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URGENT: Selective Service database deadline . .

Mat Staver

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We need to hear from you today to make your voice heard on a significant issue. The Selective Service System (SSS) has a deadline this week for its public comment period on its tracking database.

Oppose these dangerous federal tracking lists by sending your faxes to critical departments and Congress, which has an active bill to reverse these databases now. You can also sign our petition. — Mat

The Selective Service System (SSS) is responsible for tracking information on EVERY male age 18-25 in America—a database it keeps in case Congress calls for a military draft.

This agency is finalizing a new rule tracking “vaccination status, including records related to the processing of requests from employees, applicants for employment who are seeking a reasonable accommodation.”

Those records will track a person’s “religious beliefs, observances or practices, including medicines or medical products that are used or not used by an employee due to a belief, observance or practice.”

They want a list of all the medicines a person has used and a list of all the medical products a person will not use—because of their faith.

There are more than 20,000 prescription drugs in the U.S. alone. A bogus list of medications was circulated among employers last year to stop people from applying for religious exemptions to the COVID shots. This list falsely alleged that Tylenol was made with aborted fetal cells. But the medication now known as Tylenol was discovered in 1878 and later marketed under the name Tylenol in 1955. Aborted fetal cells were not in existence at the time of its creation.

Will the SSS list be used to document a person’s use of Tylenol to try to undercut a religious exemption?

But it doesn’t stop there. This new rule says, "Information may also be sourced from personnel at medical facilities” without any mention as to whether the information had been submitted by the individual on whom they are gathering data! Is the government now spying on Americans using their medical records?


Congress Can Stop These Growing Lists of Religious Americans!


A new bill in Congress, the Religious Freedom Over Mandates Act (HR 6502), will defund these databases. The number of co-sponsors is increasing, but we need the support of significantly more legislators.

Send your critical faxes right away. These departments and members of Congress must act now to reverse these dangerous databases across 55 federal agencies.

In case tracking and recording religious beliefs, observances and practices isn't concerning enough, there also is a big problem with HOW this was rolled out.

Rule changes are all subject to a public comment period. But the SSS announcement stated, “This new system is effective upon publication,” and while the SSS is taking comments until Friday, this rule is already in effect.

This means that rather than bureaucracy asking Americans if it is allowed to take an action, now the government is simply telling us what they’ve already decided to do.

In America “We the People” are the sovereign, not unelected agencies. Every politician is a servant to the public, and every agency serves at the will of our public servants.

These federal agencies have forgotten their place and instead desire to become lords and kings over the American people and enslave us to their will.

We cannot allow these databases run by unaccountable government agencies to grow and expand. Our government needs to be reminded that “We the people” are free and are not just records in their databases to be monitored and tracked. End this now! Send a clear message reverberating down the halls of Congress and into these departments with your urgent faxes today!

Effective February 10, a court system in Washington, D.C., is starting to track the religious beliefs of its court employees. The Pretrial Services Agency says its goal is “to ensure a safe and healthy environment for individuals who are occupying PSA facilities.”

The Pretrial Services Agency already “has provided a report of this system of records to the Office of Management and Budget and to Congress.

“This system of records maintains personal religious information collected in response to religious accommodation requests. … ”

This information is being collected on “employees, detailees, contractors, consultants, interns, and volunteers.”

I urge you to send faxes right away. These departments and members of Congress must act now to stop this dangerous database.

These databases are a serious threat to freedom. We need to reverse and erase these permanent federal databases tracking people of faith!

LC Action will vigorously fight these lists. You can support our efforts today through our Challenge Grant that will DOUBLE the impact of your monthly recurring gift or one-time donation.

Together, we can turn this around!

Mat Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action


P.S. Send your faxes to congressional leaders and agencies to block this database.

P.P.S. Then DOUBLE the impact of your donations through our Challenge Grant! Select here to equip our staff to fight this battle for free and fair medical choices.

Finally, sign our petition to these leaders to be delivered at critical moments in this fight against a “religious” database.


Norman, Ralph. 2022. “H.R.6502 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Religious Freedom over Mandates Act.” January 25, 2022.

“Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records.” Federal Register: Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia. January 11, 2022.

“Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records.” Federal Register: Selective Service System. January 13, 2022.

“Resources & Research: COVID Vaccine.” Liberty Counsel Action, 2021.

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.


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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action

PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854


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