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Many sources are insisting deliveries will be today. WE doubt that, here are the reasons why.
The money (trillions we hear) OBAMA paid to CHINA illegally last week was, we hear, upon arrival, inaccessible, leaving the Communist very very upset. This would also mean the illegal transfer was not in cash. WE had previously heard that the World Court ordered the money returned and in place (our accounts?) by last midnight in preparation for another go at deliveries today. This was the reason for the p.s. added to yesterdays update.
WE hear the money is back in the U.S. (if it ever left) but can't confirm-yet-that it is back in place. We believe the movement of the packs out of Treasury is the key consideration and they are still in Treasury this morning. Whether this is some of the packs or all of the packs seems immaterial to us as we don't think deliveries will occur as long as OBAMA (Treasury) controls any part of the packs.  OBAMA was supposedly given 24 hours (by the World Court) to either a.) delv the packs or b.) have the packs out for delivery, we have it both ways, unsure which is correct. The bigger question is whether he will follow World Court orders at all, whatever they may be.
WE view all of this as stalling tactics by OBAMA. Remember that BUSH was the grand master of the stall, no doubt they (the Bush's) are guiding OBAMA now. AND, what's going on with the back and forth with RUSSIA? WE don't know, its a slow day so lets GUESS. "We cancel the missile defense shield, you don't side with CHINA on the IMF/SDR Dollar replacement issue"?
Imagine the chagrin of the PRC not only with OBAMAS hot check(so to speak) but also the order of the court to return the stolen funds and the internal ramifications with "the families". A reasonable GUESS would be that he (OBAMA) was trying to trade the funds while stiffing us, CHINA and all parties and Nations awaiting their settlements. Imagine the level of desperation necessary to compel them to undertake such activities.
Lost in this latest Flim Flam is the issue of how he could get at the "extremely secure" funds. WE suggest he didn't, that he used the funds as collateral in trade with the help of corrupt Banker Pawns as has occurred so many times before.
The Court, the World, the Families etc. now know what happened and fixing the problem is underway. Although this is so very frustrating even our most unyielding Messiah Worshipper friends are finally "seeing the light".
For those of you who doubt the final outcome read BELLRINGERS NESARA UPDATE posted yesterday and if you think caspers occasional rants suggest something different then you are not really familiar with caspers views which can be located in the Fourwinds archives.
Don't despair friends, "they" will be overcome.
                     casper  3-26-09