This Good Samaritan Was Billed After Helping a Family in a Car Crash
When Derrick DeAnda pulled up to a rollover car crash in Elk Grove, California, his first instinct was to do whatever he could to help. What he didn't expect, though, was to be billed $143 for his actions at scene of the crash.
Upon seeing an overturned car with a man and his three small children inside, DeAnda broke through the car's windows and helped the family get out, CBS Sacramento reports. When first responders arrived, they checked him out for injuries (all he had was a small cut, according to the news station) and gave him water.
Weeks later, he received a bill from Cosumnes Community Services District first responders in the mail. DeAnda was shocked. "I mean, why would I want to stop to help somebody if I'm going to get a bill for $150?" he said in an interview with CBS Sacramento.