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other 200B Stimulus effective immediately, b) Bernake tells the G-20 he is going to print print print and there is nothing anyone can do about it, c) Bernake makes speeches saying QE II Nov. 3rd or 4th and d) The Chinese Commerce Minister issues a statement saying 'Fed money printing is out of control'. The first is the parallel universe 'we' live in expecting deliveries and announcements, the second is the 'real world' according to all things visible. Sometimes I wonder if the 'world' is crazy and uninformed, sometimes I wonder if I am ready for the Ha Ha Hilton AKA The Funny Farm.
* Adding to the confusion is the fact that very high level 'First Rail' "Sources" know nothing of the things WE regularly report while most of it is 'Common Knowledge' at the 'Second Rail' level where the activities reported take place. Its a quandary and likely explains my dizziness.
* Just as the unemployment numbers are 'massaged' in several ways then under reported, so too are the inflation numbers massaged and under reported the purpose being the need for an 'excuse' for QE II.  Inflation is the purposeful theft of the peoples wealth by Government and the natural and unavoidable result of Obama/Bernake Policies. By debasing the dollar in the process the resulting inflation is exported to other Countries which means that the Planned Theft being conducted by the Fed/D.C./Wall Street Nexus is worldwide in its scope. 
* My best guess is that I am not yet completely koo-koo and the apparent continuation of the old is simply 'cover' and public diversion from the new.
* More developments in our favor last night can't be reported yet and likely by others when appropriate. 'Shock and Awe' if fully disclosed.
* Having already CANCELLED THE NATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFAST IN D.C. OBAMA HAS NOW CANCELLED THE NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER.   For Christians only you understand, not Muslims where he was video tapped taking his shoes off and kneeling on his carpet for prayer AT THE MUSLIMS NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER. What will it take to wake up the American people? I sincerely believe there is a percentage of the American people who are so incredibly BLIND they would vote for him even if he auctioned his children on National Television. "If push comes to shove I will stand with the Muslims" said Obama.
* "The Republicans can come along but they will have to sit in the back of the bus"  said Obama yesterday. Strange language from a President. Strange language from an African American.
* I agree with those who are reporting an imminent crash of the markets, the dollar and the simultaneous exposure of a wide range of corruption. Come to think of it, "I are one of those". As these things occur try to view them as 'creative destruction events' necessary to replace the old with the new.
* I still expect the 'exposures' to be sufficient to allow the people to see just how close they came to permanent slavery for themselves, their children and their grandchildren.
* As to the communication on the net today 'signed by' Bruce Curtis who refers to 'disinformation' coming from CASPER ( in bold letters), if this fellow has any knowledge about what's going on he has disguised it so well it is not recognizable. As mentioned above much of what we report is unknown to those not 'operating' at the 'Second Rail' level and it has always been thus. Assuming full disclosure, make a mental note of all the things WE reported over time as they come into the public consciousness.
* Does it appear to you Obama is 'Losing It'? Not the elections, 'IT'. It appears to me he has 'gone round the bend' as the English would say. 
* I went for a walk around the block. A thousand mile journey began with those first steps. That journey ends now and a new one begins. Phoenix Rising me thinks.
* A new joke for those still capable of laughing.
         The Skunk has replaced the Eagle as the new symbol
                      for the President.
         It is half black, half white and everything it does
* One of STORY'S favorite phrases was 'the rats in the sack chewing on each other'. It's worse (better) than ever at the Second Rail level. As their attempts to screw the people fail they turn on each other constantly.
* If you feel the need for a little encouragement today read the sentence above 'more when possible' in yesterdays first update.
                        Casper   10-27-10   opinion