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The Charlie Hebdo Affair: How to Demonize Islam and Destroy Christianity

Lasha Darkmoon

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Jan. 17, 2015

Freedom to offend, we are told, is sacrosanct; freedom to kill the offender is not. Isn’t it a shame this belief is not shared by everyone?

The ultimate question here is Cui bono? Who gained most from the Paris massacre and who lost out? The answer to this all-important question will offer us a clue as to who was behind the killings.

Was Mossad behind it? Or Al Qaeda? Or the CIA? Or the Illuminati? And is it conceivable that all these disparate and seemingly separate organizations are in fact the same hydra-headed monster that dare not speak its name?

These are the questions we now propose to consider methodically. So let’s get down to business. What are the facts?

I read this article on Russia Today by Adrian Salbuchi which is among the most thought-provoking I have come across in a long time. Salbuchi begins by asking the most important question in regard to the Charlie Hebdo Paris attacks:  Cui bono? Who benefits?

Before we answer this question, let’s review the situation and then try to connect the dots…

We learn today the astonishing fact that 10,000 troops are to patrol the streets of France from now on, armed to the teeth and peeping into every corner for suspicious characters, doubtless of swarthy complexion and carrying Qur’ans in their back packs. Of these 10,000 commandos, no fewer than 5000 of them will guard the country’s 717 Jewish schools.

Apparently people in the Rue de Rosiers, Paris’s historic Jewish enclave, are getting increasingly jittery and apprehensive. They are afraid that ordinary French people might start complaining about the enormous sums of money being spent in protecting France’s Jewish community. France is a country with a population of 66 million. Of these, 5 million are of Muslim heritage, vastly outnumbering the number of French Jews who make up only half a million.

So there are exactly ten times more Muslims in France than there are Jews, a fact worth remembering.

Rebecca Bloch, a 42-year-old Jewish woman, and her 51-year-old husband Davide, are now thinking of moving to Israel, the UK Independent newspaper (“I”) reveals, adding:

“There has been an increase in the number of attacks on french Jews by Muslim extremists and also the extreme right in recent years. Seven thousand migrated to Israel last year, more than doubling from 3,400 in 2013. The Israeli government expected a rise to 10,000 this year. “We are in a situation of war,” said Roger Cukierman, president of the Representative Council of Jewish Associations. “We have our sadness and our rage.” (The Independent, “I”, 14 Jan, 2015)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, arriving in Paris for Sunday’s solidarity rally with international leaders, advised French  Jews to head for Israel.

“To all the Jews of France I wish to say: the state of Israel is not only the place to which you pray; the state of Israel is also your home. Any Jew who wants to emigrate to Israel will be received with open arms.”

The Israeli President, Reuven Rivlin, had this to say:

“We wanted you alive. The heart is broken, shaking and hurting and an entire nation cries. It is dangerous to deny this is anti-Semitism…”

He was referring to the four French Jews killed in last week’s attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris: Yoav, Yohan, Phillipe and Francois. This is why Netanyahu is urging France’s 500,000 Jews to pack their bags and head for Israel without delay. Here, presumably,  they will be safely accommodated on illegally occupied land filched from the Palestinians: a neat solution to the problems facing French Jews in a country where they appear to be unpopular—give them nice houses with swimming pools on stolen Arab land.

Indeed, this is the bizarre solution to the Jewish problem currently favored by the entire western world, starting with America: any Jew who faces persecution anywhere in the world must be settled on stolen Arab land, thereby fueling resentment among the dispossessed. Which resentment in turn can only be expected to simmer and come to the boil,  leading to spontaneous excrescences like Al Qaeda and ISIS.

As for Al Qaeda and ISIS, assuming they are genuine Islamic organizations and not the brainchild of some madhatter in Mossad or the CIA, do they have any valid grounds for complaint?

Of course not. How can you ask such a silly question! Al Qaeda and ISIS couldn’t care less about the theft of their lands, the plunder of their natural resources, and the bombing of their women and children in Yemen, the Afpak borders, and elsewhere. They’re quite happy to be visited by the occasional drone. It relieves the monotony of their lives.

Let’s face it, these ragheads are just a nasty bunch of terrorists whose holy book, the Qur’an, has told them to conquer the world and impose sharia law on nice western folk like you and me.  They want to force all you guys out there to wear big bushy beards, helping to make Gillette go bankrupt! They want  to make our gorgeous western women cover up their asses and stop flashing their panties! They want to stop women inviting rape by being such ravishingly irresistible WHORE SLUTS!!!

Good heavens, if these creeps ever get control,  just think!—no more twerking! no more flaunting and taunting, no more Jewish porn, no more Hollywood thrillers telling us what a bunch of Islamofascist “inglourious basterds” these 1.6 billion spoilsport Muslims are!


Ooops, sorry, we’ve already bombed your countries to smithereens and turned them into parking lots! 

Too bad.