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Attempts to access our accounts continued throughout the night.
A targeted message: "Do you not realize that with every attempt the Computers 'footprint/back-track' straight back to the Computer and Country origin of the attempt"? "Are you not aware that we have Computer Experts working with us all over the world, that every attempt, no matter how well concealed, has been caught and will continue to be caught?"
                  casper   10-6-10
We are now up to 41.8 million people receiving food stamps.
14,000,000 are unemployed according to Government, actual is far far higher.
300,000 more foreclosures last month reported.
In Japan interest rates have again been reduced to zero and their Central Bank (B.O.J.) announces massive purchases of Govt. Debt a la Bernake/Fed Res..
The Banks in Italy may fold at any time due to exposure to Vatican financial problems.
Bk. of England and London Banks are in deep deep trouble due to exposure to the Crowns financial problems.
In China elements of the "Dragons" have continued to try to break into our accounts around the clock without success so far. Supposedly those Dragon elements interfering with deliveries recently have now 'been dealt with'.
Worldwide there is a race 'to the bottom' underway as 25 Country's have devalued their currencies trying to keep up with the intentional debasement of the Fed Dollar in the U.S..
Foreclosures being stopped on U.S. Residential Mortgages which are the 'foundational asset' upon which Trillions in Derivatives are based, are likely to collapse the banks and the Worldwide Securitization Frauds peddled by the Snake Oil Salesmen on Wall Street and The City. 
Teachers in Pennsylvania  making more than $100K/year have gone on strike over a demand they pay a portion of their healthcare cost. Our entire 'system' is collapsing over such as this as the 'Purchasing' of the Unions and their voting members is now Bankrupting the States and the Cities. All are demanding Gov't. (Taxpayer) Bailouts. The Democrats responsible for these never ending daily 'Obamanations' are trying to blame all of it on 'a failure of Capitalism' in order to usher in their Marxist Government. Capitalism has not failed. What we are now facing was caused by Incompetent, Corrupt, Utterly Stupid Bought and Paid For "POLITICIANS", the lowest form of life in America, the vast majority of which are Democrats. Our 'System' has failed due to mismanagement by Incompetent Corrupt Idiots whose only interest was bribes, getting themselves re-elected so they could vote themselves never ending pay raises and exempt themselves from Laws applied to everyone else. In their spare time they provided TRILLIONS of Taxpayer Funds to the most Corrupt Financial Entities in America and they did so in opposition to 'the will of the people' and lock step opposition by the Republicans which have no shortage of dirty laundry themselves. Now 'they' (Obama/Bernake) are 'threatening' the 'World' (Creditor Nations) with QE II in such quantity as to collapse the dollar and leave U.S. Debt Holders with a big brown bag full of poo poo. The utterly CORRUPT D.C./Wall Street nexus failed, not Capitalism.
                 casper   10-6-10   opinion