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The NESARA Parade November 24, 2003

November 24, 2003

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The NESARA Parade

November 24, 2003

By Patrick H. Bellringer

Let us address the question that so many good people all over our planet are asking today. The question is, “why?” Why has not the official NESARA announcement been made yet? With our world hurting so badly, why all the delays? Why cannot the NESARA White Knights and World Court Judges get it done? How long must we wait? Why cannot the announcement that brings relief, peace and abundance be made now?

There are at present two basic problems which are delaying this long awaited announcement. The first problem involves those who are presently involved in the physical process of making the preparations for NESARA and those who are to do the actual announcement of NESARA to the world. At this moment and for some time now all NESARA systems have been “go”! The problem is one of ego. There is a big fight going on over who is in charge. There is much in-fighting and back-biting and struggle for control. Our NESARA troops are in disarray. The NESARA parade we have been waiting for is not coming down the street.

The second problem is us! Many of us have worked hard to advertise to the world that a new day is coming. We have told many people that the NESARA parade will soon be coming down the street, our street, right where we live! We have made all the preparations. The flyers are out. The postcards have been sent. The banners are up! We have even written letters to the editor or to whomever would read it, with flowery words and long important sounding phrases. All our efforts have created much positive energy. The people are excited and waiting in great anticipation along the parade route. Everyone is waiting to hear the blare of the bugles and the rumble of the drums as the NESARA band approaches, but all is quiet. We do not hear the band. Why?

As I just said, “we are the problem!” My friends, we are the band! We are the parade! We have to make it happen! Do you get the picture? Creator God is very patient and waits. NESARA waits and as little people struggle over ego, we the people wait. For what do we wait? We wait for someone to do it for us! We have done all our third dimensional activities to get ready for the NESARA parade. We have now joined the crowd and are waiting for the NESARA miracle to happen.

Yes, indeed, NESARA is a miracle about to happen, we hope. If it happens, NESARA will change our world for the good as never before, but how do we make such a miracle happen? The answer is really quite simple. We must enlist the help of the Miracle Worker. To make the impossible happen we must utilize the energy that creates impossible things. That energy, my friends, lies with Creator God and within our God-Spirit within each and everyone of us. We are the ones we have been waiting for. The answer to our dilemma is really quite simple. To get the NESARA parade moving we must use the power that creates miracles. We must use the power of prayer.

Too many people are wanting a top spot in the NESARA parade, and the parade is not moving. Too many people are waving banners and presuming to know more than the next one. There is no top spot for anyone, for Creator God holds that position. Creator God is the “parade master” and He is waiting to hear the true intent of the hearts and the voices of all the people. Are the people ready for the NESARA miracle? Do the people truly want to change their world? What will our answer be? When Creator God hears enough prayers of sincerity from we the people across this great planet, all things will turn around perfectly and quickly. Yes, NESARA can still happen before Thanksgiving Day, 2003. It is up to us!

Many people have not taken the time to pray. They think that someone else will do it for them. Others do not know how to pray. They have forgotten how or they have never learned this very simple activity, and so those who know how to pray and are actually praying to create the NESARA miracle, are over-whelmed with the task. Creator God is waiting for all of us to help, to pray, to express our sincere desire for a new world of peace and joy, to ask for His help to create our NESARA miracle.

Prayer is very simple. It is like talking to your neighbor. You say, “Good morning, Joe. I have a problem, and need your help!” Then you explain your problem, and your friend, Joe, helps you. You had something with which you needed help. You knew that Joe could help you, and so you simply asked for his help. It is the same when you pray. You can say, “Good morning God! I have a problem, and I need your help!”

To pray is a very simple matter of taking the time to quiet your thoughts and to express your sincere request to God. You can do this through your thoughts or speak out loud. The simplest prayer is only two words, “God, help!” You can think it or say it, and Creator God hears, always. Your sincere call always compels an answer from the Lighted Realms, and the Angels, the Ascended Masters or whomever you desire. They will immediately respond to your prayer.

No one can pray “for you.” Prayer is very personal. Prayer is between you and Creator God. Prayer is like voting in an election. No one can vote for you. You must cast your own ballot, and every ballot counts. In a sense we are having a NESARA election, and you must cast your vote to tell Creator God your heart’s intent. You must pray to express to God your sincere desire for our NESARA miracle to happen now. Your prayer is a simple message which you deliver by your thoughts from your heart to Heaven’s Gates.

Prayer is not something that only the priest, the rabbi, or the preacher does. Prayer is not long phrases of big words and pious stained glass platitudes spoken to impress others. Prayer does not require ritual or a position of standing, sitting, or kneeling. Prayer does not even require a quiet place of solitude to be meaningful. A prayer made from a sincere heart even in the midst of noise and chaos will always be heard, for Creator God communicates by thought.

For our prayers to be meaningful, when we pray, we must expect an answer. When you asked your neighbor, Joe, for help, did you say to yourself, “I will ask Joe, but he probably won’t help me?” Of course not. Had you thought that Joe would not help you, you would not have asked for his help. This is my point. Do you believe that Creator God can help you, can help us to bring the NESARA miracle to our world? With our help can Creator God start the NESARA parade rolling down the street again? We would not ask Him if we did not believe that that were possible. We must pray, believing that our prayer will be answered. If we pray and then doubt that anything will happen, we have neutralized our prayer. We have cancelled out the positive energy with our negative energy. We must have faith or belief in our prayers.

Let us assume that you are walking and you come to a foot bridge over a gorge. The bridge has been constructed for the specific purpose of carrying your weight as you walk high above that deep gorge and cross to the other side. You must have faith that the bridge will support your weight. You must believe that you will be safe from falling, or you would never set your foot upon the bridge. If you do not trust the bridge to support you, you will not be able to use it to continue your journey. The bridge may be perfectly sound, but unless you trust it, it becomes totally worthless to you.

Prayer is like that bridge. Unless you believe that prayer is of value, it is worthless to you. You have to have faith and not doubt that your prayer will be answered. It is useless to pray, doubting, as many people do. You must pray, believing, to have results. The energy you put out is the energy returned to you. That is Cosmic Law. Creator God hears the sincere desires of your heart, for He hears your thoughts.

Creator God is waiting to pour out on the people of planet Earth over-flowing blessings from the “windows of Heaven”. For this to happen the people of Earth need only to knock on the Gates of Heaven and ask through individual prayer.

Faith is the key word. Do you trust the bridge? Do you have faith in the power of prayer? Do you believe that your prayer will be heard and can make a difference? As you pray, feel the peace and the love from Creator that fills your being, giving you confirmation that your prayer has made a difference. All that any of us can do now is to add our prayer power to the energy that is needed to start the NESARA parade rolling down the street.

Creator God has everything on His schedule, and the right plan is in the works. Prayers of sincere people from all over our planet are being heard, and are helping to build the positive energy needed to dispel the negative energy of disbelief in the NESARA miracle. Take time out of your day to talk to Creator God one on one. Your prayer can make a difference. All our prayers together will make the difference. I now offer to you a simple prayer.

Dear God:

I forgive myself for my errors. I forgive others for their wrongs against me, and I ask you for your forgiveness. Help me to create peace and love within me, my family and home, and in my community.

I sincerely desire to have peace and love everywhere on our planet at this time. I ask that all darkness be removed from our beloved planet and be replaced by your Light. I ask that NESARA be announced immediately to establish world peace, freedom and abundance for all our people.

I am truly thankful for your blessings to all of us, and that you have heard my prayer. I make this prayer through the power of my God-Spirit within. So be it.

There are many surprises and much joy ahead as the band, our band, strikes up the NESARA song, and our NESARA parade comes rolling down the street, our street, for all of us to see. Our united and focused prayer power is all that is needed to bring the greatest Thanksgiving Day ever to our world. The simple prayer of a child is all that is needed. “Creator God, help!”

And Creator God heard, and Creator God spoke, and a new earth was born, as a great “Phoenix” rising from the ashes. And the people created Heaven on Earth such as has never been done before. Aho!

-- The Bellringer Writings and NESARA information is at --

-- The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at --
