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Dream Act Offered for Millions of Illegal Aliens Costing Billions of Your Tax Dollars

Frosty Wooldridge

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Today, the U.S. Senate defeated the diabolical amnesty Dream Act, S. 2205, which would have given illegal alien children numbering 2.1 million the ability to tap into our tax dollars. Additionally, new estimates show another 1.4 million family members would have been able to remain in our country. In other words, this deluge of people would have thwarted our laws, jumped the immigration line and be rewarded for lawlessness. Worse, you and I would be paying the bills.

Here in Colorado, we already pay $1 billion a year for schooling, medical, breakfasts, lunches and incarceration costs for illegals. (Source:

The cost to Colorado taxpayers would have jumped into added millions of dollars as those illegal students gained access to our colleges and universities. In addition, our kids would have been displaced from college slots. As Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama said, “We must not reward lawlessness by giving up on the rule of law. It only breeds more lawlessness.” (C-Span, October 24, 2007)

According to a new analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies of 2007 Census Bureau data shows millions of potential beneficiaries.

• An estimated 800,000 illegal immigrants under age 17 have been here long enough to qualify for legalization under the DREAM Act. There are a total of 1.7 million illegal aliens estimated to be under age 18.

• There are an estimated 900,000 parents of illegal aliens under age 18 who qualify. It is unclear whether the government would deport these parents.

• The DREAM Act is also unclear as to what will happen to the siblings of legalized illegals who are themselves illegal, but do not meet the Act’s requirements. There are an estimated 500,000 such children.

• The DREAM Act also allows illegal aliens ages 18 to 29 to legalize if they claim to have arrived prior to age 16. We estimate 1.3 million meet this requirement. There are a total of 4.4 million illegal aliens in this age group.

• Thus the total number of potential amnesty beneficiaries is 2.1 million (assuming no fraud). This does not include 1.4 million siblings and parents of qualifying illegals who may end up receiving a de facto amnesty.

• Prior legalization programs have been plagued by fraud. One-fourth (700,000) of those legalized in the 1986 amnesty are estimated to have done so fraudulently.

• Given the difficulty in determining whether an applicant meets the DREAM Act’s amnesty requirements, coupled with the overworked nature of the immigration bureaucracy, fraud could be a significant problem.

If the U.S. Senate passed the bill, it gave a “you can’t deport me” card to the 2.1 million illegals. Do you think the feds will then deport their illegal parents and leave the amnestied teenagers without adult supervision?

At some point, we must adhere to our U.S. Constitution by securing our borders. We must enforce the rule of law. We must sustain our society by the rules that made it successful for 231 years. We must not abandon the principle of honor, honesty and country.

In Colorado, we must demand that Governor Ritter enforce the anti-illegal alien laws we passed last year. It’s time for illegal aliens to return to their own countries, correct their own problems, work for change in their countries and make their history better.

It’s time for Americans to stand up, speak out and defend our nation, our language, our civilization.

Frosty Wooldridge, a Colorado teacher, has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He offers his program to civic clubs, church groups, colleges and high schools across Colorado: “The Coming Population Crisis in Colorado: and what you can do about it.” He works to bring about sensible world population balance at his website:

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