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Redefining Alternative Energy

Dr. Steven Greer

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So far, the discussion is mainly focused on Solar, Wind and Biofuels. Biofuels are really one step forward and two steps back.

Solar and Wind show promise but are very costly, especially to the average homeowner. And our creaky electric grid is not configured to even carry large scale solar and wind generation.

Totally ignored in the main stream (and even alternative) media is the area of advanced electromagnetic systems that tap the energy of the endless Zero Point energy field that is teeming all around us.

For decades, inventors and scientists have made advances in this area, only to be ridiculed, ignored- or actively suppressed.

I was recently contacted by a close friend of a senior member of Congress who described working for the US Department of Energy and being ushered into a large facility where dozens of such new energy devices were being secretly stored, and kept away from the public. This is a mainstream figure who knows that we can do better- and must!

Thomas Friedman of the New York Times has recently called for a Revolution in Energy. We at agree. It is time for a genuine revolution in energy that completely replaces the collapsing centralized energy system.

It is time for inexpensive, abundant energy based on advanced concepts in physics and electromagnetic technology to be supported with at least the same level of funding that solar and wind are now receiving.

Solar and Wind are great- but with one to two dirty coal-fired power plants being put on-line in China and India each week, it is too little, too late.

Help bring forward the real Alternative Energy solutions that will free humanity from oil, gas, coal and a bankrupt centralized energy and economic system.

It is time for real change!

Steven M. Greer M.D.

Executive Director