Delta airplane caught “chemtrailing” schoolchildren with fuel during emergency landing at LAX
Ethan Huff
In a bizarre and highly disturbing incident that took place in the sunny skies above Southern California, a Delta Air Lines flight headed towards Shanghai, China, blasted an elementary schoolyard with fuel during an emergency U-turn landing back at LAX (Los Angeles International Airport), giving a whole new meaning to the term “chemtrailing.”
Reports indicate that the Boeing 777 airplane, which had departed just after 11 a.m., suffered some kind of “mechanical issue” not long after takeoff that required an immediate return to the airport. And in order to land safely, the jet had to dump its fuel load prior to landing.
But rather than dump it over the ocean or some other unoccupied area as is required by law, the pilots of Flight 89 decided to spray the fuel over a residential area where students were outside playing, exposing at least 20 of them and 11 of their teachers to the toxic particulates.
While the emergency fuel dump primarily affected Park Avenue Elementary School in Los Angeles, additional students and faculty at San Gabriel Avenue Elementary School in South Gate, Jordan High School and 93rd Street Elementary School in South Los Angeles, Graham Elementary School in Inglewood, and Tweedy Elementary School in South Gate, are also said to have been potentially exposed.
Another individual reportedly told CBS News in Los Angeles that the fuel was also dumped over PIH Health hospital in nearby Whittier, while workers at an electroplating shop in Orange County told the media that they could see and smell tiny droplets of jet fuel that ended up blanketing their cars.
Delta Air Lines has since released an official statement indicating that the airplane in question had “conducted an emergency fuel release while in flight,” and that the company is in “close communication” with first responders who are looking into the situation.
If more of the public knew about chemtrails, this emergency fuel dump would pale in comparison
As to what went wrong with yet another Boeing airplane, CBS News says that the pilots of the 777 received a notification after takeoff about “a possible compressor stall affecting [the plane’s] right engine.” They immediately radioed air traffic control, declared an emergency, and headed back to LAX.
“A compressor stall – or compressor stall warning – is a sign of an engine issue that typically prompts an engine shutdown,” CBS News explains.
Thankfully, the plane landed safely and nobody on board was injured, though some on the ground may have accidentally ingested or gotten fuel residues in their eyes, which from the sound of it spread all across the Southland.
As disturbing as this all is, it’s nothing compared to what’s being dumped daily all around the world from jet planes in the form of chemtrails, which are polluting our skies with stratospheric aerosol injections of chemicals like aluminum, barium and strontium.
There could also be biologicals like viral fragments and contagions hiding in those white, hazy mists that routinely block out our natural sunlight while dousing our planet with unknown poisons. The official story is that these chemtrails exist to prevent “global warming,” but we all know that’s a bald-faced lie.
“Now it can be tested for additives involved in chemtrail spraying: barium salts, aluminum and such,” wrote one chemtrail-aware CBS News commenter about the fuel residues from the 777 airplane.
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, describes the chemtrail phenomenon as geogenocide because it’s entirely incompatible with humans and other life forms. Be sure to check out this article he wrote that provides an in-depth look at the horrors of chemtrails.
You can also learn more about geoengineering at Geoengineering.news.
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