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N E S A R A - UPDATE April 15, 2006 (Updated April 16, 2006)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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on April 8, 2006, that, “the Darkside has played their last card, and the Forces of Light are, now, fully in charge!” If this is so, then why have we gone another week with seemingly no Divine Intervention? Many of us have wrestled with this question in our thoughts. Could it be that God Aton and the Forces of Light are waiting for us Lightworkers to tell them how to proceed in our 3D world, to tell them exactly what we want them to do?

To do that we must know the chess moves of this past week. Bank packet deliveries did not happen on Sunday, April 9 as planned, but slowly resumed on Monday, April 10. The plan for the NESARA announcement was moved forward from Tuesday, April 11 to Good Friday, April 14. Those of authority yet remaining in the Carlyle Group went with their attorneys again to the U. S. Supreme Court, demanding 90% of the money with only 10% going to the people. The Court told them "no more" and threw the case out.

The U.S. Supreme Court then ordered all UPS and Fed. Ex. drivers back on the job on Friday, April 14 and to have confirmations of deliveries back to the Court within one hour of the order. This they did. All UPS and Fed. Ex. Drivers received orders in writing from the Court to get all remaining bank packet deliveries done by Saturday noon, April 15, 2006 local time or they would be immediately incarcerated for life! Because the Carlyle Group/Bush Crime Family had already appealed their case to the World Court, the delivery drivers parked their trucks, threw their court orders away and no deliveries were made from that point on.

On Saturday, April 15, 2006 one year from the date originally set for this chess game to end, the World Court agreed with the Carlyle Group/Bush Crime Family and ordered all bank packet deliveries stopped and no date set when they shall resume. So now, the NESARA Mission Team is in "check" by the Darkside. If they agree to the demands of the Darkside, the little people lose and financial balance will not be restored to Earth Shan at this time. Why is this happening?

My friends, God Aton allows the chess game to continue until we of the Light in 3D fully understand how the game must be played to win! We win by our power of thought! We win by invoking the help of the Realms of Light! We win through the positive energy of our combined efforts, through mass consciousness! We win by directing Creator God Aton and the Forces of Light to make the “checkmate” move, and we give them total permission to do so! Will you help us do that? A sincere and simple prayer is all that is needed by those of us who truly desire to win this chess game for our beloved planet. We can do it!

This is my prayer:

"Through my God Spirit and my Mighty I AM Presence, I petition Creator God Aton and the Realms of Light to come to our aid immediately. I order that the World Court and the Carlyle Group/Bush Crime Family have no power whatsoever over the NESARA Mission Team and the NESARA Mission of bank packet deliveries and the NESARA announcement. I so order that the Forces of Darkness be totally and permanently contained on Earth Shan and be removed now, forever, from our planet. I request that our Star Friends make instant delivery of all remaining bank packets to all the recipients. Finally, I petition and so order that the NESARA announcement be made to the people of Earth Shan on this Easter Sunday, April 16, 2006. I give permission to God Aton and the Forces of Light to intervene on our 3D freewill planet to accomplish these requests, knowing full well that my call compels their answer. So be it! It is done!"

"Checkmate!" is now declared against the Darkside on Earth Shan! We have taken back our power, the power of the Light, and the Light has won! Let the Bells of Heaven ring!

* * * * * *

Addendum: April 16, 2006 (Easter Sunday)

Both the U.S. Supreme Court and the World Court are in agreement to stand firm on the original funding contract for the Farm Claims and Prosperity Programs. The demands for more money by the Carlyle Group are moot, and they will not be allowed to interfere any more in the NESARA Mission. Also, the World Court has ordered the deliveries of the bank packets to proceed on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 18 and 19, 2006. PHB