SORCHA FAAL: Massive Blast Confirms American Future Of “Endemic Regime Instability”
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A forewarning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov revealing he received a letter inviting him to condemn President Putin for launching the “Special De-Nazification Operation” to liberate Ukraine, with him stating: “If I wanted to do so, I was told to contact the office of Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman...I stress my firm rejection of such policies and such treatment of Russian diplomats”, says in further smashing all diplomatic normalities expected of nations, Ambassador Antonov revealed the United States is breaching its international obligations and its own policies by failing to get Russia’s permission before diverting four Mi-17 helicopters from the original destination of Afghanistan to Ukraine—and is a breeching by the United States of its international obligations regarding the transfer of weapons of war now joined by Russian delegation head Konstantin Gavrilov at the military security and arms control talks in Vienna further revealing about the Western colonial weapons flooded into Ukraine: “There is a danger of the spread of light small arms from the conflict zone, especially Javelins, MANPADS and anti-tank weapons around the world…There are already facts that these weapons are sold on the black market and sent to the Middle East…We have already seen the footage”.
As to why the United States cares nothing about its international obligations or diplomatic norms, this report notes, is because it has ceased to be a real nation, becoming instead a bastion of distorted and demonic socialist ideology—a fact best demonstrated this week after Russian lawmakers submitted draft legislation to the State Duma for a new law targeting "LGBT propaganda” that would provide for fines of up to $160,000 for promoting non-traditional sexual relations—a proposed new law conforming with the Christian beliefs of the Russian peoples that was immediately met by the United States moving to seize 2 private planes worth over $400-million from Russian businessman Roman Abramovich, whom even the Americans acknowledge has broken no laws—then it saw the US Congress moving to ban the purchase of Russian uranium for America’s world’s largest network of nuclear power plants, but who have no other supplies to replace them.
In a further assessment of the rapid socialist destruction of the United States, this report continues, it bears noticing the massive blast yesterday that crippled US liquid natural gas exports to the European Union when 20% of the Texas Coast Facility production was wiped out—a massive blast quickly followed by the shocking news that an armed man had been arrested and charged with attempted murder for the attempted assassination of United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh—an attempted assassination swiftly followed by socialist Democrats in the US House blocking a vote on a law giving Supreme Court judges more security that the US Senate had already passed with a unanimous vote—with socialist Democrats refusing to even protect the Supreme Court it came as no surprise when it was reported that gun sales in America topped 1-million for the 34th straight month—then it saw the National Shooting Sports Foundation trade group reporting that Black Americans are one of the largest groups buying guns—in this massively armed America it sees Hillary Clinton maintaining that the 2016 election: “Was not on the level…We still don’t know what happened”—this week it saw Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro becoming the latest world leader to cast doubt on the 2020 election he, and many others, believe was stolen from President Donald Trump—and now it sees Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden warning that the upcoming 2022 election results might be illegitimate.
Among those making the same assessment of this wholesale United States destruction by piecing together vital infrastructure fires and explosions, attempted assassinations, socialist Democrat inaction, massive gun purchases by Americans and top political leaders calling into question the legitimacy of elections, this report details, are Harvard University government scholar Professor Steven Levitsky and University of Toronto political science expert Professor Lucan Way, who, in their scholarly document “America’s Coming Age of Instability: Why Constitutional Crises and Political Violence Could Soon Be the Norm”, foresee a future of “endemic regime instability”, frequent constitutional crises, contested or stolen elections, periods of dysfunctional democracy followed by periods of authoritarian rule.
Contributing to the “endemic regime instability” of the United States, this report continues, is the socialist Democrat Party prime time televised show trial spectacle scheduled to take place today masquerading as a hearing about the events that took place on 6 January 2021—about which the leftist Washington Post, in their just published article “Please, Democrats, No Showhorses At the Jan. 6 Hearings”, notes: “Hyping the upcoming hearings as blockbuster, designating materials as explosive, predicting a captivated viewing audience — all before the gavel falls — is a recipe for losing American eyeballs…The country has been down this road before…Think two Trump impeachment proceedings in the House”—and in the just published leftist New York Times article “The Jan. 6 Committee Has Already Blown It”, sees it noting:
Democratic operatives have been telling reporters what they hope to achieve with the hearings that begin Thursday evening.
Other reports have suggested other goals. The committee members are trying to show how much Donald Trump was involved with efforts to overturn the election, so he is forever discredited.
No offense, but these goals are pathetic.
Using the events of Jan. 6 as campaign fodder is small-minded and likely to be ineffective.
If you think you can find the magic moment that will finally discredit Donald Trump in the eyes of the electorate, you haven’t been paying attention over the last six years.
What we need is a committee to explore just how close America is to rampant political violence.
The conditions for political violence are already all around us: The decline of state effectiveness and democratic norms. The rise of political factions that are not based on issues, but on ethnic identity and the preservation of racial and ethnic privilege. The existence of ferocious splits between urban and rural people. The existence of conflict entrepreneurs — political leaders and media folks who profit from whipping up apocalyptic frenzies. The widespread sense that our political opponents are out to destroy our way of life.
In just published articles like “Yet Another Democrat 'Blockbuster' Doomed To Fail” and “Nancy Pelosi And The Dems' Jan. 6 Dog & Baloney Show”, this report concludes, they reflect the true reality that not even a majority of the American people believe President Trump is responsible for 6 January—for what this socialist show trial is attempting to do it sees the leftist Washington Post factually noting: “The issue has already been litigated in the court of public opinion”—is a factual reality that caused the Fox News network to announce it won’t air this show trial many conservatives see as a kangaroo court, and it will not direct its affiliates, which reach many millions more homes than Fox News, to show the hearing—an announcement that comes at the same time it was reported: “The Fox News audience continued to grow in May while its main cable news rivals MSNBC and CNN saw viewership declines”—in fear and terror this week it saw former Obama Regime communications director Dan Pfeiffer warning that conservative media “dwarfs liberal media in size and scope”, said socialist Democrats are “out-gunned” and described them as two armies, with conservative media “equipped with tanks and stealth bombers” while the liberal media “shows up to the battle wielding pocketknives”—and are fears now confirmed by the just released “The Truth About January 6th Documentary” narrated by still unjustly imprisoned in solitary confinement 6 January political prisoner Jake Lang, whose nearly 300,000 viewson the free speech video site Rumble are triple that of every showaired by leftist MSNBC or CNN. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
June 9, 2022 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]