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The packs, leaving D.C. for delivery tomorrow, were again diverted back to Canada by certain Countries acting in concert, specifically the U.S. (Obama and Hillary), Italy, France, Germany and England.
How can this be?
How can this continue?
Unless there is something WE don't know about or understand, which is entirely possible, it boils down to DESPERATION on a grand scale and a mind set saying "what the hell, we have been caught so many times in so many ways who cares what additional charges are brought".
The trade was blocked, the packs are enroute back to D.C..
Not only are massive sums missing from Bundesbank and now Royal Bank of Canada, but tonight WE hear all banks associated with her ladyship throughout the British Isles are also short huge sums as is THE VATICAN BANK. No details yet.
WE agree with you, this is beyond belief, incomprehensible.
WE don't doubt our Intel even though we are unable to adequately explain it. WE believe deliveries are still scheduled tomorrow.  
                         Casper   1-18-10   #3