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HENEGHAN: British Financial Terrorists Plot Thwarted (Updated with accusation against Fourwinds by Christopher Story- Oct. 4, 2009)

Tom Heneghan

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by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

Sunday  September 20, 2009

UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that a British Intelligence plot to LOOT the U.S. Treasury and end-run the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols has been thwarted last Friday by the U.S. Marshal Service and with the brave assistance of French Intelligence.


Left pic: U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner (left), Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke (r)

Right pic: former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan (left)

We can now divulge that noted internet blogger Christopher "Chris" Story aka British Intelligence operative, with the assistance of his partners-in-crime, Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooges Michael Cottrell, noted neo-Nazi and Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate 'black ops' specialist, Colonel Dana Wilcox, and his bagman brother Don Wilcox, conspired with current Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and current U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, to launder TRILLIONS of dollars of STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds tied to the Delmarva Timber Trust that were parked in a secret offshore Cayman Island hedge fund controlled by former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney back into the United States to the accounts of the noted terrorist brokerage house J. P. Morgan aka the Queen of England's bank.

Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Conspirators

Bill and Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney

These J. P. Morgan accounts include secret CIA custodial accounts tied to alleged Al Qaeda and the late 9/11 patsy and U.S. CIA employee Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden.

Reference: Bin Laden, who has been dead for almost eight years is kept alive by the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media simply to keep J. P. Morgan from having to pay Bin Laden's death tax.  The secret CIA custodial accounts also have a financial tie in to major New York City based law firms, the activities of the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme, and current New York Senator and Israeli Mossad agent, TRAITOR Charles Schumer, D-NY.


BushFRAUD, Queenie Pooh and daddy Bush

The financial TREASON scheme, which reaches to the actual doorstep of Buckingham Palace and the delusional British Monarch Queen Elizabeth II as well as sociopath, former President George Herbert Walker Bush aka daddy Bush, was to STEAL the already stolen funds tied to the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, to give the Queen of England back the $6.2 trillion that she and the Saudi Royal Family had loaned to former illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD and then to pay a massive commission to Senator Charles Schumer, Chris Story, Michael Cottrell, Dana and Don Wilcox, former President George Herbert Walker Bush, along with Bernanke, Greenspan, Geithner.  Note: The Queen of England and the Saudi Royal Family had originally loaned $6.2 trillion to former illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD [which the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate had initially stolen] in order to implement the final Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol settlement.  BushFRAUD, along with his U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry "Hank" Paulson and former Clinton Administration U.S. Treasury Secretary and former Citibank CEO Robert Rubin then illegally stopped the settlement from taking place while Ambassador Leo Wanta was actually at Citibank, and then the three partners-in-crime, BushFRAUD, Paulson and Rubin proceeded to steal the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds and lose them in offshore trading [the offshore trading platform used to lose the Wanta funds was located in Pakistan].

So you see, folks, the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds were actually stolen twice!  And now they have tried to do it for a third time!

This is clearly a massive Ponzi Scheme run amok.

Thanks to the efforts of the U.S. Marshal Service, utilizing PROMIS software, and our great ally of 200 years, the Republic of France, the financial money laundry has been thwarted and the STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds have been frozen at the broker firm of J. P. Morgan.

Note: It is important to remember, folks, that the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols remain under the authority of the Club of Paris.

It was French, U.S. and Chinese Intelligence that participated with American Patriot Ambassador Leo Wanta in bringing down the old Soviet Union.

It was the British that tried to thwart President Ronald Reagan's operation with the assistance of then Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush and then British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

This is a direct message to the British Monarch:

Again, it is the Club of Paris that has the authority over these funds. The American and French People are NOT your subjects and are NOT going to pay back a $6.2 TRILLION loan that you, Queenie Pooh, made to "four flusher", rat fink, election-stealing, cocaine snorting, homosexual in-the-closet, U.S. Treasury embezzler, nation-wrecking, Constitution shredding, AWOL war criminal George W. BushFRAUD.

Item: I want to quickly mention to you, folks.  I know a businessman in Texas that is still trying to collect a $50 debt from former President George Herbert Walker Bush dating back to 1967.

And, of course, it gets worse!

Logo of British Intelligence organisation, MI6.

The Financial World War III, which has already broken out, dovetails to a current British Intelligence operation, which includes using the British wing of alleged Al Qaeda to destabilize both Iraq and Afghanistan leading to the deaths of hundreds of U.S. Military personnel in both theaters of operation.

Over this weekend the entire world is now on the highest level of nuclear alert with the possibility of unforeseen consequences given the outstanding issues that deal directly with nation states fighting about money.

P.S. At this hour alleged President, CIA asset and Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge, Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro has been told by sociopath, former President George Herbert Walker Bush aka daddy Bush and his White House legal counsel and Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge, "Skull and Bonesman" Greg Craig that Obama no longer has authority as President of the United States.

National Security Advisor General James Jones

Opposing daddy Bush at this time and threatening to arrest him for HIGH Treason is current Obama National Security Advisor General James Jones.

Obama is currently being blackmailed by daddy Bush aka Obama's fraudulent birth certificates, along with Obama's closet homosexual affair with former ACORN employee, cocaine-snorting Larry Sinclair.

Daddy Bush is being blackmailed by Obama on his financial criminal relationship with Bill and Hillary Clinton and on his son, former illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD's closet homosexual relationships with former Yale classmate and Mayor of Knoxville, Tennessee and current U.S. Ambassador to Poland "Skull and Bonesman" Victor Ashe, as well as George W. BushFRAUD's secret White House closet homosexual trysts with alleged reporter, and former Reverend Haggard homosexual partner, noted body builder and male prostitute Jeff Gannon.


Daddy Bush is also being blackmailed on the use of NASA satellite technology to hack the Voter News Service in the year 2000 presidential election accommodating the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate THEFT of the states of West Virginia, New Hampshire, Tennessee, Missouri in the year 2000 presidential election from then Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated, non-sexual deviate,  natural born  President Albert Gore Jr.

Note: The state of Florida, of course, was stolen in the year 2000 presidential election, by the use of ChoicePoint software, which had been tested in the state of Texas, which eliminated over 50,000 registered voters (mainly African-American) from the Florida voter rolls two weeks before election day 2000.

These voters mainly African-Americans were falsely classified as convicted felons by the Jeb Bush-Katherine Harris junta and were actually intimidated and removed from polling stations in Florida by machine gun wielding Florida state police and attack dogs.


Florida's flawed "voter-cleansing" program

by Gregory Palast

How George W. Bush Stole The 2000 Election - Part 1 of 2

Gregory Palast

Two weeks after the election these same voters received an apology letter from election-stealing slut, former Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris alleging there was a computer glitch (ha).

Of course, folks, all of this has been reported in the European press but nine (9) years later never reported by the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion friendly U.S. media.

So you see, folks, as the U.S. economy remains in a depression, the blackmail business hasn't suffered.

P.P.S. They are baaack!

Once again the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media is trying to promote a terrorist alert in New York state.

These alleged terrorists being charged with lying to the FBI are nothing but stooges and patsies.

We can now divulge they are actually Denver, Colorado FBI Division 5 informants who have also been on the payroll of the Pakistani Intelligence Service (ISI) aka George Herbert Walker Bush aka daddy Bush.

Also tied to this terrorist false flag diversion, who is currently back in the United States somewhere in the Washington, D.C. vicinity, is none other than former First Lady Hillary Clinton's White House personal confidant and business partner, noted Osama bin Laden Al Qaeda Philippines bag lady and fugitive 7/7 London bombings terrorist suspect, counterfeiter and check bouncer, Eva Telege aka Telegi aka Teleki.

Teleki has also been reported to have a major link to a 9/11 Mohamed Atta, East German DVD terrorist cell in Hamburg, Germany code named "Becker", and apparently has immunity from the U.S. State Department.  [Are you listening Hillary?].


February 3, 2008 Intelligence Briefing
March 10, 2008 Intelligence Briefing...FACT: Three (3) criminal referrals dating back to 1999 are being stonewalled in the Bush-Clinton controlled Justice Department in regards to activities of Celebi and Bout. 1999 Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected,

President Albert Gore Jr. brought a criminal referral against

Bush-Clinton "TRUE COLORS" assassination teams 9/11 linked

co-conspirator arms and drugs trafficker TERRORIST Viktor Bout

FACT: The original criminal referral against Bout was brought forward in 1999 by then Vice President, now duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.

Bout, whose corporate enterprises span from Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Turkey and Georgia, a former old province of the Soviet Union, met SEVEN (7) times with noted Bush-Clinton East German DVD agent Eva Telege aka Teleke aka Teleki just before the 9/11 attack on New York City. of the meetings (between TERRORIST Viktor Bout and Bush-Clinton East German DVD agent Eva Telege aka Teleke aka Teleki) actually took place in July of 2001 in the Dubai, United Arab Emirates during the same time period that Osama bin Laden, i.e. CIA operative Tim Osman, was in Dubai at a U.S. CIA hospital receiving dialysis treatment for his failing kidneys.

March 21, 2008 Intelligence Briefing
November 26 and 27, 2008 Intelligence Briefing
June 27, 2009 Intelligence Briefing: Reference: This is the same Hamburg, Germany terrorist cell code named "Becker" that has been linked to the Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11 and the 7/7 London bombings, along with known Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton confidant, check bouncer, counterfeiter and 7/7 London bombings terrorist suspect, fugitive Eva Telege aka Teleke aka Teleki.

Hillary Clinton (r) and her aide Melanne Verveer

Click url below to read Hillary Clinton aide

Melanne Verveer's letter to Hillary's person confidant

and criminal business partner, Eva Teleki

9/11 Commission ‘played with fire’

By Wayne Madsen

Online Journal Contributing Writer
Sep 18, 2009, 00:26

(WMR) -- Lebanese student pilot Ziad Jarrah, according to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, also known as the “911 Commission,” was said to have been the pilot of the United Airlines Boeing 757-200 that crashed into the ground near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, on the morning of September 11, 2001.

...And not only did the Berlin consular officer have a faulty memory in his interview of Jarreh but the Lebanese national’s visa application was destroyed by the State Department, along with those of other hijackers. From page 45 of the 9/11 travel document compendium:

“Of the 23 hijacker visa applications, five were destroyed routinely along with other documents before 9/11 and before their significance was known. The visa applications of Nawaz al Hazmi, Kahlid al Mihdhar (in 1999), Mohamed Atta, Marwan al Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrah were destroyed.”

The report does not state what “other documents” were destroyed by the State Department prior to 9/11. Nor does the report explain why it was “routine” to destroy visa applications for visitors who were still in the United States.  MORE

Able Danger and DIA had advanced knowledge of 9/11 By Wayne Madsen

French Intelligence has recently been monitoring cell phone calls between British Intelligence operative Christopher "Chris" Story and Eva Telege aka Teleke aka Teleki.

Story just recently engaged in a libelous smear against American Patriot Ambassador Leo Wanta.

This whole terror alert was no coincidence since it coincided with the now failed attempted Financial Black Op of both daddy Bush and British Intelligence aka the delusional British Monarch.

Again, folks, these alleged terrorists aka FBI Division 5 informants are being charged lying to the FBI [sounds like the Scooter Libby diversion perjury Patrick Fitzgerald scam]; and listen to this, folks, somehow tied to a plot to plant IEDs (improvised explosive device) in the streets in New York City.

Question: How do you plant IEDs in cement sidewalks?  Could it be you call the Charles Schumer-Rahm Emanuel concrete company.  Final notes: The indictment of former BushFRAUD U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry (Hank) Paulson is imminent with current New York Attorney General Anthony Cuomo holding new evidence tying Paulson and daddy Bush to secret accounts involving STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds tied to J. P. Morgan and parked at the Deutsche bank.

Both daddy Bush and Paulson, as well as J. P. Morgan, have been linked to major short positions and counterparty derivatives that made billions of dollars for themselves when Lehman Brothers collapsed in September of 2008.

As reported in previous intelligence briefings, both daddy Bush and Paulson have now lost most of their money, not only the funds they looted from the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols but from the profits they derived from the Lehman Brothers collapse. 

This criminal trading activity has also compromised the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and brought it to the point of total bankruptcy.

Here is a direct message to British Intelligence:

There will be payback vis a vis the assassination of French Intelligence officer Charlotte Mazoyer.

Mazoyer was an expert in the use of high level technology and satellite software that NASA outsourced to British satellites that were then used to STEAL the year 2000 presidential election aka the hacking of the Voter News Service.

Mazoyer was also aware of the criminal treason that was taking place at E-Systems in Dallas, Texas where a current plot exists to spread the lab-created H1N1 flu virus utilizing nanotechnology across the United States and, accordingly, kill millions of Americans.

Again, folks, DO NOT take their flu vaccine -- it WILL kill you!

Reference: Today on CNN Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate puppet John King is promoting a flu vaccine.  We can also report now that current New York Governor David Paterson has been told by current Obama White House Chief of Staff and Israeli Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel that he can not run for re-election given the $3.2 million bribe Paterson took from a noted New York state law firm that has been a major Democratic Party financial campaign contributor to the political campaigns of current New York Senator Charles Schumer and former New York Senator, now defrocked U.S. Secretary of State loser Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton.

Caroline Kennedy

Item: The $3.2 million bribe that Paterson took from this New York law firm was in return for Paterson NOT to appoint Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of our assassinated President John F. Kennedy, as the next New York U.S. Senator.

The noted New York law firm that we will mention in our next intelligence briefing was tied to the Mortimer "Mort" Zuckerman, TIME magazine's Joe Klein, Bill and Hillary Clinton and FOX News Rupert Murdoch Greenberg massive anti-Gentile smear and attack against Caroline Kennedy at the time she was in consideration for the New York U.S. Senate seat.

Finally in closing, I have a direct message for Chris Story, a British Intelligence operative and now wanted financial terrorist:

You and your Denver, Colorado FBI Division 5 stooge Tim White should know that it is illegal to put someone's driver's license number up on the internet along with their home address.  I now know you two thugs are trying to get me assassinated.  You are both now being directly monitored by the U.S. Marshal Service.

Chris Story's colleague, Denver FBI Division 5 stooge Tim White, is wanted by the U.S. Secret Service for threatening the life of former Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.

At last report on Friday of last week, Chris Story left his New York City apartment in a taxi cab that took him to JFK Airport in a desperate attempt to return to the United Kingdom before the U.S. Marshal Service could arrest him.


"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the apparatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue breakaway entity of the U.S. government; allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best's rogue black ops specialists for scripted activity outside the U.S. government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police—an entity of the U.S. government." -Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

TOM HENEGHAN'S EXPLOSIVE INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGSInternational Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.

#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Story FRSA" <>
Sent: Sunday, October 04, 2009 10:12 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Mr Bellringer:


I see that you have reproduced the libels and lies about me perpetrated by a US operative called Tom Heneghan originally posted on 20th September 2009.


 For instance, you have reproduced the following fabrication:


 'On Friday of last week [18th September], Chris Story left his New York City apartment in a taxi cab that took him to JFK Airport in a desperate attempt to return to the United Kingdom before the US Marshal Service could arrest him\'.


 In fact I remained peacefully undisturbed in my apartment, engaged in my usual private investigative journalistic research and meetings, for subsequent use in my London office, until 29th September when I left for Newark Liberty International Airport where I boarded Continental Airlines 0028 leaving at 6.25pm for London Heathrow Airport arriving approximately 6:00 am on Wednesday 30th September 2009.


 All the other statements, innuendoes and allegations about me in that Heneghan farrago of lies that you reproduced, and even claimed copyright for, are likewise egregious and malicious fabrications.


 I require you to publish this email verbatim without your usual exculpatory comments, either with the email or separately. Should you fail to do so within 24 hours, I reserve the right to take appropriate measures against you personally and your website in the English Court without further warning.

 For the elimination of doubt, the English Court has jurisdiction because these outrageous, crass inventions, fabrications and libels have been published in the United Kingdom.


 Christopher Story FRSA