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Cabela's Wolf-Killing Competitions and Idaho "Emergency" Slaughter Legislation

Rodger Schlickeisen, Defenders of Wildlife

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One of Our new web ads

More than 120,000 supporters like you have urged an end to corporate-sponsored wolf killing. Now Defenders of Wildlife is running new online ads like the one above. 

Stopping Corporate Sponsored Wolf Killing

“My whole family hunts here in Florida, and we will no longer spend ONE CENT at Cabela’s. We all petitioned against the pred[ator]-derbies. Keep up the good work!” -- K. Schwartz, Florida

More than 120,000 Defenders supporters have signed our petition urging Cabela’s and Sportsman’s Warehouse to stop supporting wolf-killing competitions that support efforts to block the restoration of life-saving protections for wolves in the northern Rockies.

And thanks to the support of thousands of caring people like you, this week we placed our hard-hitting ad in The Lincoln Journal Star, reaching nearly 80,000 people in the Lincoln, Nebraska region -- capital of the state where Cabela's is headquartered.

The Omaha World Herald, The Sidney Sun-Telegraph and several other papers barred our ad from publication, but we’re expanding our efforts to end corporate-sponsored wolf killing.

This week, we began running targeted ads on the websites for The New York Times and High Country News -- ads that will be seen by Cabela’s customers on the East Coast and across the American West.

Young Idaho Wolf (

Idaho’s legislature wants to pass an “emergency” plan aimed at kill roughly 85% of the state’s wolves… “by any means.”

Please consider becoming a Wildlife Guardian and donate as little as $5 each month to help Defenders stop the wolf slaughter and address other wildlife emergencies.

Fighting Idaho’s Newest Wolf-Killing Plan

The Idaho legislature has drafted an “emergency” resolution (HCR043) aimed at killing all but 150 of the 1,020 wolves in the state… "by any means.”

The resolution would open the door to extended wolf hunting seasons (including additional predator derbies targeting wolves), poisoning, trapping, and even aerial wolf-killing programs such as those used in Alaska and championed by former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.

Anti-wolf legislation like this (and the recent “no wolves allowed” bill passed by Utah’s legislature) is why Defenders of Wildlife has launched a member-supported full-court press to save wolves, with legal action to restore life-saving protections for these magnificent animals and on-the-ground wolf education and conservations efforts.

Next week, we will be launching a new high-profile, high impact national campaign to stop the war on wolves and save these magnificent animals. Please stay tuned …

For the Wild Ones,

Rodger Schlickeisen Rodger Schlickeisen, President Signature

Rodger Schlickeisen


Defenders of Wildlife

P.S. We’re working hard to save our wolves, but we need your help. Please consider becoming a Wildlife Guardian today to support our Campaign to Save America’s Wolves and other vital efforts to protect imperiled wildlife and habitat with a monthly donation of as little as $5. To join the Wildlife Guardians by phone, just call 1-800-385-9712.

Making a Difference for Wildlife

Wolf Thumbnail (Photo: USGS) Defenders' wolf expert and Northern Rockies Representative Suzanne Asha Stone worked with the producers of NOW on PBS to show the long-term benefits of wolf reintroduction in Greater Yellowstone and the northern Rockies. Check out “Hunting Wolves, Saving Wolves” on the PBS website now…

From: Rodger Schlickeisen, Defenders of Wildlife
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2010 3:00 AM
Subject: Cabela's Wolf-Killing Competitions and Idaho "Emergency" Slaughter Legislation