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They Carried the Weight

Don Hynes

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Sept. 11, 2014

Old stones fall

from weather and age,

the call of the earth

drawing them down

after long standing.

Vines reach up

to soften their decline

in the healing descent.

Don’t judge why they stood

or their reasons for going,

they carried the weight

until they could no more.

Look for what rises

from the depth of the earth

searching toward starlight

from the sentient root.


NOTE from Don Hynes:  A good friend chose to end her life this week. She was a kind, good hearted woman. I wrote this poem for her and published it in a circle of friends on Facebook. It seemed to resonate in a broader way so I thought to post it on the Poet's Journal. Here is the title and link to the poem.


Kathy Fell

Kathy Fell

NOTE from Don Hynes: