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Former Trump Adviser Slams ‘Complicit’ Media For Ignoring Durham’s Bombshell Report

Sally Kent

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February 14, 2022

Former Deputy National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland slammed the media for ignoring shocking updates in special counsel John Durham’s investigation into the Russia hoax. During an interview with Fox News, McFarland ripped the media for being “complicit” in peddling a false narrative after it was revealed the 2016 Clinton campaign allegedly paid a tech company to infiltrate Trump Tower and the Trump White House servers to fabricate a connection to Russia.

Fox News reports:

 Well, because all the other media was in on the con, they were all in on it. They were the ones that did Russia, Russia, Russia. I mean, they destroyed my career, my reputation, cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees with the Mueller investigation. So the media, they don’t want to touch this because they’re complicit in it. They don’t want to have to be called before a grand jury and have to say where they got the fake story and why they continue to peddle it.