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NESARA Update: November 22, 2003

By Patrick H. Bellringer

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are even in tears over Dove’s words in today’s Dove Report. For the next week or two, “I am going to be traveling and lobbying with those in charge beginning now to do all I can to get NESARA announced. I’m leaving today and will not be able to do Dove Reports while I am traveling.” We send her Love and Light as she travels.

To all I say, “Be not discouraged! Nothing has really changed!” We, the people of Earth, have spoken. We have demanded peace now, and it shall be. We have the power to create that which we desire, and we are creating it. Our task is to hold the positive energy of NESARA, the Light of NESARA to light the way, as we march forward through the gates into our Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

The fate of NESARA does not rest in the actions of an individual who chooses to leave the scene momentarily. The fate of NESARA rests in the collective will of the people of our entire planet. There is absolutely nothing that can stop the implementation of NESARA at this time, for the people have willed it so. Accordingly, Creator God and the Realms of Light have decreed it so. The only remaining question in many hearts tonight is that of third dimensional timing. When? When will the official announcement of NESARA be made? On what day and at what hour will it happen?

Collectively we have been told through the various reports of many good people that NESARA would be announced before Thanksgiving Day this year (November 27, 2003). I believe that to be true. I, too, have been told personally that NESARA would happen prior to Thanksgiving Day this year. I have discerned that this is Truth, and I have constantly focused my energies on this plan.

There are those who say, “But we crossed the line in the sand of November 15, 2003. How can we believe anything anymore?” I remind everyone that we create with our thoughts whatever we so desire. As Violinio Germain said of the missed November 15 deadline, “ it is all about energies.” The energies were not right, my friends, for NESARA to happen at that time. We can change the energies, and so we shall.

We have four days to create NESARA before Thanksgiving Day. What day shall it be? Let us consider the rule that the U.S. Constitution allows three business days for a lawful bank vacation plus any adjacent holidays and or week-end days. To announce NESARA on Sunday, November 23 would allow a total of four days for the banks to be closed. To announce NESARA on November 24 or 25 or 26 would allow six days for the banks to be closed.

Let us focus our energies on Sunday, November 23 (tomorrow) for the official announcement of NESARA, building our positive energies on each succeeding day as we advance toward Thursday, Thanksgiving Day until we produce “critical mass”, and create our victory. My friends, we do not need to wait any longer. We can produce “critical mass” on Sunday or anytime we truly desire to do so as a people.

Let us set aside all that would discourage us, and let us run the NESARA race to the finish line---now! My friends, the race is not about “flesh and blood” of third dimension, but about powers of darkness and powers of Light. It is about our positive creative thought-power by which we neutralize all negative energies. Let us run this last race with determination and perseverance, and win our victory, now! Let us have the joy and peace, the freedom and abundance that we seek, now! We can do this! Aho!

-- The Bellringer Writings and NESARA information is at --

-- The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at --
