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New York Magazine's Breathtaking Cover Shows A Blacked-Out Manhattan From The Sky

Kim Bashin

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Nov. 3, 2012

New York Magazine staffers were scrambling to get things done in an improvised newsroom throughout the storm, but one thing about its latest issue was easy: figuring out what would be on the cover.


From an editor's note:


The easiest part of a harried three days came Friday around noon, when we met to settle on the cover. A photograph taken by Iwan Baan on Wednesday night, showing the Island of Manhattan, half aglow and half in dark, was the clear choice, for the way it fit with the bigger story we have tried to tell here about a powerful city rendered powerless. We crammed back into the conference room, raced to finish our pages, and hoped, like other New Yorkers, that everyone would find the lights on when they got home.


The cover, as it turns out, is breathtaking:


new york magazine cover










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