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Peace and blessings, Thomas, Esu Sananda here in Radiance.

Ah, it is grand indeed for us to watch the perceptions of the Earth human at times such as these--for the physical density weighs so heavily upon thine consciousness as to blur vision and dull perception.  I am well pleased at your attendance yesterday, Thomas, for the world deserves to know that which is taking place in the circles of these power brokers who call themselves Ex-presidents.  Indeed, your nation was once the greatest nation upon the Earth, blessed of God, a chosen land--and the whores and liars that call themselves Jews have denigrated this once great land so that now she has become the Great Satan in the eyes of the world--there is much to be patriotic about when hearing the inspiration offered by those who have served in public office, and yet those very ones have become tools themselves for the power brokers and the financiers who truly control your world.

Ye must love thine country as thine self--for it is as God would have it--and so too ye must see clearly that your nation has been sold to ruin by ones not even of this land.  'Tis the sad truth of it.

Ye mustn't ever give up hope--always the effort must go forth to strive to better self and country--yet the nation has in error--yet can the lone voice in the wilderness override the many?  Is a nation who collectively chooses a course of action not obliged to experience the consequences and lessons from such choices?  Who would deprive the lessons for the many even if they be hard and painful indeed?  Not God's people, not God's people--We come bearing THE WORD--the Truth shall set you free.

Be of good cheer for our mission is progressing--our workers are "taking their places" for the next act of the play.

Be at peace for the Truth shall become known.  Stay the course.

Blessings rest with ye of mine ground crew whose work is recorded in the Kingdom of Heaven.  Hold it in your heart.

Salu, I Am Sananda.



Resource:  CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, October 26, 1993, Volume 3, Number 5.