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Casper Update: June 2, 2008

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WE would have responded to the GOOFY, I mean POOFY update earlier but there were more important things to do this morning.
MADAME WU has once again been recalled to CHINA we hear for non-performance causing the G-7 and World Court to intervene with BRINKS this morning to get the stalled deliveries back on track. After leaving the Court Friday night and driving them around for less than an hour they were back into the Court on orders of Roberts then out again Saturday mid-afternoon. The packages (real or fake) were then held at the BRINKS vault in New York but morning news says they are again on the move for possible deliveries today or more likely tomorrow.
The last time GOOFY, I mean POOFY, gratuitously attacked Casper (approximately 90 days ago) we responded by saying "you can lead a jackass to water but you can't make him drink".  Now he demonstrates that there are some jackass's that can not even be led to water.
By his own admission in several recent consecutive updates, he knows nothing about the activities in D.C.. He has forever, since 1999 he says, been "stuck" in his European frame of mind doing all possible to convince you by his never ending fear mongering that you must go to Europe to access.
He knows less than nothing about what has been done to make domestic access safe, or about our domestic accounts, or our funds from Treasury, or the difference between the "MANS" receiving for pay down the offshore funds ( which he thinks is his own personal secret but is common knowledge worldwide) and the domestic funds, or dozens of other daily goings on he never knew about and even now still knows nothing about.
Of all the ridiculous and false things he had to say last night the one that rises above all others are his warnings that Casper and allies are trying to get into your bank pocket. He does this while providing his PAYPAL ACCOUNT as usual.
Not once have WE ever solicited a dime from any reader for any purpose while GOOFY, I mean POOFY, continues to "charge" the desperate and innocent recipients for his gobbledygook written and spoken at a 3rd grade level by someone who apparently is still in the 3rd grade. And he is not the only one who has designed for themselves a monthly income stream at your expense as some of you know all to well. The only mention we have ever made of funding something after funding is to encourage you to support humanitarian projects offered up by others and to consider, when and if solicited, a voluntary contribution to a Bank Escrow Account managed by others for distribution to those who don't receive through no fault of their own. With this blatant lie this slobbering buffoon speaks more eloquently about who and what he is than we ever could.
While on the subject of lies, we did not say WE have made a difference in outcome, only that "EXPOSURE" of information has sometimes made a difference such as WU being recalled to CHINA ten or so days ago when we disclosed her 14T planned split with BUSH. WU herself confirmed this.
As to GOOFY'S, I mean POOFY'S "secret" information which you are solicited to pay for, it is always a week behind the curve, sometimes longer and is only a "secret" to him.
To tell you the real truth of it friends, this self indulgent egocentric truck driver apparently knows nothing of the domestic war fought over several years with the officers of the CORPORATE UNITED STATES, the BANKRUPTCY'S, or the retrieval of the CONSTITUTION and how all these things had to be dealt with before his "secret" button pushers could push their buttons. It is disgraceful that this American???Citizen knows nothing of what is going on in his own country so busy is he with his EUROPEAN "handlers". 1999?? Been around forever? Only in his mind. By 1999 every one of "US" were eight or ten year and is some cases twenty year veterans of these "deals". WE had long since had our meetings with CH years before "mikey" or truth warrior or his many alias's came along as WE were among the first 2000 in the CH data base and were, by then, more than a decade deep into the twist and turns of various programs. WE are participants in many of the oldest programs including F.C. for which WE were in Fort Collins the night before it opened to the public. Not only is GOOFY, i mean POOFY, the new kid on the block, but after nine years of running his mouth for a fee he still does not know East from West.
As to his "Banking Sources" we learned long ago (from his updates) they do not exist. If you kool-aid drinkers don't believe this ask him how many cards and checks were added last week and what are the amounts on them? Yes, we can answer these questions as we have several sources looking at the computer screens. We just don't put this stuff out as it is not in anyone's interest that we do so.
Your instructions will advise you differently than Goofy and his money collecting allies. WE advise you to follow the instructions.
As to his remarks regarding "our hatred of this administration", as we have openly stated before Casper is a life long Republican or more accurately a life long conservative and seldom mentions BUSH without mentioning CLINTON in the same breath. They are totally corrupt, equally corrupt, and it is that corruption we rail against. This is another example of his inability to read or understand what has been placed before him (free of charge) by many writers recently.
Passive/Aggressive? Is he subconsciously describing himself? He is the one who lays in the weeds then jumps up with a machete in his hands every so often.
WE could go on and on with this jerk but why bother?? He is either "on the bottle", on drugs or off his medication.
Frankly WE just don't give a damn. 
And by the way, WE DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING and unlike this silly little hypocrite we have never claimed otherwise.
WE have often been fooled, misled intentionally, by experts, who cared not one whit about the suffering being caused.
WE have always tried to correct our mistakes, sometimes "correcting" misinformation with still more misinformation.
This happens because the bad guys are real pro's when it comes to disseminating poo poo world wide so as to give it legitimacy as Intel is compared from sources around the world. We likely speak to more sources by noon each day than GOOFY does in a month. Sometimes, most times, that works to our advantage as they cover many disciplines in many countries. Other times WE just get fooled, period. But always, without exception, we are doing the very best we can to learn and report what is going on for the sole purpose of helping fellow travelers weather this dysfunctional journey and come out it alive.
Having poured so much energy into this over such a long time it is frustrating, to say the least, that anyone anywhere is still unable to discern accurately our motives and honorable intentions.
But, as we all know, that's just the way it is with third graders.
            Casper    6-2-08