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The packs had been ordered out of Treasury Wednesday afternoon but they didn't leave, then again Thursday evening but they didn't leave, and again today for delivery Saturday and we are waiting to see. Those in position to bring appropriate pressure to bear upon OBAMA and his ILLUMINATI ADMINISTRATION are doing so.
This sentence is inserted late afternoon: "The packs have made it to the airport in D.C.."
Now we wait to see what happens overnight.
Speaking of cynical, did you see the Bank CEO's at the White House today singing KUMBAYA with the President and talking about how "we are all in this together now". You bet we are. They are preparing to flush their sewage into our living rooms in the largest and most cynical BANK HEIST/SCAM ever pulled on American Citizens.
As their sewage is cleaned out on the backs of generations of taxpayers at whatever price they and their ILLUMINATI "private partners" agree to, watch these criminals who have already been given tens of billions of taxpayer funded dollars (TARP,etc.) use their new found wealth and shiny new balance sheets with hundreds of billions (each) of new govt (taxpayer) funded cash to buy up competitors causing still further consolidation of the "to big to fail". 
This is a kind of "culminating event". This is the absolute ultimate in terms of screwing the people. This is the big brass ring for the Bankers, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the scam of scams and irrefutable proof there is nothing, absolutely nothing the American people will not tolerate. It is nothing less than providing your wife and daughter for gang rape by Bankers and their Government Agents while we "men" watch television in the next room.  SHAME on us. By the time the Bankers get finished taking taxpayer cash for sewage and the Privates get finished taking fees, commissions, bonuses, management expenses, accounting and auditing fees, their share of profits (if any) and adding everything else they can possibly think up the only thing left will be debt slavery for generations of Americans. KUMBAYA. "We are all in this together".
Do you believe CRIMINAL BANKERS unloading their sewage onto the people is Constitutional or in keeping with any other law known to mankind? Can you not see that the "privates" are participants in this Government Sponsored Scam and that the entire operation is set up with foreknowledge of what it does to the people? It is the "Socialization" of financial loses caused by corruption and the Socialization of America in the process. For your own sake WAKE UP AMERICA.
Meanwhile the U.N. is out now with their own reports demanding International Taxation be implemented (after agreements in December this year) to fund the U.N. led fight against Global Climate Change (was global warming-now they gotta have taxes whether it rains, freezes or whatever) just as we said they would and leading this world parade will be OBAMA and the other New World Order Socialist. WE did try to warn you Messiah Worshipers during the campaign didn't we?
         casper   3-27-09  p.m.