Good morning and be at peace, my scribe, for all IS well! Master Hilarion present to continue where we left off at the end of last week's lesson. I come within the Light of Creator's magnificent and infinite spectral expression. I represent the Emerald Ray, as you would perceive same in the visible frequency range. You know me well.
We last spoke of the basics of preparation and following one's internal guidance system. We monitor the response from those of you who are taking in the information as given. We see the need to offer more upon the subject of connecting to your Higher Self.
You each are connected at all times to the higher energy of Source. However, when you are in a lower-frequency state, say due to emotional "stress", your ability to consciously connect is greatly diminished.
When you are feeling boredom, frustration, anger, or any of those states that debilitate, then you can know that your frequency has lowered and that the otherwise free-flowing connection has been diminished or choked off. These feelings are, for most of you, associated with the heart energy center.
Many of you have experiences in your life where you were extremely exited and happy, and had a feeling that there was nothing in the world that could stop you. This is when the heart is soaring and you are vibrating at a frequency that more closely matches who you REALLY are!
When the heart energy center (your Guidance center) is radiating the higher-frequency emotions of joy, excitement, and enthusiasm, you will cause the solar plexus energy center (just below the heart center) to respond in like manner. It begins to "rev-up" and thus you begin to radiate with greater and greater intensity. All of your energy centers are connected in a coordinated and complimentary manner. The heart center and the solar plexus are closely linked, and many will say that they have a "gut" feeling regarding a particular experience when, in fact, more of that "gut" feeling may be emanating from the heart.
There is a great amount of lower-frequency energy being radiated at this time on your planet. However, due to the nature of the energy associated with this lower-frequency state, it is such that ONE who is radiating in a joyous state puts out more energy than a million who are radiating in the lower-energy state! Therefore, a balance can be achieved and the process of turning around the "mess" on your planet is truly not as difficult as it may at first appear.
This means that, from the point of view of energy dynamics, if there is just ONE who functions in the physical from a position of being truly connected to Higher Source, then that ONE can so greatly tip the scales back into balanced Radiance that the dark Elite controllers of your planet would shrivel to a point of insignificance.
This is the reason for the mind control of the masses--especially as you ones spoon-feed yourselves by way of your news media and television programming. Even the seemingly harmless "comedy" shows give forth subliminal (programming) suggestions that can cause you to feel helpless or ineffectual or dispersed (from an energy perspective), and induce attitudes that may distract you from a focus that would allow you to connect more fully with your true Potential of Being.
Please do not take the above statement in the wrong way. Understand that laughter is a most wonderful frequency vibration and is beneficial to your well-being. However, the Elite controllers are utilizing your media for programming your minds, and through such means have corrupted the potentially good to achieve their ends. This corruption is centered around the power of suggestion.
Therefore, it is the subtle nature of suggestion that will get you, for instance, to a point that you will find humor in something that is truly twisted and not humorous at all. Moreover, when you find yourself all wrapped up in some of the modern "bad guy" movies, then you may want to ask yourself: "Is there truly joy in this sort of violence, or am I that desensitized to actual violence that I have become numb to it?"
Recognize that the "numbness" of mind keeps you off balance and in a mode of seeking something of even greater "shock" value in order to register the slightest charge of emotional stimulation. This desensitizing situation has been built-up to such a level in recent years that the movie producers are finding it more and more difficult to pack enough violence and/or sex into a film so that the public will even want to see it! Meanwhile, the desensitization causes you to lose touch with your Spiritual Center, your Guidance, your Source of Being.
We monitor many who say with the mouth that they want to feel more connected to the spiritual nourishment of Higher Self. Yet all the while these same ones sit in front of their television screens day after day, in ritualistic fashion, filling their heads with programming that will eventually lower their frequency to such a level that they will surely be among the first to "jump through the hoops" whenever the Elite controllers say to jump through the hoops.
Large companies like Pepsi Cola, Anheuser-Busch, Colgate-Palmolive or General Motors do not pay millions of dollars for 15-second spots of advertising (brainwashing) during events like the Super Bowl because they are ineffectual. Rather, the power of suggestion is most commanding over the largely brain-dead masses of vidiot-box junkies.
Many of you would be far wiser to spend more of your time focusing on strengthening your Inner Connection and Guidance System. And then, when you can truly FEEL your connection and KNOW that you can pull yourself out of the negativity of the world, THEN go back and watch the programming and monitor your response. It will be quite different--and instructive in its revelations!
Raising your frequency, and thus connecting more fully with your Higher Self, is as simple as visualizing a time when you were feeling really good and resonating again with that situation as if you were there. Now hold that feeling and begin to feel it radiating from within you, out to the whole universe.
Now, while maintaining this high-frequency vibration, focus your thoughts upon your desires, with that feeling of joy in your heart, and you will be a million times more powerful in manifesting your desires in the physical!
If you find it difficult to hold these higher emotional frequencies, then take a moment to look at what it is you are resisting and simply let go of it. Then, again, focus on those thoughts from times that bring forth joy you have known. Soon you will find that what you are radiating is the higher-frequency energies, and you are connecting with who you REALLY are--a Being of Light who has been endowed by God with INFINITE capabilities of creating!
Now, when you have done this, and you KNOW that you can feel this joy anytime you like, and that there is no situation wherein you cannot pull yourself out of the lower frequencies and into the higher frequencies, then it is time to focus your thoughts upon that which causes these creative energies to intensify. That is, FOCUS on the way you would like your life to be; FEEL what it will be like; RADIATE your heart's desire with the power of joy and enthusiasm--and you will be amazed at how fast change will manifest and the joy will flow into your experience like never before. Then you will know, with Inner Certainty that IS the God Source within, that you cannot be stopped or dragged down or contained within another person's drama--unless YOU so choose same!
A CAUTION: As I gave for background in last week's lesson, seek first a condition of balance--else you will find that you are actually more focused upon what you do NOT want, and you will miss a very fundamental dynamic of creation. If you do NOT want poverty, then don't dwell upon a perceived condition of poverty, but upon abundance!
The fundamental point here is that YOUR Higher Self connection is YOUR guidance system. And when you are properly focusing your desires, your Higher Self will offer HIGH-FREQUENCY emotional support, and well-being WILL manifest.
Always try to follow and sustain the high-frequency signals. When you encounter lower-frequency situations, look at what it is you are doing (or thinking) which has caused this encounter. Find a better way to meet the challenge. Often this means letting go of that which you are resisting (that is, change your focus). Be thankful for the experience, for you now know better where to focus your thoughts and energy.
Your Higher Self will naturally guide you through your challenges, and the resulting growth will enable you to more fully recognize your true potential. In this way, you will be doing your part to turn around the low-vibration condition on your planet. If not YOU, then who?
Stop waiting for another to do it for you and you will eventually come to understand that the reason you were so disconnected in the first place was because you were not following the guidance within that says: "TAKE ACTION!" In the larger perspective, there are no wrong actions, only better choices of action. If the result of an action taken leaves you feeling worse than you felt prior to the action, then change the focus (now that you are wiser) and TAKE MORE ACTION! This is why you are there on that third-dimensional playing field!
If you do not have a job, or you are unhappy with the one you now have, then get focused on what it is that you are wanting and go interview with as many companies as you can. Do it with enthusiasm radiating from your being, and you are likely to get the job you are not even qualified to do.
Worry and fear will only serve to lock you into a mundane existence with little about which to truly feel good. JOY and ENTHUSIASM are the signals from Higher Self that tell you that what you are focused on is in alignment with who you really are. If you are feeling otherwise, then you can know that your focus could be better.
There is no limit to the joy you can create; it is truly infinite. When you are connected and aligned in joy, your physical condition (whatever it is) will naturally return to complete balance and perfection, given enough time and persistence. Resist the alignment with Higher Self for any continued length of time, and your physical condition is likely to suffer. Why do you think that "stress" has been observed to cause so many physical illnesses?
You ones are entering a higher-frequency area of planetary travel (Photon Belt area of space) and as the upward frequency-shifting of your space continues, there will be less and less tolerance for out-of-balance, lower-frequency energies. Negative physical manifestations in the body will come more rapidly to you who have the tendency to dip down into the lower-energy emotions for any length of time.
Know that you can turn around your emotional state instantly by simply changing your focus of thought. When you are feeling down, take a moment to look at what you can be thankful for, and know that what you are experiencing is what you have created for yourself, and you can change it anytime you like by simply focusing the mind on those things that cause the HEART to soar.
There is more stated here than what words alone can convey. Go within and seek you own clarity. Resist not the simple answers, for many will find that the simple answers are the RIGHT ones--so much so that you may find yourselves slightly embarrassed for having missed these simple (NOT simplistic) points all these years.
There is great joy awaiting you all! Get clear; get focused, and carry out your Inspired actions with JOY! The dark ones cannot control you who live in this en-Lightened way.
I am Master Hilarion, come as Teacher and Lightworker, here to assist those who would desire insights and tools for spiritual awakening. I am but a heartbeat away; call upon my energy and I will respond. In Light and Love. Salu!
Good morning and be at peace, my scribe, for all IS well! Master Hilarion present to continue where we left off at the end of last week's lesson. I come within the Light of Creator's magnificent and infinite spectral expression. I represent the Emerald Ray, as you would perceive same in the visible frequency range. You know me well.
We last spoke of the basics of preparation and following one's internal guidance system. We monitor the response from those of you who are taking in the information as given. We see the need to offer more upon the subject of connecting to your Higher Self.
You each are connected at all times to the higher energy of Source. However, when you are in a lower-frequency state, say due to emotional "stress", your ability to consciously connect is greatly diminished.
When you are feeling boredom, frustration, anger, or any of those states that debilitate, then you can know that your frequency has lowered and that the otherwise free-flowing connection has been diminished or choked off. These feelings are, for most of you, associated with the heart energy center.
Many of you have experiences in your life where you were extremely exited and happy, and had a feeling that there was nothing in the world that could stop you. This is when the heart is soaring and you are vibrating at a frequency that more closely matches who you REALLY are!
When the heart energy center (your Guidance center) is radiating the higher-frequency emotions of joy, excitement, and enthusiasm, you will cause the solar plexus energy center (just below the heart center) to respond in like manner. It begins to "rev-up" and thus you begin to radiate with greater and greater intensity. All of your energy centers are connected in a coordinated and complimentary manner. The heart center and the solar plexus are closely linked, and many will say that they have a "gut" feeling regarding a particular experience when, in fact, more of that "gut" feeling may be emanating from the heart.
There is a great amount of lower-frequency energy being radiated at this time on your planet. However, due to the nature of the energy associated with this lower-frequency state, it is such that ONE who is radiating in a joyous state puts out more energy than a million who are radiating in the lower-energy state! Therefore, a balance can be achieved and the process of turning around the "mess" on your planet is truly not as difficult as it may at first appear.
This means that, from the point of view of energy dynamics, if there is just ONE who functions in the physical from a position of being truly connected to Higher Source, then that ONE can so greatly tip the scales back into balanced Radiance that the dark Elite controllers of your planet would shrivel to a point of insignificance.
This is the reason for the mind control of the masses--especially as you ones spoon-feed yourselves by way of your news media and television programming. Even the seemingly harmless "comedy" shows give forth subliminal (programming) suggestions that can cause you to feel helpless or ineffectual or dispersed (from an energy perspective), and induce attitudes that may distract you from a focus that would allow you to connect more fully with your true Potential of Being.
Please do not take the above statement in the wrong way. Understand that laughter is a most wonderful frequency vibration and is beneficial to your well-being. However, the Elite controllers are utilizing your media for programming your minds, and through such means have corrupted the potentially good to achieve their ends. This corruption is centered around the power of suggestion.
Therefore, it is the subtle nature of suggestion that will get you, for instance, to a point that you will find humor in something that is truly twisted and not humorous at all. Moreover, when you find yourself all wrapped up in some of the modern "bad guy" movies, then you may want to ask yourself: "Is there truly joy in this sort of violence, or am I that desensitized to actual violence that I have become numb to it?"
Recognize that the "numbness" of mind keeps you off balance and in a mode of seeking something of even greater "shock" value in order to register the slightest charge of emotional stimulation. This desensitizing situation has been built-up to such a level in recent years that the movie producers are finding it more and more difficult to pack enough violence and/or sex into a film so that the public will even want to see it! Meanwhile, the desensitization causes you to lose touch with your Spiritual Center, your Guidance, your Source of Being.
We monitor many who say with the mouth that they want to feel more connected to the spiritual nourishment of Higher Self. Yet all the while these same ones sit in front of their television screens day after day, in ritualistic fashion, filling their heads with programming that will eventually lower their frequency to such a level that they will surely be among the first to "jump through the hoops" whenever the Elite controllers say to jump through the hoops.
Large companies like Pepsi Cola, Anheuser-Busch, Colgate-Palmolive or General Motors do not pay millions of dollars for 15-second spots of advertising (brainwashing) during events like the Super Bowl because they are ineffectual. Rather, the power of suggestion is most commanding over the largely brain-dead masses of vidiot-box junkies.
Many of you would be far wiser to spend more of your time focusing on strengthening your Inner Connection and Guidance System. And then, when you can truly FEEL your connection and KNOW that you can pull yourself out of the negativity of the world, THEN go back and watch the programming and monitor your response. It will be quite different--and instructive in its revelations!
Raising your frequency, and thus connecting more fully with your Higher Self, is as simple as visualizing a time when you were feeling really good and resonating again with that situation as if you were there. Now hold that feeling and begin to feel it radiating from within you, out to the whole universe.
Now, while maintaining this high-frequency vibration, focus your thoughts upon your desires, with that feeling of joy in your heart, and you will be a million times more powerful in manifesting your desires in the physical!
If you find it difficult to hold these higher emotional frequencies, then take a moment to look at what it is you are resisting and simply let go of it. Then, again, focus on those thoughts from times that bring forth joy you have known. Soon you will find that what you are radiating is the higher-frequency energies, and you are connecting with who you REALLY are--a Being of Light who has been endowed by God with INFINITE capabilities of creating!
Now, when you have done this, and you KNOW that you can feel this joy anytime you like, and that there is no situation wherein you cannot pull yourself out of the lower frequencies and into the higher frequencies, then it is time to focus your thoughts upon that which causes these creative energies to intensify. That is, FOCUS on the way you would like your life to be; FEEL what it will be like; RADIATE your heart's desire with the power of joy and enthusiasm--and you will be amazed at how fast change will manifest and the joy will flow into your experience like never before. Then you will know, with Inner Certainty that IS the God Source within, that you cannot be stopped or dragged down or contained within another person's drama--unless YOU so choose same!
A CAUTION: As I gave for background in last week's lesson, seek first a condition of balance--else you will find that you are actually more focused upon what you do NOT want, and you will miss a very fundamental dynamic of creation. If you do NOT want poverty, then don't dwell upon a perceived condition of poverty, but upon abundance!
The fundamental point here is that YOUR Higher Self connection is YOUR guidance system. And when you are properly focusing your desires, your Higher Self will offer HIGH-FREQUENCY emotional support, and well-being WILL manifest.
Always try to follow and sustain the high-frequency signals. When you encounter lower-frequency situations, look at what it is you are doing (or thinking) which has caused this encounter. Find a better way to meet the challenge. Often this means letting go of that which you are resisting (that is, change your focus). Be thankful for the experience, for you now know better where to focus your thoughts and energy.
Your Higher Self will naturally guide you through your challenges, and the resulting growth will enable you to more fully recognize your true potential. In this way, you will be doing your part to turn around the low-vibration condition on your planet. If not YOU, then who?
Stop waiting for another to do it for you and you will eventually come to understand that the reason you were so disconnected in the first place was because you were not following the guidance within that says: "TAKE ACTION!" In the larger perspective, there are no wrong actions, only better choices of action. If the result of an action taken leaves you feeling worse than you felt prior to the action, then change the focus (now that you are wiser) and TAKE MORE ACTION! This is why you are there on that third-dimensional playing field!
If you do not have a job, or you are unhappy with the one you now have, then get focused on what it is that you are wanting and go interview with as many companies as you can. Do it with enthusiasm radiating from your being, and you are likely to get the job you are not even qualified to do.
Worry and fear will only serve to lock you into a mundane existence with little about which to truly feel good. JOY and ENTHUSIASM are the signals from Higher Self that tell you that what you are focused on is in alignment with who you really are. If you are feeling otherwise, then you can know that your focus could be better.
There is no limit to the joy you can create; it is truly infinite. When you are connected and aligned in joy, your physical condition (whatever it is) will naturally return to complete balance and perfection, given enough time and persistence. Resist the alignment with Higher Self for any continued length of time, and your physical condition is likely to suffer. Why do you think that "stress" has been observed to cause so many physical illnesses?
You ones are entering a higher-frequency area of planetary travel (Photon Belt area of space) and as the upward frequency-shifting of your space continues, there will be less and less tolerance for out-of-balance, lower-frequency energies. Negative physical manifestations in the body will come more rapidly to you who have the tendency to dip down into the lower-energy emotions for any length of time.
Know that you can turn around your emotional state instantly by simply changing your focus of thought. When you are feeling down, take a moment to look at what you can be thankful for, and know that what you are experiencing is what you have created for yourself, and you can change it anytime you like by simply focusing the mind on those things that cause the HEART to soar.
There is more stated here than what words alone can convey. Go within and seek you own clarity. Resist not the simple answers, for many will find that the simple answers are the RIGHT ones--so much so that you may find yourselves slightly embarrassed for having missed these simple (NOT simplistic) points all these years.
There is great joy awaiting you all! Get clear; get focused, and carry out your Inspired actions with JOY! The dark ones cannot control you who live in this en-Lightened way.
I am Master Hilarion, come as Teacher and Lightworker, here to assist those who would desire insights and tools for spiritual awakening. I am but a heartbeat away; call upon my energy and I will respond. In Light and Love. Salu!