th planet of the 12-planet system of Coeleno. We have a new sun, smaller and more intense, a new moon, and have moved from our former solar system by millions of light years! Therefore, how could we possibly have a "successful" Mars landing? The pictures of turtles and metallic junk coming from the "Mars Probe" are Hollywood lies! Wake up people! We have no space program. The White Russians use their scalar technology to shoot down all U.S. space launches within 5 minutes after launch, because our space launches are really attempts to put spy satellites in orbit to spy upon Russia’s technology.

And the real Hubble telescope, a nearly perfect piece of equipment, is parked in a military "garage" in Southern California. To have such equipment in space would reveal the Pleiadian starships that surround our planet, our Coeleno solar system, and the lies being put upon the masses. The White Russian military have allowed the KZB to place a "Hubble piece of junk replica" to orbit in space to fool the masses.

You say that I write nonsense. You can see the stars, constellations, and planets all in proper placement. Yes, you can, but they have all been replaced by starships. The ships make them appear real but they are not stars or planets. The starships flash their rainbow-colored strobe lights and move up and down and back and forth in the night sky, and you still call them stars? Wake up people! Things are not as they seem.

Be thankful, readers, that the Russians have perfected Nikola Tesla’s scalar technology and have rendered nuclear obsolete. If given half a chance the KZB would blow up our planet with nuclear to gain world control. As Hatonn has stated, the White Russians are truly the "keepers of your planet."

2. Middle East Peace

Few people understand the history behind the Middle East problem. The "Jews" are a political entity which can be traced back to the Pharisees of Esu Immanuel’s day. Wherever they have gone they have taken control of the society, causing political, economic, and social chaos. They destroyed the Sumarian nation and usurped their history and became known as the Israelites of the Bible. They took what they wanted by theft and slaughter. Today they are known as the Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks (KZB). They were the force behind the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917 funded by Rockefellers and J.P. Morgan, in which 20 million Russians were slaughtered. They were the evil force of Nazism in Hitler’s Germany. The Holocaust is fake! The Zionist Jews slaughtered 100,000 of their enemy, the Orthodox Jew, and then fled Germany themselves under cover of such as Operation Paperclip to infiltrate other countries and especially the U.S. They have been thrown out of country after country because of their evil intrigue. They are a people without a country.

They re-wrote the Bible and proclaimed themselves as God’s chosen people with the "Holy Land" as their "promised land." They truly are Jehovah’s chosen ones, for God Jehovah is none other than God Jehovah Satan. They are known as the Serpent People and serve their master, Serpent Satan.

The Judeans are the native people of the "Holy Land" and are not Jews/KZB. The word "jew" was coined in 1775 as a trick to confuse people as to the true identity of the KZB/Pharisees. A plan was well laid for them to establish a "country" of their own in the middle of their arch enemies---the Islamic community.

For the second time in history these "Israelites’ conquered their "promised land". They organized and chartered the United Nations in 1945. In 1946 under the blessing of the UN they stole the land belonging to the Palestinians. In 1948 the UN "created" a new nation known as the "State of Israel" on this stolen land. In 1950 the United States Congress officially made the State of Israel a state of the United States of America! The congressional records of every state in the U.S. show this to be true. The State of Israel receives a minimum of 4 billion dollars each year as state aid from the U.S. Treasury. Do the other fifty states receive such aid?

In 1967 due to tension and threats from her Arab neighbors, Israel declared a six-day war on them. Supported by the U.S., Israel stole much of the surrounding Arab lands, including land from Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, etc. Israel occupied this land as a buffer zone against her enemies or used it for settlement area for Israeli expansion. Is it any wonder that for over 50 years there has been no peace between thief Israel and her Arab neighbors?

In 1967 Israel stole the Golan Heights from Syria and cut off all Syrian water rights to the Sea of Galilee. Today, finally, Syria and Israel are talking, and Syria is demanding that the Golan Heights and water rights to the Sea of Galilee be returned. Israel and the KZB are under the gun of the White Russians. You readers should know by now that in 1979 the Russians threw out the KZB from their country, leaving only a few controlled ones as a front. The KZB went to Britain and the U.S. and took total control of those governments. Thus, the KZB power-house triangle of the U.K./U.S./Israel was established. Since that time the Russians have controlled our planet’s air space with their cosmospheres and scalar technology. Today the Russians have ordered Israel to return the Golan Heights to Syria. We shall watch to see how this plays out.

3. The Millennium

The masses of our planet were tricked again by the year 2000 millennium lie. According to our Roman calendar this is year 2000, the zero year, the last year of the 20th century and the last year of the 2nd millennium A.D. The 21st Century begins with year one or January 1, 2001. If you noticed, Fidel Castro of Cuba made that very clear to the world on New Year’s Day when asked about Cuba’s millennium celebrations.

Therefore, according to our Roman calendar the true millennium celebrations should be held on January 1, 2001. The world controllers with their Y-2K/millennium lie have done a preview of their Plan, which is set to take world control on the eve of the true millennium. Will the masses be tricked again? Probably! Will Satan and his evil controllers win? Never!

The perfect calendar which is a record of the movement of the cosmic bodies, including our sun and solar system, is called the Cosmic calendar. As has been noted the cosmic harmonic convergence occurred on August 17, 1987. That date marked the end of the second millennium and the 1000 years reign of Satan. God Aton’s Plan 2000 took full effect at that time, and Satan knows he has lost the battle for control of Earth Shan. Do not be fooled though, for evil never gives up.

Our modern calendar is off from the cosmic calendar by more than twelve years. Esu Immanuel (Jesus) Sananda was born on 8, 8, 8, BC and not at the turn of the century as the controllers have reported. That puts our calendar eight years behind the true cosmic calendar. The other four years of error are due to the silly fighting that occurred over the number and length of the months in a year and the number of days in a year. The true calendar is based upon a 13-month calendar of 28 days each month with 364 days each year. Therefore, we are in year 12 of the new millennium or 2012 and not 2000 as claimed by our evil controllers. Because of their lack of knowledge they have already lost the battle and do not realize that we are already in year 12 of God Aton’s Plan 2000! Aho!

4. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today, January 17, 2000, is a national holiday in honor of civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, Jr. who was assassinated at the prime of his career. His birthdate was January 15, and like his predecessor and name-sake, Dr. Martin Luther four centuries ago, King was a reformer who dared to challenge the evil of his day. Because of King’s stand for the rights of black people and against the Vietnam War, the CIA labeled him a "national security risk" and one who must be stopped. The CIA made a deal with Jessie Jackson to replace King as a less radical civil rights leader for the Blacks, and promptly assassinated King. Jackson tried to cover his evil tracks by claiming with witnesses that King had died in his arms. That is not true. Jackson was a participant in the crime and poured chicken blood on his shirt to give the appearance that he was on the opposite end of the crime scene. The Revered Jessie Jackson is no civil rights leader. He runs with the Chicago Mafia in his garbage collection and grade B milk businesses to extract exhorbant profits. He is like most of our other politicians today who live totally on the darkside. Quite sad!

5. Chechnya

Both Henry Kissinger and his Israeli death squads operate very well hidden from public view these days. The KZB operate on a very simple plan to accomplish their goal of control of the masses. They first create a problem which causes chaos and fear. Then they present their pre-determined solution to the problem they just created, and the masses gladly accept it. The sole purpose of the Israeli death squads is to create chaos and fear. They were used in Croatia, Somalia, South Africa, Zaire, Kosovo, the embassy attacks in Africa, (Osama Bin Laden is innocent of such violence), and now Chechnya.

Does Russia know this? Of course! Russia is methodically destroying the Israeli death squads in Chechnya, but always at a cost to the people. Some of the people of Chechnya, as in Kosovo, desired a sovereign state. The KZB infiltrated and used the situation to create radical leaders and violence. Their goal is to destroy their arch-enemy, the White Russian people and their military. Will the KZB succeed? Never! Our KZB media has portrayed Russia as a weak and broken nation with little wealth and ability to recover. The KZB claim that the Russian economy is in deep depression, that the people live in fear and distrust of their leaders, and that Russia will never again be a great nation. We are told that Russia is fighting to survive as a people and as a nation, and will likely not succeed. Do you believe such garbage? Learn to read everything backwards. It is true that Russia has suffered much from the dirty tricks of the KZB. Our Vice President Al Gore and cohorts have stolen billions of dollars from Russia under cover of the IMF and World Bank. The KZB recently bombed Moscow and other Russian cities, and of course, caused the Chechnya fiasco.

Russia, today, is a powerful nation of wealth, resources, and a very determined (Christian) people. They have never forgotten the 20 million of their people the KZB killed in 1917. Their military has the most advanced space technology in the world, and their cosmospheres, using Nichola Tesla’s scalar technology, control all space around Earth Shan. They control much of the weather of our planet and use it to upset the plans of the KZB. The storms of Europe during this past Christmas season were devastating to France (Paris twice), Germany, Spain, Britain, etc. The earthquakes in China this week, which caused very serious damage and death, were again "signals"—"a shot across the bow" of the KZB ship. The Russian Bear is warning the KZB that they will not win control of Earth Shan.

6. Contrails

Fifty years ago the airplanes left contrails (condensation trails) of water vapor in the sky. These would dissipate and disappear in a matter of seconds. Today the planes fly overhead and leave great trails of white which fan out and form long clouds. Several contrails will form a cloud cover over an entire city and remain for hours. Why? These contrails are no longer water vapor trails. They are great plumes of pollution, microbes, and pathogens which are being deliberately sprayed out behind the airplanes as a means to cause sickness and death to the people. This fact has been proven time and again, but anyone who has tried to reveal this evil plan to the public has been quickly silenced by our evil controllers. This is part of their plan of world depopulation. Have you been ill recently? Have your family and friends and work place people been ill---repeatedly?

I shall enter here a personal note. As you well know, the darkside does not want Truth on the Internet, and the Adversary has used every means to stop our work or take us "out". They have failed to do so because we keep ourselves protected by the White Light Shield of Aton. Our plasma bubble, which surrounds us and our homes/work places provided by Hatonn, has stopped nearly all advanced technology against us. I say nearly all, because occasionally something new is tried and may partially be a problem until we request increased protection. Remember, the Lighted Realms do not interfere with freewill. An example of such a problem is as follows. On December 22, 1999, I was zapped by a "terminator" virus through our telephone system. Yes, the darkside has such capability and more. They are able to take your DNA through your TV and to move pathogens through electrical circuits.

Nearly everyone dies quickly from a "terminator" virus. Medical doctors have nothing to cope with such a high frequency virus. I used the Drias (Aqua Gaia and Gaiandriana) and the colloids of titanium, gold, and silver provided by Hatonn to stop this virus. These are not available to the general public by order of the Serpent People but can be obtained from New Gaia, (1-800-New Gaia). As recently as August 17, 1999, the FDA ordered all silver colloids removed from the shelves of all U.S. health food stores.

I am most thankful to the Lighted Realms that my health has been restored. My work is not yet done. We offer the "water of life" freely, without price, Truth to the four corners of Earth Shan, and we are reminded of Hatonn’s repeated statement that "there shall be no more martyrs of mine ground crews".

Question: If I am protected, why was I hit with this virus? Answer: For my lessons in the use of the right products to treat such viruses as an example for others, and secondly, by having had such a virus in my body, I now shall transmute all such viruses from Earth Shan during her transition into higher dimensions.

7. Y-2K

The planned Y-2K disaster to shut off electricity, shut down computer systems, destroy all records, take all money and property world-wide, order martial law in the U.S. to stop rioting, and under military law allow FEMA to take complete control of the U.S. all failed! (Remember that martial law sets aside the Bill of Rights and the entire Constitution of the U. S. of A.) Why? I am not being arrogant and I speak Truth when I say that God Aton’s Plan 2000 will not allow such actions by the darkside. They of the darkside/KZB/Serpent People lost because we of the Light stopped them by our God-Spirit within through thought creations. Aho!

Did you notice the big push for fear of terrorism in December in the U.S. and globally? The Serpent People realized they were losing the show on Y-2K and tried to create negativity by setting the people up for a big "planned" terrorist event on New Years to bring the "FEMA curtain" down on us. It didn’t work! Why? Again, there was too much positive energy in the millennium celebrations around the world, coupled with the thought creations of the Light Bearers and Truthbringers to allow the darkside to win! Have you noticed that there is suddenly silence about any terrorism on our controlled media? They have moved on to another plan.

8. Bank Changes

The entire world is moving to a gold-backed banking system planned to be completed in January, 2000. Then comes the fight as to who will control it---the Serpent People/KZB/NWO or the sovereign countries of the world? Now is your chance to use your creative God-Spirit power within and thought create that which you desire in your/our world. Remember, that only Lighted Beings have such ability. Those of evil intent can not do so.

At some point the Federal Reserve Banking System shall be dissolved, which then brings down its twin, the IRS. I repeat, that the legitimate money programs and the farm claims shall be paid. The infusion of currency by Greenspan to cushion the hoarding of money for the Y-2K change-over is now to be withdrawn from circulation between January 15 and March 15, 2000. This money was "repo" money on loan for 30 to 90 days and not backed by silver or gold. The plan is to withdraw this money and crash the stock market in March. Will it work? What do you want to happen? Remember, you have the power within through the power of your God-Spirit to thwart the darkside---always!

Balance must be restored to Earth Shan, and we know that finally God Aton wins. Sananda shall defeat his brother Satan. Earth changes and cleansing shall increase, and then at some point lift-off for the enlightened/God Aton’s remnant. Will that happen this year? That is a very great possibility! Keep learning your lessons and searching for Truth, and sharing it with others. You shall have great rewards in soul growth for walking the Lighted path.