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Tom Metzger

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Nov. 4, 2012



 New York.  The wrong ones got hurt.  Little communities of white people had apparently set up communities out on Long Island years ago.  I didn't even know these places existed until now.  One of them was nicknamed the Irish Riviera.  These were the ones who got killed.  Their homes were reduced to matchsticks.


Through a series of flukes I live right in the midst of the predators, not that they haven't been trying to drive us out since we moved in many, many years ago.  We had electricity all the way through this disaster.  I think the lights blinked twice, maybe when they were switching to another line.  We have heat.  No streets were flooded.  Food Emporium is open and selling fresh food.  This place is like a gated community without the gates.  The rich always get served.  They seldom get hurt.  They think far into the future and don't settle on low ground.


Of course the muds are being served first, partially because they're concentrated in easy-to-reach neighborhoods, and they're still whining.


The poor woman who lost her little boys was doomed.  She's a nurse.  Maybe she couldn't get off her shift early enough to evacuate in time.  The water came up on her fast, and her car drifted off the road, into a marsh.  It was filling with water.  She had to try to get out.  The only things that could have saved her children were maybe life jackets.  But how many of us carry those in our cars or even own them?  If she'd had rope, maybe she could have tied the children to her.  Rope is a good thing to keep in your car.  


But those deaths were two of many.  People heard their neighbors screaming but couldn't get to them.  The water was too deep and fast.


Tom, if you're heating a room with a fireplace, you have to crack a couple of opposing windows to keep the oxygen from being burnt up, right?