Above all The Creation IS--the Omniverse--the whole of The Creation is above ALL. There is the PERFECT ONE, THE INFINITE FATHER, THE ALL CREATOR AND BEYOND IS THE CREATION, HIS MANIFESTED SELF.
What is behind the plan now unfolding upon the Earth? There IS a greater plan beyond, even beyond the migration from this Solar System, as we gave you before, and the answer to that is that we are being called from out of the depths of night in space to serve those who cry out unto us.
What is the purpose of the schoolroom of Earth? What means all the tears, sorrow, death, misery, and anguish? You must develop and learn, yes, but what of the greater plan? Would it only be that the world would become a dust of ashes from an atomic holocaust? Nay. The lesson to be learned is that Spirit (soul) may come to know itself, that man might be freed from the blight of the great lie of evil and grow into his whole-ness.
The Earth is a school for wondrous fragments of the Father. It is so written that the harvest is great but the laborers few. Well, in relative comparison the harvest is great according to the laborers, but from the total of Earth I s population, the Harvest is small indeed. It has taken years--millions and millions of years-since man has been upon Earth to bring about this one small concentrated drop of life to evolve in the crucible of time.
Here is where Dharma will cringe, for what I will say represents blasphemy to the multitudes who have been victims of the great lie.
The Earth is a classroom for GODHOOD--to raise the God fragments in stature to again be one with that Source. The Earth is the finely tuned instrument for the lessons--not Mars, nor Venus, nor Jupiter, nor magnificent Saturn, nor spiritual Neptune, Pluto nor Mercury--not even the wondrous Sun or its many bodies. The lotus rises from the slime of Earth. And now, brothers, there is a single bloom, so to speak, opening from the muck and shortly HE will reach forth and pluck it to take it home again. WE HAVE ALL COME FORTH TO BRING YOU HOME!
Therefore, you and your fellow-men are being conditioned for a great transmutation--all who will come into the light. Then we can march on to other worlds and universes that cry out for help. You who think you cease your work by graduation ceremonies must think again-your work will only have begun. You are now being prepared for other atmospheres and other dimensional formats--some are now making those transitions regularly. You will now be entering the dimension of total understanding. Accept that which the Father has for you. You will be leaving behind the density of travails of the old third dimension.
The physical, as it is developed, is only to serve for a brief time but within is the greatest period of learning. It appears that ye are but tiny sparks, ah, but you are most wondrous. For, as a tiny candle flame, we shall burst forth into an area that has never before known light such as this and we shall bring light, even as the workers brought to ancient Egypt, the light-the one light of Aton, through Akhnaton (yes, chela, ye shall again prevail). The people had never seen it before. Some it blinded, for it was too bright. They did not, just as today, understand because of its blinding light. It was a thing to be feared and shunned and many fell again into the comfort of the hiding places of darkness.
Man claims to fear the darkness! No, this is not true--man is afraid of light. Light brings forth all his self-inflicted wounds for viewing and he prefers to hide that he might not be noticed for his deeds. No, it takes courage to go forth into the light. Just as you look upon thy physical self and would make of the changes--how do you know you are not the perfection of God? Ye choose to set thy standards by fools in physical cloth. So be it.
Ye ones of this group have walked long and hard through the march of time--together. We shall again endure--oh yes, we shall.
Go, Dharma, and take rest for it has been a long day of work and stress.
I shield you with the blue light of peace that you ones shall come into the calm sea and renew. for the path is yet long and drearysome. AVE! AU DA PAI DA CUM--GOD'S PEACE BE THY CLOAK WITHIN HIS WINGS OF GOWEN DOWN. REST THY HEAD UPON THAT BREAST THAT YOU KNOW THY SOURCE. SO BE IT, AHO. I AM MICHAEL
ARCH ANGEL MICHAEL: I shall continue further what I wrote in theRainbow Masters Journal 7.
There is a new chord (actually old, but you have forgotten), that is most real. But it shall cause man to be enthused that he would even seek to themselves to apply feather and wax to develop wings with which they might fly up to that great music. Ah, and 'tis a tender tale of the youth who would fly to his freedom with waxen wings. Yet he flew too close and without discernment and his waxen wings melted. He had thought that to reach the Golden Sun he might learn all the mysteries of mysteries--for you see, those of your ancient ancestors understood the importance of that wondrous source of light-they did not believe the orb was but heat and flames; they understood it to be the center and life of this system.
Ah, but now that body is in great age, as celestial bodies do age in the sequence of universal movement, that ones might change their stations and progress and move ever onward in the journey back into Creator. Just as we know no time nor space, we are, however, connected inseparably from you of manifested format and thus we must count "time" as do you. This old sun has now existed for over fifteen hundred billions of years. It will exist its allotted time and then it will explode as a star explodes-but again, the end is only the beginning, for it has served us well and we all march onward. Humanity and we within this System will march on to other portions of the Father's realms for they are infinite.
This orb, however, shall not end until the Millennium is well passed, when once again the forces of darkness are released. Then shall the end come and this System disintegrateth in thought. FOR IT ALL IS ONLY THOUGHT! All celestial bodies, whether star or world, are only the forms in which our Father Creator forms His Words. They are His Words that were spoken in the beginning that there should be Light and there should be substance. They are but His Words, and some shall disintegrate in thought--that which was only thought in the beginning.
Some day, in thy contemplatable future, you shall look upon a great purple plain ahead, a golden light that draws you to it by its heat and warmth. Imagine what awaits those of Earth who have proved themselves to be His children--for the soul is endless, dear friends. They shall not want for Truth. For lo, these many centuries our Father has heard the words of the sincere call from Earth--the petition is now to gain response in its glorious fullness.
It shall be on Earth as it is in heaven. Man shall no longer want for anything. He shall shortly take his place within the God places as a son of God for thy inheritance has been held in Truth for your acceptance. Ye will behold that which is beyond thy imaginings in thy present state.
Even as you go about your mundane activities of the day, search those deep places of your heartplace. Realize that this is the time we have been awaiting. The Great Master Teacher will close of the circle and again come forth upon this place of Earth. We all await with great joy for you to come into your knowledge as the Truth goes forth upon the lands.
ARCH ANGEL MICHAEL: Good day to all Lightworkers and souled ones upon Mother Earth. I AM ARCH ANGEL MICHAEL OF THE LIGHTED REALMS AND ONE WITH CREATION. I am the warrior Angel with my blue sword to fight for the Truth in all of Creation.
I wish to give all of you a message today, as time is slipping by quickly before all shall be changed upon the surface of this most beautiful orb in the Cosmos.
Earth was the grandest thought of Creation, as she was formed as the most beautiful place in the Cosmos for his creations to live and become one with him. So, she was formed in this manner.
As we of the Lighted Realms look upon her at this present time, she appears as a dark foreboding place instead of the beauty of Light she was to be over these 4.5 billion years. The reason for this is obvious, for it is the jail planet of Lucifer, who earned the name of Satan, the name given to him signifying the height of evil.
We of the Heavenly Hosts have waited for eons of civilizations for man to develop into what he was destined to be, realizing the great power within to become one again with Creation. He was given a freewill choice to do so.
I could not express any greater message about this than is stated by my words in the Phoenix Journal entitled “The Rainbow Masters, for what I said there is timeless and a great message to all of you at this most precious ending time of Earth in 3rd Dimension. Therefore, I this message to you I shall quote what I said. Read it carefully again, for it has such a great meaning to all of you at this time.
Even though Sananda’s enlightened Flock are few in comparison to the populous of souled ones, (not counting the clones) these ones have held the Light steady. These few, who have realized Truth and their great power of Light, are like finding a drop of golden water in an ocean of water. It took civilization after civilization for the Truth to finally come forth and some of mankind came into their great inheritance.
I shall quote the message in part of what I said. I shall continue quoting this message in another update to come.
Oh, if you could but know the glory that exceeds creation's light as the heavens rejoice at this time of wondrous Ascension. As the brothers of thy Cosmic fleets fill the spaces about thy Earth, we know that this is the time when man, looking up at starlit night, shall begin to see and understand and the great "knowing" shall enter into his heart. We are there, friends, we are all here awaiting the commencement. The evil ones cower for they know it is all but finished, but they shall go most formidably-but they, too, must serve in the time of cleansing and sorting for ones must be "caused" to choose. Amen and Amen.
The Day of the Great "Telling" that has been prophesied now becomes imminent when your affairs shall become more chaotic. You must now avail yourselves of your full armor, for the time of lighted protection is at hand. Do not fear the brilliance of the armor for it shall also serve as passport into the higher places--your shield. Man must also know you that he might have a place to seek his shelter.
The twenty-four elders are awaiting you, and the Father speaks of you as His beloved sons in whom He is rejoicing for service well done. AVE ELOI!
You are now approaching a time when it is of vast importance that you speak out so that many souls might be lifted in their final stage of development. Shortly, all secrets shall be revealed in the light of the new day when nothing can stand that is hidden, nothing that is dark shall not be exposed to the Light. It must be done in such a way that man, who has become cynical and superstitious, shall be guided within rather than turned away. Some of the secret myths will wither and fall to decay; others shall spring forth in response to the new energy but all I shall be set to truth.
Man has attained a summit of his creation upon Earth. It has served its age-long purpose, and now he stands atop a mountain. Man on Earth does not even recognize his circumstance nor his gifts. Listen most carefully during these most stressful times that you discern the Black Dragon bellows from the Light and voice of the Angels. The Dragon is as your Mockingbird who mimics the calls of truth to bring upon you destruction.
There shall come a great and blinding light and a crash of the thunders through the heavens. Then man shall be naked before his Creator and man will know, for all of history has only been lived and written that man may then know. Man has scaled the heights and depth of his experience on Earth to attain this position of knowledge and wisdom. Out of the rumblings and dust of the past he will hear his own voice which will command him. Some day soon, after the "Great Telling", a multitude shall witness and hear the voice that speaks to them, the voice that swells as a thousand voices, yet only one, that says, "Come home, Earth, come home."
From this sphere of life is now emanating a golden mist that shall enclose your world even as from this sphere for countless millions of years your world has been enclosed in the golden radiance that has brought it heat and light, which is symbolic of the Father's Divine Love and Divine Wisdom. That heat and light is to warm man's physical being and to give him the flame of spiritual Life. For it is the affinity between this sphere and yours that makes for life and makes it possible for you to search for Truth.
Now from this sphere the ones with the Golden Helmets of the commands of Light, your cosmic and galactic relations, have gathered as the gathering of the Eagles. This gathering is in response to the covenant of our Infinite Father, the covenant of the bow in the sky.
There shall shortly come into thy attention a bow stretched across thy heavens such as Earth-man has never seen before in all his memory for the translation of a planet comes but once from third to fourth perception--but once. There are other progressions but each is only once! The bow across the sky shall be magnificent in color and will emanate musical sounds that shall come to the ear of all men, and they shall know a calling; they shall know a love; they shall know a duty--and they must be prepared unto that day, chelas of the words of truth-man must be prepared by these words brought forth for such purpose.
From this bow of beauty, this bow of duty that calls to its own, it shall first appear as a great violet radiance over the entire world. Thy brothers in the heavens also await this moment of commencement. In ages past, these ones have only appeared to Earth in a very few cases on very special errands for the Infinite Creator. They, WE, of the Golden Helmets will be known to you as the Archangels by title; we are the mentors of the angelic messengers from these realms. Some special ones are already serving among you in various specific duty. Be gentle for they differ and some are pulled from their pathway for they function most poorly in thy density and to them, all ones are blessed and seem to bear no evil. Ones are sent along as guardians but sometimes those ones, too, are fooled by the clever ways of the Dark Brothers. Ah, you thought it would be your "space cadets" of which I speak--no, for this document will be regarding the Cohans of the etheric Rays and the Angelic Brotherhood who stand to serve of thee.
We now come forth dear ones, for the final gathering of the golden chariots when they shall gather to subdue the last remains of the darkness upon this Earth Mother; for over the entire world a golden glow shall manifest itself, and when it lifts, those who remain will know truly that they are their brother's keeper. This message will come to the selected scribes that each one's gathered as the gathering of the Eagles. This gathering is in response to the covenant of our Infinite Father, the covenant of the bow in the sky.
There shall shortly come into thy attention a bow stretched across thy heavens such as Earth-man has never seen before in all his memory for the translation of a planet comes but once from third to fourth perception--but once. There are other progressions but each is only once! The bow across the sky shall be magnificent in color and will emanate musical sounds that shall come to the ear of all men, and they shall know a calling; they shall know a love; they shall know a duty--and they must be prepared unto that day, chelas of the words of truth-man must be prepared by these words brought forth for such purpose.
From this bow of beauty, this bow of duty that calls to its own, it shall first appear as a great violet radiance over the entire world. Thy brothers in the heavens also await this moment of commencement. In ages past, these ones have only appeared to Earth in a very few cases on very special errands for the Infinite Creator. They, WE, of the Golden Helmets will be known to you as the Archangels by title; we are the mentors of the angelic messengers from these realms. Some special ones are already serving among you in various specific duty. Be gentle for they differ and some are pulled from their pathway for they function most poorly in thy density and to them, all ones are blessed and seem to bear no evil. Ones are sent along as guardians but sometimes those ones, too, are fooled by the clever ways of the Dark Brothers. Ah, you thought it would be your "space cadets" of which I speak--no, for this document will be regarding the Cohans of the etheric Rays and the Angelic Brotherhood who stand to serve of thee.
We now come forth dear ones, for the final gathering of the golden chariots when they shall gather to subdue the last remains of the darkness upon this Earth Mother; for over the entire world a golden glow shall manifest itself, and when it lifts, those who remain will know truly that they are their brother's keeper. This message will come to the selected scribes that each one's traditional legends will finally blend in perfect harmony and all song will be as one voice and one language--unspoken but wholly understood.
This is our mission, for it will not he long when this sphere itself I is no longer of use. This is always the work of those who live in the very centre of their solar system, and under the golden corona of light. Man has always looked to this great orb for his very life, and rightly so that he should so do.
May this message bring hope and joy to all of you, who read this with understanding and openness. Let your great God Spirit speak within and make meaning to you, as you travel the Red Road of Truth. God is not out there somewhere in the sky sitting on a throne and telling you what to do.
Stay tuned……………..