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I'm Angry About the Mortgage Crisis

Diane Rigali

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From: Diane Rigali
To: Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 8:07 PM
Subject: I'm Angry

I am so tired of hearing about the mortgage crisis being caused by less qualified (poor/lower middle class)people. It so happens that most of them COULD afford the houses when they bought them, and were it not for the greedy mortgage companies/banks/etc., and the greedy gas and oil industry, they wouldn't have had a problem; except for the greedy insurance cos, etc. Even then, many of those people lived in those houses for years, during which time they appreciated in value and in some cases had improvements added on, such as fences, swimming pools, etc. before they lost them.

The banks and mortgage companies foreclosed and RESOLD the property. How could they lose money?? I'll tell you how, they stole the money. The people that lost their homes have to pay rent and deposits somewhere, and are at the mercy of greedy landlords and lots of riff raff in some of those rentals, and the rent keeps going up, just like doctors, dentists, medicines, etc.How about the property taxes always going up too. Don't blame the people, they are/were the victims of a greedy and self serving bunch of corporations and governments (not necessarily in that order). How about all the millionaires that were filing for bankruptcy, and being able to keep their cars and houses and other toys? The Donald was one of the many. Why didn't it destroy his credit? Why didn't they make him sell his mansion to pay some of his debts? Someone is determined to create a caste system in this country, and it is moving along at a pretty rapid rate. I am just plain sick and tired of the media and others, blaming this whole financial mess on the middle class and the lower income people (again not necessarily in that order). And, I'm sick and tired of the racist inuendos, the sexist remarks and even the age slurs, both young and old. And, thanks to our government not doing its proper job and defending our borders, now we are getting more ethnic slurs, inuendos and the accompanied hatred, not because we are a hateful people, but because we believe in the Constitution of the U. S. and the Rule of Law. And we resent people coming here illegally and getting preferred treatment by the government we have, in many cases, served and paid taxes to maintain. Our hospital emergency rooms are full of foreigners, we have to wait in crowded waiting rooms to be seen, our social services are over burdened with these foreigners (who if illegal do not even help pay for those services) and we, the American people, cannot get help when we need it, and if we do, it is made very clear that it is very temporary and minimal, but that is not so for the foreigners. Another thing that rankles my fur is the government and the media bringing up the fact that all of our ancestors were immigrants. So what! Most of us were born and raised here in America! How long does it take to be recognized as an American?

Not that that is especially something to be proud of anymore. The politicians have almost ruined that for us too, just as they have for being a Californian. I still resent it being called the "left"coast, LALA Land, etc. But that is nothing compared to what they are calling the USA nowadays. It's shameful, hurtful and humiliating. I, for one, spent nineteen years of my life, serving my country. Six years in the military and thirteen years working for the govt.(Defense Logistics Agency/ Department of Defense). It cost me everything I had worked all my life for. The govt did not keep their word, as usual, and like all the treaties and other agreements that have been and are being broken, so was my contract (in writing). I still have some of the paperwork. I was never made whole. It's a pretty long story, so suffice it to say, I'm still very upset by the whole thing, and probably will be til the day I die.

I am also very upset and angry about being lied to all my life, by my teachers,my history books, and my government. It still goes on today. I can't be mad at my parents, because the were lied to also, and even my grandparents. We have ALL been and are being lied to!

I happen to believe in the People of America, certainly not the government, as much as it hurts me to say.

I do believe in miracles and the power of Prayer, and am hoping that everyone will awaken before it is too late. I do not believe it is too late yet, but then I'm an optimistic person.

GOD bless all of you, and GOD bless America "AGAIN".

Most Sincerely,
