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Small businesses need a lifeline

Mat Staver

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Even yesterday, on Sunday afternoon, Liberty Counsel Action staff members were working overtime on Capitol Hill, fighting to help small businesses on their last gasping breath. But I need your help, today!

There is a huge battle in D.C. And if we lose this battle, getting Americans back to work will be much more difficult.

We were working to get a bill voted on last night that would help small businesses, but some Democrats stalled the process.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer want to divert billions of tax dollars from small businesses.

Liberty Counsel Action is fighting to keep these politicians from killing small businesses with their own pet projects. This might be the single most important, quickest way to get Americans back to work. But we need to act fast.

Democrats are saying they will not vote to help small business owners unless Republicans agree to bail out some blue states. And some Republicans are wavering. Make your voice heard to make sure small businesses are helped directly without paying an extra bonus to the politicians that destroyed these businesses in the first place.

We NEED you to make your voice heard right now on Capitol Hill against a bailout for these short-sighted politicians. Act now.

We thought we had a compromise yesterday. But instead of the bill passing last night or this morning, we are now expecting delays that could last for days, or even weeks. This will kill huge numbers of businesses and hurt American business owners, employees, and those who rely on their services.

This delay is because radical legislators want to hold American business owners hostage in order to negotiate funding to reward their favorite politicians and pet projects.

We need your voice now to flood the desks of our U.S. legislators to strengthen our staff’s ability to demand our government help mitigate the damage it caused to businesses across our nation.

Liberty Counsel Action has laid the groundwork in D.C. for your fax to make the greatest impact right now. But we need you to take advantage of this effort. Send your FAX NOW to declare that our government cannot essentially steal property from churches and businesses by forcing them to close without just compensation.

My staff works hard to consistently give you exclusive insight that no one else is discussing. We take you behind the closed doors of D.C. so that you can have a powerful impact on the future of our nation.

You are the reason we can provide real-time data.

Thank you for your prayers and for your support to help keep our presence on Capitol Hill as our nation stands at a crossroads. God's blessings on you and your family.


Mat Staver



P.S. Our federal government cannot reward the politicians who caused the economic crisis with a bonus of your tax dollars. Make your voice heard to educate and motivate legislators to stop taking American businesses hostage. We need to act NOW to stop our legislators and governors from further damaging our economy. Send a fax to our legislators right now.

Please rush a donation to strengthen our team's ability to fight this in D.C. in the remaining moments we have to fix these problems. Any amount helps.


Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.

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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action

PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854
