SORCHA FAAL: Biden “Backup Plan” For Afghanistan Warned Would Be “A Whole Other Level Of Bad”
Biden “Backup Plan” For Afghanistan Warned Would Be “A Whole Other Level Of Bad”
An informative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin declaring that Russia will not allow its army to be drawn into any Afghanistan conflict, with his stating: “You know how difficult and alarming the situation in Afghanistan currently is…We are keeping a close eye on this situation, actively cooperating with our allies in the Collective Security Treaty Organization…Naturally, we will not interfere in Afghanistan’s domestic affairs, neither will our armed forces be drawn into this all-against-all conflict”, says immediately following this declaration, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) revealed its plan to evacuate more than 500 people from Afghanistan using four military transport planes flying from the Ulyanovsk airfield (about 500-kilometers south of Moscow) equipped with drinking water, food and blankets, and medical teams on board, and whose statement says: “On 25 August, on the instructions of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu organized the evacuation of more than 500 citizens of Russia, CSTO member states, (Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) and Ukraine”.
This report notes that Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden held a 7-minute virtual briefing with his G-7 allies yesterday refusing their pleas to extend America’s evacuation from Afghanistan—after which German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas reported that at least 100 Germans and their families remain stranded in Afghanistan, and saw him grimly stating: “We will not be able to get everyone out of Afghanistan in the remaining days of this military evacuation operation”.
Socialist leader Biden then addressed the American people telling them: “We are currently on a pace to finish by August 31”, this report details, then added he has asked the Pentagon and the State Department “for contingency plans to adjust the timetable should that become necessary”, after which he stated: “Every day we're on the ground is another day we know that ISIS-K is seeking to target the airport and attack both US and allied forces and innocent civilians…Each day of operations on the ground, we have added risk to our troops with increasing threats from ISIS-K, and that completion of the mission by August 31 depends on continued coordination with the Taliban, including continued access for evacuees to the airport”.
Quickly following these statements by socialist leader Biden, this report continues, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said that civilian evacuations from Afghanistan will stop before 31 August in order to wind down the US military presence—after which the US military began withdrawing its forces from the Kabul airport—that was followed by the US Embassy issuing a last alert for American citizens to leave Afghanistan or they’re on their own, then saw them recalling this notice 30-minutes later—a recall of this last alert notice coming just minutes after Democrat Party US Congressman Seth Moulton and Republican Party US Congressman Peter Meijer revealed they had secretly traveled to the Kabul airport to investigate what is going on, and stated: “We came into this visit wanting, like most veterans, to push the president to extend the August 31st deadline…After talking with commanders on the ground and seeing the situation here, it is obvious that because we started the evacuation so late, that no matter what we do, we won’t get everyone out on time, even by September 11…Sadly and frustratingly, getting our people out depends on maintaining the current, bizarre relationship with the Taliban”—and saw this statement followed by the leftist Washington Post posting the message: “It CANNOT be overstated how angry Pentagon & State Dept officials are at Rep. Moulton & Rep. Peter Meijer for flying to Afghanistan in the middle of an evacuation…“It’s as moronic as it is selfish…They’re taking seats away from Americans”.
Security Council Members in this transcript note that these Congressmen traveled to Afghanistan aboard a US military aircraft along with the US State Department officials supervising this evacuation, which means they approved them being there, and makes it a lie the claim their presence made anyone angry—though most curious to notice were these Congressmen commenting on what they call “the current, bizarre relationship with the Taliban” the American government has, specifically because such a statement doesn’t reflect the reality of what’s occurring in Afghanistan.
Not being told to the American people about Afghanistan, this report continues, is that it has never been a country; rather it’s a collection of tribes whose centuries old allegiances and alliances transcend the national borders imposed on them by the Western powers—which is why international adviser Ali Akbar Velayati to the Supreme Leader of Iran was summoned there to hold talks with 11 grandees of Afghanistan over the past few days, including the leading figures representing the Pashtun, Tajik, Shiite, Sunni, and Hazara ethnic groups, and who reports today: “It seems that the grandees of that country believe that the future government of Afghanistan must be a combination of all groups…So, the grandees and those who have a record in fighting against the Soviet Union and the US believe unanimously that an inclusive government consisted of all ethnicities must be formed”.
In furtherance of this effort for the Afghan grandees to form an “inclusive government”, this report details, former Afghan president Hamid Karzai and former peace negotiator Abdullah Abdullah met with Iranian envoy Bahador Aminian yesterday—a meeting where Iranian international advisor Velayati stated the position of the Afghan grandees—and whose result of saw all of the parties agreeing that Afghanistan would be governed by a 12-member council, with the exception of the president and the emirate—so far, the council has agreed on Abdul Ghani Baradar, Mullah Yaqub, Khalil-ur-Rehman Haqqani, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Hamid Karzai, Hanif Atmar and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar—and whose Kremlin analysis of this new Afghan government states: “The Taliban does not want to restore the post of the president or any other single leader in the country…At the same time, the organization intends to offer to some members of the previous US-backed government ministerial posts in the new cabinet at their discretion…Thus, the Taliban wants to create a government that would seem as inclusive as possible in order to increase its chances of gaining international recognition”.
As part of this new “inclusive” government demanded by Afghan grandees, this report notes, the Taliban appointed Mohammad Idris as new acting head of the Central Bank of Afghanistan, after which he declared: “All banks in the country, including the Central Bank, will resume their work from tomorrow…We have carried out the appropriate preparatory work…We urge employees of this sector to return to their jobs”—a declaration for a return to normalcy coming at the same time the United States has blocked US dollar supplies to Afghanistan and Republican Party lawmakers are demanding the return of $169-million stolen by ousted Afghan president Ghani when he fled the country—and immediately following this declaration, it saw the World Bank cutting off financial support to Afghanistan, with them stating: “We are deeply concerned about the situation in Afghanistan and the impact on the country’s development prospects, especially for women”—though this statement lacks any credibility because the leftist American media and CIA weaponized women’s rights to manipulate public perception of the Afghan War.
Along with the American people being deceived about Afghanistan, its tribal history and its new government, this transcript sees Security Council Members noting they are also not being told the truth about what’s really happening at the Kabul airport—and as best described by RT war correspondent Murad Gazdiev, who beyond shockingly reported this morning:
“We’ve just arrived at Kabul airport.
American troops call what is happening here ‘World War Z,’ referring to the zombie movie starring Brad Pitt. It is clear why.
The situation is horrendous.
The entire airport is littered with bullet casings and flash-bang grenades. Everything, absolutely everything is covered in barbed wire. The entire runway is lined with barbed wire.
Shooting is ceaseless, 10 minutes don’t pass without gunfire. Either within the airport; American troops scaring away the more daring locals, or shooting near the main entrance, where the Taliban is discouraging would-be refugees.
Clothes are everywhere. The odd sandal, torn woman’s shoe, shirts and headscarves. The walls of barbed wire are at times reminiscent of Christmas trees – strung with clothes and litter. A reminder of the mobs and the crush from the early days of the evacuation.
As I write this, something is burning at the northern end of the airport – there’s a column of smoke rising near parked American cargo planes. What exactly, we can’t tell.
About 20 meters from us, platoons of American and Italian troops appear to be taking a break – lounging on office chairs they dragged out of the wrecked airport terminal. Lounging under the very airgate that Afghan civilians infamously swarmed over, as if zombies, in a bid to escape.
About the Afghans, who we saw during landing. They are now being lined up in square-shaped formations (those who have been approved for evac) – and are made to sit under the warm Afghan summer sky for hours and hours. Women, kids… all, according to American press.
Unfortunately, we can’t post pictures or videos right now, it would violate the evac agreement between Russia and the US.
American troops here are on edge, nerves are wound tight. Every single one of their flights is taking off under the guns of Taliban fighters. You can understand why they don’t want to provide the Taliban with a detailed schematic of where everyone is stationed inside.
That the Russian Foreign Ministry even managed to clinch an agreement with the US to let Russian evac planes in, at such a hectic time, is nothing short of a diplomatic miracle.
We simply can’t risk jeopardizing that agreement, and the safety of this and future evacuations, just to show you photos which you’ll forget you ever saw within a week.”
This transcript sees Security Council Members agreeing that these American troops have good reason to be “on edge” because the Taliban have surrounded the Kabul airport with their powerful and feared “Badri 313” shock commando martyrdom forces, otherwise known as the “Red Unit” or “Blood Unit”—are fearless “Blood Unit” forces always ready to martyr themselves, but whose greatest present enemy are the barbaric ISIS terrorists attempting to attack the American troops at the Kabul airport—though if socialist leader Biden enacts his “backup plan” to keep these American troops in Afghanistan past the 31 August deadline, it sees even top US defense experts gravely warning: “If the Taliban actually ordered an assault on the airfield, it would be a whole other level of bad”—a grave warning based on the fact that these “Blood Unit” martyrdom forces can obliterate the Kabul airport and everyone and everything on it, and sees these US defense experts further warning: “There are no good options and each one has major operational hurdles and glaring pitfalls to overcome...The cold truth is that Afghanistan is a landlocked country surrounded by nations that are either hostile to the United States or do not want to directly support our operations in the now Taliban-controlled country...Kabul is 800 miles from international waters, which includes flying over Pakistan and Afghanistan…This is beyond the range of any helicopter without inflight refueling”.
The conclusion portion of this transcript sees Security Council Members noting that while the American people have their attention focused on the events in Afghanistan, they’re failing to remember that the Iraqi parliament voted overwhelmingly early last year in favor of ejecting all foreign forces from their country—an overwhelming vote expressing the will of the Iraqi people that socialist leader Biden is ignoring to his peril, specifically because yesterday it saw at least seven US convoys being attacked in every part of Iraq—sees the American people so reviling Biden that yesterday only 7,500 of them watched his Afghanistan speech online, two-thirds of whom gave it a “thumbs down”—and stands opposed to the millions of them that have watched the new ad posted by President Donald Trump about Biden aptly named “Surrenderer-in-Chief”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
August 25, 2021 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]