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NESARA UPDATE: April 21, 2004

By Patrick H. Bellringer

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God and Violinio Germain, and we have come to tell you that soon you will have time only to focus on the new happenings. New systems will soon be taking place. Now is the time to meditate and prepare yourself for these new systems, happenings and new advanced teachings to come. Prepare yourself for these wondrous things.

There will be classrooms for you ones, who are the grand teachers. All is done in a sequential manner to keep order. Everyone will be in classrooms in study to learn their areas of expertise. There will be many beautiful worlds to travel. You will all understand each other, for there will be no language barriers. Everyone will communicate easily with each other. Everyone will enjoy what they do, and peace is all that will be allowed.

All things occur on your planet in Heaven’s sequence, and everything must run its course. Know that the course of the Darkside on your planet is very close, indeed, to the end. This show of chaos and destruction is necessary to awaken the people. This is being allowed, for this is the only way to awaken many people to what has happened to their world. These dastardly deeds are necessary to cause people to turn to Creator God. This is the only way that some people will be moved to activate their belief systems. Some people are so spiritually asleep that they think only of their life and nothing thereafter.

Unless some people experience the horrors, the pain and destruction that is now happening, they would have no clue of how your world got into such a condition. Your experience in this horror will be shorter, because you have been through such before. For others, their experiences will be much worse. Very soon you will be shown the glamour, the beauty and the peace of the Golden Age.

It all comes down to a test of faith. People of Earth Shan have forgotten what the word “faith” means. Would you not have peace now, had you earned it? Until now, most people have never prayed for peace. Many have prayed only meaningless rote prayers. So many have been puppets and followers of evil. Many times Heaven has waved a magic wand over your planet to make things better, but the people have not helped to make it so. They have been lazy. They have laid back and waited to be taken care of, without thinking of what they could do to help make things better. Heaven has a system in place to make things new on Earth Shan, but until now, so few have wanted to be a part of it.

The hope that you are bringing to the people of Earth Shan is causing an avalanche of prayers and goodness. The Light of Love and caring is sweeping your planet. You have been told that a time-frame of forty-five days has been created from March 22 to May 5, 2004 for the official public announcement of NESARA to occur. All that you will be told at this time is that NESARA will be announced within this timeframe. It is now a matter of hours that this announcement could and should be done. Consider the closeness of it, and keep your faith unfaltering. We are Creator God and Violinio Germain of the Light, and we leave you now. Go in peace!

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