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Cliff Livingstone

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Controversies over Chemtrails have been raging for years. Some believe they are deliberate chemical sprays from high flying jets. Others believe they are normal commercial jet contrails, and that the believers are merely converting clouds into cotton balls. The evidence is compelling for both points of view. I have to throw my hat in the ring with the believers. A closer look at the photographic evidence leaves no doubt that some kind of high atmosphere spraying events are going on.

       Also, I've bin there did it, at least as far as where weather modification is concerned. In August of 2007, I saw thirty six Chemtrails laid down in an hour and a half over Ottawa Canada, and the weather changed radically a couple of days later from that forecasted.

  Ottawa is under a main geodesic rout from Winnipeg to Montreal and Toronto to London England. Consequently Jets fly overhead all day long at the rate of one or two an hour. Normally the jets leave no visible contrails of any length. some days, when the atmospheric conditions are right, the jet will leave a contrail trailing behind which will quickly thin out and dissolve some distance back of the plane. On other occasions, the trails will last until they eventually wimp out into hazes such as Figure 1. Chemtrails on other hand do not wimp out, but rather stay dense and solid looking even as they slowly spread out such as Figure 2. That's the distinguishing feature between the two. Contrails start out solid at the plane end and end up thin and wispy at the other end until they eventually dissipate. Chemtrails stay more or less the same from one end to the other, even as they gradually spread out wider and wider. 

     On the day in question, the thirty six Chemtrails gradually spread out wider and wider until the the sky was just one solid mass of dull grey overcast cloud where none had been forecast. I do not own a camera. Having said that, if I had a brain I'd be dangerous since it did not occur to me at the time to buy a disposable camera at a convenience store and record the event. Consequently I had nothing to show as proof and nothing to discuss it with, until I recently came across a website link containing dozens and dozens of purported Chemtrail pictures with a few of them similar enough to what I saw in Ottawa that I am finally able to describe exactly what I saw.

The day was clear sunny blue sky with no clouds. A powerful high pressure area was locked over northern Quebec in the eastern end of Canada. The forecast for the whole North East section of North America was for a scorching heat wave in the mid nineties for the next ten days to two weeks and no prospects of rain. I went out to do a run around in the car about eleven thirty in the morning. A half dozen Chemtrails were already in the sky.  Figure 3 is a very good approximation. I could see two high flying jets trailing Chemtrails sailing off in the distance going west with two more coming up on the far eastern horizon, also trailing chemicals.

      The flights continued like that for over an hour and a half. They flew in convoys of two or three each, with each new convoy coming into view from far to the east blasting their Chemtrails, even as the previous was disappearing out of view far to the west still Chemtrailing away. I even had one instance where there were three overhead with two at the extreme ends of both horizons. The intention were obviously to spray a line across all of Eastern Canada and not just Ottawa, which would have sprayed just overhead. The jets all flew straight as a die in parallel tracks. But no two convoys were along the exact same flight path.

      Sometimes the planes were so high they were like specks of dust. Others were so low you could almost read the markings. During the time a couple of routine commercial jest flew through high overhead leaving a standard contrail pattern which quickly evaporated a short distance behind. Proving conclusively that the ongoing Chemtrail phenomenon was not just the consequence of an atmospheric event during some kind of rare military flyover. That was when I went from sceptic to complete believer.

After an hour, the sky looked somewhat like Figure 4  if transposed into the summer brightness of fig. 3.  After the hour and a half the sky looked lined somewhat like that in Figure 5 minus the the circular commotion. All in all, the operation had laid down thirty six distinct Chemtrails. The earlier ones had already started spreading out into wide cloud like strips, even as they remained uniform in consistency from one end to the other.

     By about two thirty they had all started to blend together into an artificial overcast like Figure 6, and were also spreading out north and south. By four o'clock the sky was a single grey overcast matt from east to west and north to south. The temperature dropped ten degrees the next day and stayed like that for the next two weeks.

Figure 1



Figure 2


Figure 3


Figure 4


Figure 5


Figure 6