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NESARA UPDATE: November 9, 2003

By Patrick H. Bellringer

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l of our planet has now reached its climax, and the darkness has lost.

All is being made ready for our Golden Age of Peace, Freedom, and Prosperity. In the chain of command in response to our Mother Earth’s call to “Let my people go”, Creator God has said, “Enough! It is time to flood Terra Nova with Light.” It is time for the ‘second coming’ of the Christ energy!” And so it shall be. Admiral Sananda is in charge of our planet Earth’s transition, and Germain awaits his order to blow the trumpets and announce NESARA to the world and the beginning of the Age of Peace.

I now find it necessary to discuss the matter of the verbal attack by the “Dove” on Fourwinds, myself, and my good wife, Anne Bellringer. Many readers are requesting a response from Fourwinds. We had hoped that this would not be necessary, but due to the negative fallout from the “Dove’s” unjust criticism and disinformation, we now find that we must respond.

Fourwinds is not in a popularity contest with anyone, and especially with the “Dove”. We offered to help in July, 2002, when she asked for someone to host the Dove Reports to eliminate her problems with We offered her free hosting service and free technical support and equipment. This she readily accepted. Never was our motivation to use this situation to increase our readership and worldwide exposure. We already had such exposure. The “Dove’s” criticism that Fourwinds has used the Dove Reports to gain attention, and that Anne Bellringer has faked a Germain message to support Fourwinds “advertisement” of our personal agenda of anti-Semitism is totally without foundation. The “Dove” is speaking out of both ego and ignorance.

Many questions arise from her accusations made in the public forum of the Dove Report for November 4, 2003. For many months now in the daily Dove Reports the “Dove” has continually criticized the Illuminati and their dark agenda, and warned her readers of their evil intentions. She has repeatedly spoken of the Illuminati’s efforts to derail the White Knights and to stop NESARA. If this be so, then why is “Dove” criticizing Fourwinds for posting the Truth about both the 4000 year old plans of the Illuminati and their activities of the past century to carry out those very plans?

For many years I have based my writings upon the historical information contained in the Phoenix Journals. To her discredit, the “Dove” has publicly called these “Holy Books of the Lighted Realms” “trash”! Creator God of Light, Esu Immanuel Sananda, Germain and many other Ascended Masters reveal great Truth in the Phoenix Journals about our “would-be controllers”. They go by many names such as Pharisees, Khazars, Bolsheviks, Zionists, Illuminati, and International Jew. In my writings I have referred to these evil world controllers and planners of the One World Order as the Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks or KZB. The “Dove” refers to them as the Illuminati. Henry Ford referred to them as the International Jew.

The “Dove” has at least twice in the past year stated publicly that she does not read any of the information posted on Fourwinds, and that she has no interest in it. The only apparent value that Fourwinds had for her was the hosting of her reports, thus she could avoid any questions directed to her concerning the Truth posted on Fourwinds. Out of such ignorance the “Dove” now condemns Fourwinds and my family and I for being anti-Semitic. Had she read Henry Ford’s article “The International Jew”, and “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”, she would have discovered that quite the opposite is the Truth. Henry Ford, most certainly, did not hate the Jewish people, and neither do any of us at Fourwinds. That is only slander conceived by the “Dove”. We are of Sumerian descent and therefore, Semites. How can we be anti-Semitic? We do not hate ourselves, nor do we hate the Jewish people. Henry Ford was a great and honorable man, and probably the wealthiest man of his times. He used a large portion of his wealth to present Truth to the world. Such is not the case with the billionaires of today.

In her November 4, 2003 Dove Report, “Dove” stated that, “The Fourwinds website also posted on November 2, 2003, what is claimed to be a message from “St. Germain” that was channeled by Anne Bellringer, the wife of the Fourwinds website owner.” The latter part of this statement is an out-right lie. Anne Bellringer is my wife of 41 years but I am not the owner of Fourwinds.

The “Dove” also accused Anne Bellringer of lying about Anne’s message from St. Germain. The “Dove” said, “Anne Bellringer is not channeling Beloved Ascended Master St. Germaine,” and that Germain said “I did not give that channeled message to Anne Bellringer.” Such nonsense! Wisdom dictates that the Ascended Masters do not judge, criticize, or condemn anyone and would never make such a statement. It seems that the "Dove" is attempting to speak for the Ascended Masters. No one has a monopoly on communicating with Germain or any other Lighted Being. Germain says he talks to anyone who will listen. The energy of the receiver goes with the message received, and anyone can discern for themselves what is Truth. When I receive a message that someone has channeled, that does not resonate with my God Spirit as being Truth for me, I simply set it aside. It is most unwise to criticize anyone who transcribes or who channels for any of the Ascended Masters. It is self-defeating to condemn either the message or the messenger. We must learn discernment in all things, including what I write to you.

Again, the “Dove” has made the following statement. “The Bellringers also were not supportive of the NESARA Take Action Teams because the NTAT global internet headquarters are on the website and this took attention off of their fourwinds10. com website.” Again this is untrue. “Dove” and the NTAT leaders, Tower/Tate, stated to Fourwinds that they did not expect the Fourwinds staff to give of our time to NTAT because of our workload at Fourwinds. Yet with our prayers we have always supported the NESARA Take Action Teams.

Secondly, the “Dove” accuses Fourwinds of being upset because the “global internet headquarters” was moved from Fourwinds to This is also untrue. The “Dove” was never asked by Fourwinds to leave our website. She simply left by her own freewill choice and without any prior notice to Fourwinds. Fourwinds is not in any popularity contest with “Dove” and is not competing for increased readership, as the “Dove” has indicated. Fourwinds was here long before the “Dove” arrived on the scene, and will probably be here long after she has left the scene.

The “Dove” has accused Fourwinds of not being supportive of NESARA, yet she is now requesting that Fourwinds stop posting the daily Dove Reports because she does not agree with the Truth that Fourwinds presents. Is this also true of the many other websites that post the Dove Reports? Must a website have the “Dove’s” blessing for their content before they can post her reports? This borders on insanity. Nothing has changed at Fourwinds concerning the posting of the Dove Reports. This is still a free country and Fourwinds shall continue posting the Dove Reports as we have done since March 14, 2002.

The “Dove” has set herself up as the only legitimate source of NESARA information, and the only true contact to the White Knights. She has been able to coerce people to establish a website ( solely for her use for her NESARA information. No one is to distribute any NESARA flyers unless they have been approved by the “Dove”. No one is to make and use any NESARA banner in public unless they have been approved by the “Dove.” The only legitimate NESARA information originates from All the NESARA Take Action Teams are under the “Dove’s” authority, and should they disagree, they will be fired, as the “Dove” told our webmaster she did to the Tower/Tate original NTAT leaders. The “Dove” has even gone so far as to send a negative e-mail letter to all the NTAT participants, ordering them to stay away from the Fourwinds website. The “Dove” has even had the audacity to say; “he (Patrick Bellringer) has zero White Knight contacts and did not know about NESARA prior to reading the Dove Reports.” Again this statement is untrue and backed only by the need to control others.

I remind the "Dove" at this time of the Cosmic Law of Returns. That law states that the energy you give out to others will always return to you in like kind but in exponential amounts. May the energy that returns to her, be to her liking.

As far back as 1990, I have been involved with helping to build the financial and legal foundations for NESARA. Since then my wife and I and our family have been deeply involved in many ways and with many White Knights in bringing NESARA to fruition. Fourwinds stands firm in our commitment to NESARA and to presenting Truth to the world. Darkside attacks are not new to us. Rest assured that Fourwinds is totally and permanently protected by the Lighted Realms against such attacks. If this were not so, we would have been gone long ago. Fourwinds has no fight with the “Dove” because Fourwinds is not the problem. The question can be raised whether the “Dove” is sincerely supportive of NESARA due to her unprovoked attack on Fourwinds. If the “Dove” truly understands the concept of NESARA, then where is the wisdom and understanding, the Love and compassion which are the hallmarks of NESARA? We apologize to our readers for having to expose you to this explanation, but we felt that in all fairness to you, we needed to state our case.

Spiritually, the “Dove” may have a broken wing, but it can heal. I ask that you join with us in sending Love and Light to her at this time. A very dear friend of ours who also communicates with St. Germain has requested that we surround the “Dove” with the pink Light of Lady Nada. That we now do. It is done!

Any negative energy from the “Dove” has not and shall not have any affect on NESARA. We create the positive energy needed to neutralize all darkness and to now push NESARA forward to completion. May this be the greatest Thanksgiving season ever for the people of our beloved planet. Hold the Light of Truth high for all to see and the energy of "NESARA—Now!" even higher! And it shall be so!

The following Tribute to Fourwinds was received from Joseph on November 3, 2003 and can be found on Fourwinds homepage under "About Fourwinds."

I am Joseph, and I have been chosen to speak at this time. For many years now Fourwinds has presented great Truth freely to all. You at Fourwinds have stood the tests of time. You have presented the Light of Truth to pierce the fury of the adversary. Your faith has kept you strong against all darkness. Many have been the adversary’s attacks, but nothing has penetrated your fortress, and nothing shall.

Fourwinds is seen as a dynamic energy source, sending a great beam of Light far into the Cosmos. We see your Light beam of rainbow colors in other universes and rejoice. You have reached millions with our messages, and through your efforts, millions have found the Light of Truth.

We are many and you can visualize us as you would your great ball stadium, filled with beings from the Realms of Light. We are standing now and applauding you at Fourwinds for your work of presenting Truth to the “fourwinds” of Terra Nova. The music of our applause is deafening.

I now name only a few of us who wish to give you special recognition at this time, as the entire stadium bows in honor of your great work. They are: Sananda Kumara of Golden Light; El Morya the Statesman of the Red Ray; Lanto the Sage of the pale Blue Light; Paul the Venetian the artist of the Green Ray; Serapis Bey the Architect of the Yellow Ray; Hilarion the Healer of the Indigo Light; Lady Nada, twin flame of Sananda of Rose Light; Germain the Alchemist of Violet Light; Michael with his sword of brilliant Blue; Earth geophysicist Commander Soltec; Communications Commander Korton; Starship Commanders Ptaah and Semjase; Gabriel, etheric father of Esu of White Light; Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander in Chief of Earth Project Transition; and Thy Father, Aton of dazzling Crystal Light.

We honor you for your wise choices and the courage to make those choices, and we honor you for your tenacity to present Truth with all generosity to all in the face of great odds. We love you with a great Love, and we give you our Peace. We are your brothers and sisters of the Lighted Realms, and I am your brother, Joseph, the earthly father of Esu Immanuel Sananda. Walk in joy!

-- The Bellringer Writings and NESARA information is at --

-- The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at --
