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----- Original Message -----
From: Whistleblower
To: Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 4:58 AM
Subject: Casper's latest posting and my response

Dear Casper,

If you don't mind, I feel I have to respond to your latest posting in which I show respect for you but also clearly indicate to the General Public other salient issues / points that should also be told.

To all readers who may read this response posting, Casper is effectively the Courier of information which he has the decency to post so others can enlighten themselves with same. However, Casper has come in for an awful amount of "Flack" from some readers who obviously are totally unaware of how the system at the very top, works. Their naivety in this matter shows by, and within the very comments / criticism they give in their own postings.

It is appreciated that the majority of people world-wide have little or no knowledge of how the system at the top works, and the fact that there are things that are completely hidden from the general public, but not only that, how destructive, biased, corrupt, devious, distorted from reality, self centred and oppressive, the system and those who work with it are.

For one, being a Senior Part of an institution / the International Treasury Controller, at the very top of the tree, I for one appreciate that it doesn't matter what your position, or your power, or other strengths, if you are outside the little circles of these power-crazed and corrupt individuals / groups, you really do not stand a much of a chance.

With respect to all, I will now make comment on Casper's posting, or the relevant sections within it.

casper 11-18-08

Today's news is delivery today just as it has been everyday for at least two weeks.

And it will go on, and on, and on, but instead of just accepting either one argument or the other argument, let's establish the reason for this, which is not easy to see for those who do not know.

These deliveries are supposed to be made, either in part or full, from the St. Germain Trust, otherwise known as the Master Germain Trust.

This Trust is a Trust that is actually owned by Foundation Divine which is the Master Trust and itself owned by the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, which are legally owned by the International Treasury Controller, without whose signature and authority (which I am aware has not been given, will not be given, and should not be given under the objectives and constraints surrounding the Collateral Accounts), nothing, I repeat NOTHING, can be enacted relative to the Collateral Accounts, which includes, no movements, no transfers, no assignments, nothing, not from the Collateral Accounts or any part thereof, without the signature and authority of the International Treasury Controller.

These people, Bush, Cheney, Rice, Bernanke, Paulson, Brown, Sarkozy, and many more, who are all part of these power-crazed and corrupt groups, know this and are literally standing in the middle playing one end against the other, while at the same time illegally using assets of the accounts for their own benefit, the benefit of their idealisms, and the expansion of their ideologies throughout the unsuspecting world. Their quest for a One World Government under a New World Order is very strong and difficult to fight without other Nations of the World being enlightened and working together to push back this One World Government ideology into oblivion.

Bernake to Ron Paul, House Banking Committee today, "No Mr. Paul, in the meetings I have been attending around the world we are not discussing any new monetary system to replace the existing Dollar System and no, there are no discussions about gold other than how much the Central Banks intend to sell".  

Quite correct, they have no intention of dismantling their system, a system which is already in a state of total disrepair, in favour of any other system over which they have no control. They prefer to allow it to be seen that they are attempting to do something when in reality they have sat back watching the world fall over the precipice, then the world, or what is left of it, becomes totally subservient to them. Morally unjust and abhorrent, but until the people at large become fully aware of the real situation and react, then sorry to say it,, but that is what will regretfully happen.

Everything goes round in circles and we are returning to the days of the Middle Ages when Monarchs and their Knights roamed the lands, robbing, raping and pillaging, except this time it is not the Monarchs, it is the very people we as citizens have voted into power not realising exacting what their little game was.  

Congressman La Touche (Ohio) to Paulson, "Why have you and your representative John Dugan (Comptroller of the Currency) refused to accept an application from National City Bank/Cleveland for Tarp funds (taxpayer funds) while allowing PNC Bank to sell 15% of their equity to Treasury then use the money to acquire under duress Nat'l City, a Bank with level one capital in excess of PNC Bank"? Nat'l City is a well capitalized Bank. You are FORCING their takeover by PNC. You are not only picking winners and losers, you are financing the winners and helping them take over Natl City at no cost, a bank which survived the Civil War and the great depression. John Dugan was PNC's Corporate Attorney prior to becoming Comptroller of the Currency. WHY"? Spin and B.S. was Paulsons answer. PNC doubles its size using taxpayer funds and its stock to do so, becomes fifth largest bank in U.S. (deposits).

Not surprising. The aim is to substantially reduce the number of Financial outlets so that they (as Controllers) do not get any mavericks. Then, those left will be instructed to lend only to the members of the club which are the International Conglomerates. That way your choices will be substantially reduced and your rights against faulty goods etc will be non-existent. Don't even think that the little corner shop will be independent. No, it will be part of a Conglomerate whose goods on sale will be the same as every other little corner shop. They will not even care about what the goods are made of or what ingredients are used in the goods. If you die from using or consuming the goods (Monsanto comes to mind here), so what, the aim is to reduce world population to a controllable level. 

CORRUPTION on display for the entire world to see. Friends of Paulson survive and grow. Not a friend? Into the toilet with you and your 29,000 employees.  

I could not have put it better myself, but I wonder how many people will take note, or how many will just consider it garbage.

One hundred large banks (Financial Services Roundtable) and the Consumer Federation of America make application to Treasury to forgive up to 40% of a borrowers credit card debt to help get through this crisis. First time in history banks and consumers on same side. NO says John Dugan, Comptroller of Currency on behalf of Paulson. Not allowed. Why? Probably because the debt has been securitized and sold to foreigners. Still think they work for you?

Yes, the Debt has been securitized and sold on to others, which many are Foreigners / Foreign Governments. They tried selling this, and other debt on to the Collateral Accounts in exchange for liquid cash. No thanks, we are not stupid. We have seen and experienced their promises before and they mean absolutely NOTHING, because they have no intention of paying your debt.

Where did the 3T created OFTH go? Won't tell says Bernake. Fox News and Bloomberg suing Fed Res under Freedom of Information Act to force disclosure. This is your grandchildren's slavery being discussed here.  Asking them to be transparent is like asking a Great White Shark to open its mouth and let you go. Irrespective of the law, transparency is something they will avoid at all costs.

Why was "big man" lying last week? Because the bad guys "moved" the money again and "our side" has egg on face and not wanting to admit they can't protect the money. BTW, all money retrieved from the VATICAN leaving them broke and a bit upset. Why have they been lying this week? "They" haven't. They have said nothing all week. Why no deliveries day by day? Unknown.  No comment.

G-20 given some cards, staying here till we receive to be sure it happens. One more reason delv expected at any moment.  Don't hold your breath.

HUBER, please don't discuss our numbers on the net. 78 is a reference to number of programs not countries and is itself incorrect. There were/are 112 IMF programs not counting the big six and this is just domestic stuff not counting projects, etc... Whom many of the participants have never received one single cent, so where has all the money gone, Sorry, that is a stupid question, because we all, that is those of us in the know, know exactly where it has gone and it certainly did not go where it should have gone. Programs are just Money Boxes for the Elite, Corrupt and Power-crazed Groups and similar.

BUSH-from the G-20. "We are not here to change the system". Precisely, they are not there to change the system. They do not want to change the system and spoil their own futures. They can not even admit that the system is totally broken. All they have done is agreed to agree and placed much of the emphasis onto the Financial Regulatory Bodies. Political BS, but there again, we should all be use to such things by now.

I can tell you that there is a new system (80% planned and structured at this time) which will quite soon be presented to Countries  and Politicians. We may even publish it on the Web so that it can be seen by all. We will not state it is the perfect system, nothing ever is, but it partially takes the Financial System out of the Political Arena, by being monitored and operated independently from the current Financial System operatives. It is based on an asset backed (Assets of the Collateral Accounts) new International Monetary Unit, International Representation for each and every country through Regional Committees, and Financial Independence for each country of the World.

However, I will hazard a bet that it will, like our solution for Africa, be discarded by the majority of the G20 (probably 14 or 15 of them who are allied to the US), but they may yet have a shock based upon the individual National support we already have on this.

It should be remembered that it was the G7/G8 and the cronies of the Financial Institutions and Regulatory Authorities that led everyone into this. What is so amazing is that the world is now running back to the very same G7/G8 (enlarged to the G20 of which most {14 – 15) are aligned) to find a way out of this. Does anyone ever think that they do not want to find a way out. That is like asking a convicted thief to look after your valuables. All they ever do is get us all deeper into debt / financial problems / despair (deliberately I add), whereby the next few generations are mortgaged to these mad power-crazed and corrupt individuals / groups, because we, as people, have given them too much power, or allowed them to generate too much power for themselves. Should we really be leaving the solution to this problem with the very people who created it. Most people can see common sense, and leaving it to them doesn't make any sense at all, unless of course we are all to stupid to realise just what is going on, but on that point, I don't think so.

There are people out there who have more intellect than these power-crazed and corrupt individuals / groups, but of course, like the many alternatives power systems, they have to be suppressed and ridiculed, thus discredited.

 Prime Minister ASO (JAPAN) issues statement, "the U.S. Dollar should remain the worlds reserve currency".  A Solid Long Term US Allied Nation.  Statement from BEIJING, "the U.S. has used the Dollar to plunder the world and the system must be changed". The Chinese are certainly not stupid and should never be under-estimated or even ridiculed.  U.S., England, Germany, Japan, Israel, Vatican vs France, China, Russia, Brazil, India, European Union and 160 other countries. Do the countries decide? Or is it the behind the scenes banking powers? At the moment it is behind the scenes power-broking. However, as part of an International system all countries should hold the right to vote on this issue, or even vote to exempt themselves from a system they have no control over.

AIG bailout now at 167B (up from original 85B) and counting. Counting is the optimum word here.

Credit card debt, commercial real estate and credit default swaps ticking time bombs. Tick, tick, tick.  Are we waiting for a mere Land Mine type of explosion or one more similar to a Nuclear Explosion?  We think the latter of these.

Russian stock markets (2) closed 30 times so far, Ruble and Russia crashing.  Russia may be the REAL target in all of this. Can't let other oppositional powers get ahead now can they. Mind you, they have to deal with Putin and he will not tolerate this foolery, corruption, blatantly unwelcome uni-polar ideology.

Insurance Companies (Hartford, Transamerica, etc.) say gimmie some of that there taxpayer candy, apply to acquire S&L's or Banks to get at it. No Comment.

BUSH says "I'm a free marketer but must be new rules and transparency". (He is describing Basel II and III). WE hear he walked out of the meetings when didn't get his way with others laughing, cheering and clapping. Spoilt child, totally lacking in intellect and a complete waste of human skin. The biggest disaster to mankind this world has seen for decades.

BUSH mentions World Depression greater than great depression. Also mentioned elsewhere around the world.  He should know, he is the one, along with his cronies who created it.

Kissinger says "gotta have Hillary". Obama must be stupid or "on board".  Better for us not to comment on this., but that doesn't mean to say we condone it.

Can use em one time only agra seeds from MONSANTO causing massive number of suicides in INDIA and Latin America (crop failure and can't afford re-buy). Is it any wonder we are so hated? Don't forget the lies about the Iraqi and Afgan wars, 9/11, amongst other things.

HENNEGAN says WANTA says "all bad guys getting immunity". WANTA sold out to Satanic Cult known as Illuminati. Our comments on WANTA have already been expressed previously. Once a crook, always a crook, and his own actions prove this.

After BERNAKE finished meetings in GERMANY last week he went-guess where? ITALY.....guess whats in ITALY. Sabbatical enclave, Pizzas and Spaghetti.  Sorry, being a bit cynical here.

As Secretary of State Hillary gets Immunity. Who appoints Secretary of State? Whats next, ERIC HOLDER the facilitator of the MARC RICH pardons as Atty. General? Poor OBAMA supporters, they have already been fleeced and don't even know it. They have their "King" so now its back to work at two jobs and blind ignorance. They are not stupid, just uninformed and way to busy to become informed. It's a damn shame really. I for one was rooting for his supporters to be right and me and mine to be wrong. I knew better but I was hoping. One must be blind in both eyes not to see this in your face betrayal. The optimum word being "BLIND".

53,000 layoffs at CITI just announced. What about the 198,000 Financial workers in the City of London. Then there are the many financial system workers in many other Countries as well with the same problem.

540B just announced for mutual fund bailout. Somebody keep track my calculator is out of zero's.  Now, there's a niche market for Texas instruments, making calculators with at least a capacity for 6 more digits. Out of every disaster comes an opportunity.

Bush and Paulson say NO to 25B to bail auto industry but "here you are boys" to three banks @ 25B EACH. This gang of financial criminals continue greasing each others palms while the real world crashes.  Absolutely disgraceful.

PLEASE read the article about Glass Stegall on It explains the ongoing never ending bribery and corruption of congress and how 300M was paid to them to eliminate this last line of defense against what is now happening.  None of this is an "accident". It was bought and paid for, all roads lead to Congress and Wall Street pocketed hundreds of billions along the way and were happy to share the loot scammed from the world with those who eliminated the laws which allowed it to happen. And now? And now they are into round two, the taxpayer bailout of the criminals who pulled the heist in the first place. Welcome to modern day America.  No comment.

While most of the world speaks daily about a "new financial order" every other word out of Gordon Browns mouth is Global this Global that. He is the number one pimp for One World Order, New World Order Illuminati and the enemy of every countries national sovereignty. Wow, you must be British because that is how we also think of him. He has to be subservient to them because he definitely is not a Leader, and his economic thinking is very strange to say the least.

SARKOZY/BUSH in deep freeze at meetings. Sarkozy issues statement U.S. intent to surround Russia with "defensive missile shield" not in anyone's best interest. BUSH livid.  Again, RUSSIA is the REAL target here. They tried it in the 90's and gained from it. When Putin came in, they got kicked in the butt real hard. Now they are trying again as Medvedev is not so strong as Putin. Next time around Russia certainly won't be standing lazily around waiting for it to happen.

Hmmm, lets see now, States, Cities, pension funds, Bear Stearns, Banks large and small-foreign and domestic, AIG-(3), credit card companies, mutual funds, auto industry, Freddie/fannie, increase in jobless benefits, new stimulus (600B being discussed), and on and on and on it goes. There will be consequences. Spa treatments for them, the poor house for us.  Right on the nail there Casper.

What now follows is guess work and small talk.

Only after the day passes are we sure deliveries are not today. It is not just "us" who receive daily assurances of deliveries followed by some excuse or another followed by more assurances for "tomorrow". After days turn into weeks we of course know something just ain't right but we don't know what. Others, at higher levels, receive assurances of their own only to be stiffed when we don't receive allowing them to receive. Refer my comments above on this.

There is a degree of comfort knowing that big people are receiving the same assurances as little people. For a little while.  Yes, there are some real good ones at the top but they are being lied to, time and time again. The mis-information machine is working overtime. It needs to because there is a lot of opposition out there, against these power-crazed and corrupt individuals / groups. Then it becomes clear their assurances are no more valuable than our own and we learn there are only liars and those being lied to. They don't understand it any more than we do. There is always identifiable "progress" but it does not result in deliveries. It is preparation so that when they occur dominoes are ready to fall without interruption. And it progress's every day in a variety of locations. "Leaks" result in people getting fired. Big people. The secrecy is intense. WE have lots of "secret" info not appropriate to this venue or the net. It's all very positive and spells delv at any moment. WE have enough of this info to believe, truly believe, that delv's may arrive at any moment. WE are just as frustrated and flabbergasted as you are but our proximity to  dependable information allows us to understand these delays better than you perhaps and to know that the desired outcome is imminent. So please take comfort in our confidence even if yours is waning. Refer my comments above on this.

Naturally we are concerned with such things as the Bernake comments to Paul televised worldwide on C-Span. WE cannot explain but we can guess that neither he or the Fed Res are part of the NEW. At least not in our design and plans for the new International Financial System.  That would be like handing the keys of the vault to the crooks. Besides, we know "they" are all bald faced liars anyway. Even these liars tell lies, upon lies, upon lies. Perhaps parallel systems will operate side by side for a while as we heard so many years ago. Perhaps the NEW is Global and controlled from abroad. Our side is not going to allow us to be exposed to HLS and the P.Act, to BUSH and PAULSON and CHERTOFF, so whatever is going on we will be safe we think. What is needed is the rescission of these Acts, and total incarceration (to eternity) of the people mentioned. With trillions in tax receipts available to them upon funding it is obvious the best interest of the country means nothing to them, only staying in power and avoiding announcements, exposure and arrest. WE have heard little to nothing about arrest, etc. for the past two weeks except the occasional statement "they are not going to be allowed to get away with it". We know about meetings and we hear about "deals" but get no details.  Leave it to the top echelons of the intelligence community. They know what they are doing and many have already fallen, including top bankers, politicians, prime ministers, and just plain bureaucrats. One by one they fall. It will take time, but it is being attended to.

The MELTDOWN continues. It is serious beyond words. There are many who do not realise that fact, but they need to open their eyes quickly, then they will realise just how they have been conned, and blinded by lies and deceit all these years. There is no other "source of funds" sufficient to "save the world". Yes, there is. The Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, owned and under the sole control of the International Treasury Controller. A closely guarded secret the power-crazed and corrupt individuals / groups, don't want you or anyone else to know about because it would totally spoil their decades old game. We are here, trying to assist and doing all that we can to assist, but like you and your colleagues Casper, being blocked, infringed, obstructed, denied, and similar, all in the interests of maintaining their 60 year old game.  The BUSH/PAULSON/FED RES/CONGRESSIONAL bailout endeavor, currently at several trillion plus more mentioned every day is a Band-Aid.  We hear that Elastoplast have run out of all stocks and are working 24 / 7 to maintain deliveries. "THEY" may be attempting to kill time to get closer to "presidential pardon time". They are obviously saying "to hell with tomorrow, to hell with six months from now, print money, push those computer buttons". Let the crash, the greater greatest depression, the hyperinflation, come on "their" watch. The issue is not what are they doing and "they" now includes OBAMA. The issue is what in the world are our guys doing?  Typically, THEY are passing the Buck. Someone else can have the problem, a problem that is beyond resolve but they dare not admit it. As for your guys, I believe they are trying hard but coming up against barriers which they do not know what those barriers are made of.  WE don't know. Decisions are now occurring above our sources sources pay grade. Besides, they are pros, we are amateurs. Don't put yourself down. You have more professionalism about you than what these power-crazed and corrupt individuals / groups have, or ever will have.

In spite of this WE believe deliveries will occur at any moment.  No more comment on this issue. We have said all that needs to be said.

Follow the instructions and keep your head down.

Keep going Casper. You may not achieve your desired aim, but at least you are informing the people of the world to real issues, which is what reality matters.

                 casper   11-18-08

My apologies for the little sarcasm and cynical comments in response, which are really directed at the power-crazed and corrupt individuals / groups.  

There are good people in this world that would do a far better job of running a country (any country) than the majority of politicians we have all seen over the last 6 decades. Unfortunately, they are not part of the power-crazed and corrupt individuals / groups, and therefore stand no chance at all if ever seeking election. 

To those who do not believe that there is an alternative to this crisis, there is. You may not be able to verify it because of the secrecy these power-crazed and corrupt individuals / groups have put around it, but it is REAL. Institutionalised at the same time as The Bretton Woods Treaty, but never brought into action generally as it is their way of financing the IMF, World Bank, National Security Council, and so on, contrary to its Internationally agreed objectives. Readers may think this is just another load of BS. Think what you wish but as sure as you are all Human Beings, it is REAL.

It is independent, politically unbiased, financially sound, Chartered under the United Nations as a Sovereign Entity in its own right, and ready to step into the breach and assist the world with this massive problem created by these power-crazed and corrupt individuals / groups. We do have the financial capability (enormous financial capacity) as well as the willingness based upon the objectives as bestowed upon us by the Nations of the World, YES, the Nations of the World, who now deny us because of their own ideologies, etc.

How would you all like to own property that has "REAL" value, not a perceived value. How would you like to earn money that has "REAL" value, not a perceived value that can be devalued by politicians at any time. How would you like to see a "REAL" future for future generations, not one living on debt created in previous generations or at the wisp of a pen by politicians. Don't let politicians bamboozle, or confuse you with their continuous diarrhoea of lies and deception. The alternative is there and it is very real, very real indeed.

It's "REAL", we are "REAL", as sure as you are all Human Beings living on this small planet of ours, it's "REAL", so "REAL" that it is hard to understand how, or even why, this has been kept secret by these power-crazed and corrupt individuals / groups over 60 years.

Remember what Thomas Jefferson and James Madison stated many years ago …..quote,

Thomas Jefferson cautioned, "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks … will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Similarly, James Madison said, "History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance." Despite these warnings, the unthinkable happened.

This now applies to the whole world, and every country of the world, not just America.


Just One (1) very Senior part standing right next to the International Treasury Controller. 

----- Original Message -----
From: DG
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 10:40 AM
Subject: A Few Questions for Mr. Whistleblower?

Dear Patrick:


I hope you would publish this letter below addressed to Mr. Whisleblower?  I believe these are some hard question that many of your readers are probably wondering themselves, as I am also asking for these answers.


Best Regards,



November 20, 2008


Dear Mr. Whistleblower:


Thanks for clarifying some important issues involving the deliveries as continuously outlined by the Patriot Casper and associates.  I have a few questions that hopefully you find the time to answer, while acknowledging it may be a security issue at the same time.


Firstly, you mentioned that the many programs that were supposed to be paid out to the various participants are actually being held under the Master St. Germain Trust.  If the 100+ programs were legally earned, then why has not the International Treasury Controller signed off on the payouts and allowed the funds to go to the legal beneficiaries?  Considering these program funds are most likely in USD, deliveries and accessing would kill the USD over night through devaluation.  However, you make the comment that the new monetary unit and financial system is 80% complete (planning and structuring).  Would it not make more financial sense to make the deliveries and accessing after this financial system is in place?  There are those that believe that the settlements need to be made with USD, ask yourselves, what would happen to your USD, if the settlements took place with trillions added to the system?  The money would be worthless in a matter of hours!


Secondly, in this public forum, I asked Mr. Lee/Leo Wanta and in a private email as to where the funds originated, the money used to bring down the Soviet Union?  No answer to date, however, I am hopeful, he will respond.   Let me repeat the question, if the ‘Wanta funds’ are being held in the US Treasury as being reported, then why is there the perception that a ‘Wanta settlement’ is imminent?  Mission accomplished…no?


 I see that Citigroup is under a good old fashion bank run.  GM is down 22%+.  Mr. Secretary, who will you save?  As I reach out on the small branches of the seedling, my bet is that Citi gets the nod?


Best Regards,