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Leo Wanta Email 'Force Obama...'

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From: DG
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 8:11 PM
Subject: Leo Wanta email "Force Obama..."
Dear Patrick:
I have been reading your articles on fourwinds for a while now and am impressed with your dedication to the task.  It is a long and treacherous road, where many people appear to be one person and upon further reflection turn out to be some one else entirely different than you first thought.  I hope the Leo Wanta that has written to you in regards to the Obama citizenship matter is the same Leo Wanta that was Ambassador Leo Wanta of the Reagan/Bush appointed financial operative?  I ask this question because at the website demanding proof there are 100,000+ signatures.  My question for the Ambassador and all the participants would be, "What if Obama is not a qualified person under the article in the consititution?"  Are any of you prepared for the mass hysteria that proving Obama is unqualified in this manner?  What would happen in the USA, if in fact he was born in Kenya?  Don't you see the potential for race riots, civil war, mass arrests, etc.?  Isn't the duty of all Americans to do their own research prior to voting for this man who refuses to provide a certified copy of his birth certificate?  You get the leadership you ask for, plain and simple, who did America elect President?  Obama, citizen or not he is your President.  Sure adhering to the constitution is nice in principle, but rule of law seems to be long gone, case in point, the economy and banking.
This brings me to some more questions for Leo Wanta, that I thought would never surface, at least from my end.  Hopefully he decides to answer them, if it poses no danger to him?  I see Mr. Lee/Leo Wanta as a true patriot.  He was given a task by a sitting US President and his Vice President and he followed their orders.  Reagan and Bush Sr. gave Mr. Wanta and others a large sum of United States Dollars (USD) to assist in the process of destablizing the Soviet Union (USSR) and its currency, effectively bringing an end to communism.  We average Joe's, were lead to believe that the US Treasury was the source of the funds, that are rumored to be in the Billions of dollars.  While I still believe myself to be an average Joe, I understand that Reagan/Bush actually 'borrowed' the funds from the Global Debt Facility, which is now under the control of Dr. Ray Chhat Dam and the Office of international Treasury Control (OITC).  Since Christopher Story of claimed that the funds were returned to the USTreasury in the summer of 2006, this to me, is mission accomplished.  Why the expectations of a Wanta settlement?  Could you elaborate on these comments if it is safe for you to do so? 
Finally, I would like to see the day when the USA is released from the yoke of oppression and the end to the control of the wealthy elite, such as the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the JPMorgans of the world and I do sincerely pray that the new global banking system comes on line soon!  If my American brethren suffers so do all Canadians and I as well.
Best Regards,