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To Explain Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight, ‘Rogue Pilot’ Seems Likeliest Theory

Michael Forsythe and Keith Bradsher

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March 5, 2015

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — The retired chief pilot of Malaysia Airlines is torn between logic and loyalty to an old friend. Nik Huzlan, 56, was one of the first captains to fly the 12-year-old Boeing 777 that disappeared over the Indian Ocean a year ago this Sunday. He has known the pilot who flew the plane that day, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, for decades.

Mr. Huzlan is convinced that deliberate human intervention, most likely by someone in the cockpit, caused the aircraft, on a red-eye flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, to suddenly turn around, cease communication with air traffic control and some six hours later run out of fuel and fall into the ocean. But he also said that he had never seen anything in more than 30 years of friendship that would suggest that Mr. Zaharie was capable of such a deed.

“Based on logic, when you throw emotion away, it seems to point a certain direction which you can’t ignore,” Mr. Huzlan said. “Your best friend can harbor the darkest secrets.”