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An Open Letter to President Obama; Why Is Corporate America Destroying Our Economy?

William Cormier

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Dear President Obama;

This is a re-print of a comment I made on an article I published on May 16th, “As the Economy Worsens, A New America Is Emerging, Part 1″ I believe this comment was important enough to qualify for a letter to you as we seek solutions for stabilizing our economy. I am not privy if you have failed to act on this issue because you don’t believe it’s a problem, haven’t had the time, or in the alternative, support a Corapacy that is quickly destroying our economy.

I certainly am not disparaging the Presidency nor being disrespectful - but based on my research and previous articles I have posted, believe that the administration is paying undue homage to a corrupt and failing “Corapacy.” President Obama, I feel if you addressed this issue with truth and clarity, the American people might understand why your administration appears to be tacking along with previous Bush era policies that have added to our financial meltdown; if you would address the issue rather than hoping that no one is taking note of who the real culprits are in the destruction of our economy, millions of us would believe that “Yes, We Can” save our economy. Based on our current strategy for tackling this emergent crisis - it is obvious that unless you address the real issues that we as a nation face, there is absolutely no way that our economy and freedom(s) can be saved. Based on our present course, it is my opinion that the bulk of the American population are on their way to “Third World” status in the near future, and that is not acceptable! Furthermore, I would appreciate it if someone from your administration would speak on this matter in a forum that will allow “average Americans” to voice their opinions. Here is the comment: (Please forgive me for having to lay-out a foundation in support of the general thrust of this argument.)

For the past fifteen (15) years I have been living in “Red States”, Kansas, Florida, and Georgia - and during those years I have begun to form certain opinions. In Kansas, my live-in girlfriend was a devout Republican as was her entire family. She was brilliant, maintained a 3.87 GPA without breaking a sweat and was majoring in teaching at ESU in Emporia, Kansas - the 4th highest rated teachers college in the United States with an extremely demanding curriculum. I survived by not talking politics, and I listened and learned.

The backlash began in Emporia, where being a Republican was a matter of family pride - and speaking out against President Bush often carried instant repercussions. This was five or six years ago, and I began writing at the urging of my friend. She had wanted to be a teacher all of her life, loved children, and was by far one of the smartest women I have ever known. I became a regular on the campus of ESU and had the privilege of interviewing several of its Professors - who humbled me with their knowledge and education. They were also, almost to the very man (or woman) devout Republicans. Maybe I should say that they “were” devout Republicans; almost as a group, the staff at ESU believed that “No Child Left Behind” was an albatross and complained that educators, not politicians, should set the standards for our educational system. During one interview I brought up the fact that Laura Bush was an educator, and it almost ended the interview; the professor was shaking with anger wondering how in the hell a President who embarrassed the country almost every time he spoke and his “librarian” wife had the audacity to believe that they could somehow cure our ailing educational system. Now, five to six years later, our high school drop-out rate is soaring and students are now gloomy about their future. Sadly, my friend was one of those who changed her major.

The bulk of the American public fails to understand what a disaster “No Child Left Behind” is and was. The Professors at ESU were furious, and people that had dreamed of becoming teachers were changing their majors from teaching to business - and the dumbing-down of America began in full force. I learned that those who seek teacher degrees are hardly interested in the wages, as we don’t pay our teachers that well, but most majored in teaching because of their love for children and a belief that they could help to build a better America.

I wrote the above to make a point. The “electorate”, all of us who participate in political activities, including voting, are simply people with whom most of us interact on a daily basis. I have no hate or even a dislike for Republicans - however, I do despise their leadership - and I don’t care for the Democratic leadership either! Nancy Pelosi should be replaced and any Congressman, Democrat or Republican, who votes against our constitutional safeguards should immediately be impeached. Congressmen pledge to uphold the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the rule of law - as does our President.

The problem that we face as Democrats and Independents is one of information, and until we solve the endless propaganda and hate that Murdoch, Faux News, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter, just to name a few, spew to constantly enrage their base, there will be no real public participation in what Republicans perceive as an affront to their values.

What I learned is that if the average Republican is exposed to the facts from a source they trust, not the garbage and propaganda spewed by Fox News - they become as enraged, if not more so than the average Joe, for being duped into voting for Bush/Cheney. As we hemorrhage jobs, they aren’t just Democratic or Independent jobs, they are representative of the entire nation - and Republicans are on the losing end too. The propaganda arm of the GOP is attempting to lay this economy at the feet of President Obama, which took the Bush administration eight years to accomplish - yet almost instant results are being demanded of a President that has barely been in office 100 days.

And yes, I’m as critical of President Obama as I would a Republican President, however, I do believe that he is exercising an agenda that won’t fully revel itself for at least a full year. As I stated earlier, I am 100% against using taxpayer dollars to help banks and financial institutions that got in trouble through greed and some actions that were downright fraudulent.

Yes Harry Jones, we do need the “God of Profit” to survive, but outsourcing our manufacturing sector is a guarantee that we will never revitalize our economy, that wages will continue to drop, and worst of all, the United States will be in a position where it will be impossible to collect enough taxes to stay out of bankruptcy. Who is going to inhabit the homes of the recently decimated Middle-Class? What will happen to all of those homes? Is ANYONE asking those questions?

Anyone that has any concept of economics has to know that our current business model (That of the Corapacy.) is designed to enrich corporations while wrecking havoc upon our own economy. Refusing to fund our small businesses opens-up more segments in our markets for outsourced products, which equates to higher unemployment and more jobs being sent overseas. Americans, all of us, Democrats, Independents, and Republicans must demand that we reinvigorate our manufacturing sector, demand that corporations pay their fair share of taxes, and understand that “Protectionism” may be necessary for our survival. Read: Free Trade Is A Misnomer; So-Called Protectionism Is A Matter of Self Survival

Unfortunately, as desperately as this message needs to get out to the general public, as long as Rupert Murdoch and Fox News survive - there is almost no chance that millions of Republicans who have been misinformed will wake-up and understand that the very essence of our nation is being transferred to China. We, as a people, have forgotten what made our nation a financial powerhouse; I watched and wrote with almost a macabre fascination as Wal-Mart led the charge to outsource American jobs, trained China’s businesses in “The Wal-Mart Way” and then the rest of corporate America followed, some of them so they could compete with Wal-Mart. I do know that when Republicans do find the truth, as I witnessed in Emporia - they are as angry as the rest of us, and as demonstrated by this recent election - they demanded change.

Many of you are too young to remember that when Sam Walton established Wal-Mart, it was the death knell for many small businesses, but all in all, Wal-Mart helped our economy. One highly patriotic individual, Sam Walton, made his money through smart business tactics and pushing, at every store and every commercial to buy American! Sam Walton’s demand that his store carry American made goods was not government mandated, but the vision of a true patriot. Patriotism is in the heart of an individual(s), not a corporation. Americans should demand American made products and it needs to begin on a grass-roots level. If General Motors has taken federal bailout money, then they should figure out how to make quality cars in America, not enrich China with their greed - and “we the people” need to make our voices heard and demand that General Motors cannot spend one red nickel of that money in China.

If you don’t believe this is a class-war, then I suggest you find another source for your news. If you believe the United States can exist as a “service based economy” without our overall standard of living reaching Third World status, I suggest you walk into any college and consult an economics professor. Resources are finite, and as we embrace wind and solar power to quell our thirst for foreign oil, we also need to manufacture and grow our own crops. We’re losing our small businesses and farmers by the droves - and the farms are being bought-up by corporations as they take solid aim at controlling food prices, another disaster facing the American public.

We all stand at the crux of American influence and power, and while I don’t advocate war, there are others that do, and having “power” is what has protected our Democratic Republic all of these years. But, to hold true power, we must also be self-sufficient and care enough about our fellow citizen to urge Congress and the President to bring our manufacturing home, forget the disaster of using grains to manufacture bio-fuels, and above all, make it known that we’re tired of enriching China and that “we the people” prefer to buy American.

One thing is certain; the economy IS NOT getting better, and until Washington and the people wake-up and understand that corporations and their lobbyists have wrecked more havoc on the U.S. than the Taliban and Al Qaeda combined, our downward spiral will continue until all we have is massive debt to China - and they will eventually collect. Furthermore, picture our situation if we ever get into an international row with China; imagine all exports cut-off, no spare parts for vital infrastructure repairs and projects - and now that Wal-Mart and other greedy corporations purchase the bulk of their goods from China, how would they re-stock their stores?

When I wrote the original article that began the “Wal-Mart” series, I predicted that our economy would eventually fail and I also brought-up National Security as an issue; China has increased their military budget, they have intercontinental nuclear weapons, and now they are busy building a “Blue Water Fleet” to expand their influence on a global basis. Our military has suffered massive cyber-attacks that have been traced back to China (which they deny), and they refuse to exert their power and influence over North Korea - who only exist by and through the grace of the Chinese. Beijing has the ability to demand that North Korea quit their nuclear ambitions by simply stating they will no longer provide food and fuel - but they won’t, as a nuclear armed North Korea somehow fits in with their overall global strategy.

From an economic standpoint, China now holds most of the cards. We can allow corporate America to increase our dependence on China, or we can demand that Americans start buying American again - and I promise you, the road to recovery will be rough - but it’s ingrained within our hearts to embrace freedom - and our support of China will eventually work to undermine what’s left of our economy as well as our freedom. Every economist worth his or her salt agrees that we cannot exist as a service-based economy. That said, why hasn’t the Obama administration taken steps to reinvent our manufacturing sector? Granted, our old business model didn’t work, but enough years have passed that we now know why and how we failed - and with that knowledge comes the power to make changes that will guarantee that American businesses can survive and stay successful without outsourcing our future to other nations.

I’ll finish off this comment with a question; who is responsible for the sad state of our economy? Is it Bush and Cheney, Reagan, Clinton, or Obama? If you haven’t figured it out yet, the answer is “none of the above.” Bush and Cheney saddled us with two wars that desperately hurt our economy and refused to carry-out oversight of the financial community, but in the final analysis - it was Corporate America that stands responsible for the destruction of our economy, and in my opinion, they should be prosecuted and imprisoned for their actions rather than receiving taxpayer funds while we watch everything that we hold dear fade into obscurity and disarray - including our ability to adequately feed, clothe, and house our families.

NOTE: Another reason I related the story about ESU is because there is a distinct difference between Republicans and Neo-conservatives. It saddens me when comments are made that disparage the entire Republican Party when it is the Neo-cons who are setting their agenda - mostly behind the scenes. In all honesty, to take back America from our greedy corporations, we need the participation of everyone, and that includes Republicans. I have a great deal of faith in the American people, and while our opinions on abortion and other issues often set us apart - the issue of our economy and the need to reinvigorate our manufacturing sector is tantamount to saving our nation from financial destruction.

President Obama, as you ponder the “State of the Union” - please explain to us how we can survive as a service-based economy… You know the answer as well as I do, but unlike me, you’re in the position to influence the general population and bring about change. Be honest with the people and identify who is actually responsible for the state of our economy - and outline what needs to be done to rectify the situation. Corporations are not entities whom are able to make decisions without the support of their shareholders. Tell the people the truth, that Corporate America has shunned the people for profit and unless they change their ways, the United States is bound to fall into Third World status. If you tell us the truth, something that has been absent from the Presidency for far too long, it will not be necessary to legislate that American corporations bring back our manufacturing capability; that message will be delivered at shareholder meetings throughout the country - and when the average shareholder and citizen understands that corporate greed and malfeasance are the real culprits in our financial meltdown, “Change we can believe in” will happen.

President Obama, please take a stand for the American people. We know that you have received enormous campaign contributions from the banking and financial sectors who only ask that they “conduct business as usual” - which means raping the American people! You stated that we had to “make sacrifices” in order to get our economy back on its feet, which most of us are willing to do, but I’ll be damned if I will sacrifice one red nickel while Corporate America is allowed to rape and pillage the American people.

Mr. President, because of Fox News and monopolies such as Newscorp, the Republican sector of our population doesn’t have a clue as to “why” and “how” we reached this sad state of affairs. Yes, I’m speaking of Republicans, not Neo-conservatives who hope you fail regardless of the pain and suffering that are bound to follow. There has not been an orator in the White House since the days of J.F.K. that has the ability to make himself understood and whom the bulk of the population trusts, and with that ability comes a huge amount of responsibility. I’m calling on you to exercise that responsibility, to side with the American people rather than Corporate America and address the country and explain why it’s not only necessary, but also a matter of National Security for the United States to return to its roots where people could trust our employers to make the right decisions, not just for their bottom-line, but for the good of the nation as a whole.

If you side with the people and tell us the truth, the whole truth, there will be a groundswell of support and outrage at our modern “Carpetbaggers” - and they will be forced to change their ways or fade into bankruptcy and obscurity. If you fail us President Obama, we will know that your real loyalty lies with those who seek our destruction, not necessarily on purpose, but are blinded by greed in their everyday decision making. If our corporations are making these decisions knowing full well they are destroying our economy in the process, then I believe they are committing acts of financial treason that have damaged the United States far worse than the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and the Bush administration combined.

I’m 58 years old, and not since the days of JFK has the United States faced a situation where our security and ability to survive as a nation has been at such risk. We also know that the stimulus as it pertains to our infrastructure was necessary, however, those are only jobs that will last for a specific time period - and when the work is completed, their jobs will disappear far quicker than they appeared. We don’t need a short-term solution, but a solution that will allow Americans to rebuild their nation on a platform that will offer jobs a hundred years from now. And yes President Obama, I do understand the risk; the last President that attempted to stand-up for the American people was assassinated - which I fear may enter into your decision making as you ponder our situation and “how” to bring forth change that will benefit the entire country. There has also never been a time when so much counted on the ethics of one individual, our President, or where the actions of a President can either drive us over the edge and end Democracy as we know it, or face the problem head-on and relate to the people what needs to be done to save our nation from what appears to be the inevitable financial destruction of our entire economy.

President Obama, I don’t envy you or your position; you are faced with the possibility of endangering your own life if you stand against the “Corapacy” and save the nation, or in the alternative, will go down in history known as the one man that could have saved America, but instead opted to protect his own interests and will forever be known as a President that didn’t have the courage to tell his constituents the truth - which would instantly cause the American people to demand the change that could and would make Corporate America act in a responsible manner - whether they like it or not!

William Cormier

Author's Website:

Author's Bio: I am nothing more than a patriotic American that is doing whatever I can to further the cause of democracy, the rule of law, and am absolutely outraged on how the Bush administration is defying our Congress, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights! Footnote: I write in a style that I believe is appropriate in today's world where we can't trust the Mainstream News Media, and rather than concentrating on one article alone, which may or may not receive the exposure and emphasis it should, I prefer to meld several relevant stories together, that each taken alone may not expose the entire situation, but when taken-in as a whole, tend to give the reader a better understanding of the subject. One article or story alone does not represent the "Big Picture" - but when several are effectively tied-together it often reveals a trend or broader view of the subject matter that is important to completely understand any given situation.